Jessica Yaniv Sues King Charles

In a stunning and brave turn of events, we can exclusively reveal that having sued the rest of the world and failed, Jessica Yaniv Simpson is now suing His Majesty King Charles for £1.5 million. Note for Jessica – I have met him several times; he is a lovely chap who knows bullshit when he sees it. He also is handy around the stables, so maybe he can help muck out your pigloo.

In related news, which in no way at all should be seen as Jessica intimidating witnesses in her criminal trial or those giving victim statements at her mother’s sentencing tomorrow Jessica is also suing her mother’s strata, personally naming Mr Funk, Mr Calis & others in her application to the federal court. The fact that it really is intimidation of witnesses it happened just days before testimony should not be seen as connected. I am sure Langley RCMP and the court would not want to know about it and investigate.

But didn’t the court rule no action could be taken before the end of the criminal trial? I hear our readers ask. Well, yes, but court orders & rules are for plebs, not for our “3rd Year Law Student.” How dare you suggest Jessica would break the law by circumventing a court’s ruling.

We are working through over 100 pages of lawsuit and legal documents and will bring you the full story of all of them. So please, Jessica, slow down your fuck ups to allow us to catch up. You have filed court documents at least 8 times since June naming MeowMix, and every single one has been denied. You claim we are anti LGBTQI but the owner is the G & the I (for real & not your fake diagnosis at the BCHRT) and lived as a transgender woman for almost 10 years.

It all seems that Jessica replaced her hairy wart-infected balls with a crystal one – considering she predicted we would post the filing above 6 weeks before we did. Maybe a new career when she loses the Pigloo?

It got me thinking, though, you sue anything that moves because you have no life, no friends and are despised by the LGBTQI+ community. Why haven’t you sued the one person responsible for all your misery and failures? Maybe try suing your aunt mother, who gave birth to you.

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48 Replies to “Jessica Yaniv Sues King Charles”

  1. 377

    Puzzled…how can uploading copies of public, court related documents be unlawful? Is he also going after sites uploading the same docs and subsequent comments/opinions or just MMix?

    Is yaniv referring to yet another sexual assault or is this related to the recent medic farce?

    Hell Yeah 14
    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      Just MM. This is just a holding article whilst we sort through everything else.

      Hell Yeah 12
    2. nNANcy

      Didn’t I tell you guys that his only out from the criminal charges is to plead that he is an imbecile for real, and he doesn’t understand all this lawyerly stuff? Book lernin is to hard for him. Suing the King is his first attempt to prove how stupid he is. It’s so obvious and transparent. Hey Jethro, I’m going to email the court all the comments I made about you trying to get off by claiming you are legitimately too stupid to understand everything you’ve gotten yourself into.
      It’s not going to work. Your ass is still getting nailed to the wall. To the WALL Jethro.

      1. Mickey

        I have stuff to mail too as of 10 minutes ago!!!

      2. Or trying to get off by looking insane, maybe he will plea mentally unstable.

  2. Jay

    Suing King Charles for what? Unbelievable. Is it trying to prove its lost the plot so sentencing on court cases going through the system now will all be thrown out as its declared insane.
    As a partner of a transgender person I can assure JYS that I’m definitely not anti trans. Just anti the behaviour and hurt done to many others by JYS.

    1. 377

      Remember his Sex Day a zillion years ago when he was little nobody, he still dines out on that so what better way to reach a worldwide audience, now being a much fatter nobody, than filing against KC. If he thinks this will end well (if it gets any publicity) then he’s even more retarded than I thought. The mocking will crucify him.

      jonny yaniv expecting a hefty default payment from Charlie. I can’t wait.

      Hell Yeah 10
      1. MrEd

        He’s just a bigger nobody now spending his life trying desperately to get anyone to notice him.
        The days when he was a self proclaimed “Global Internet Personality” he now wants to avoid.
        Go back & watch his alex jones interviews….he was sucking up every moment in glory…”LOOK AT ME”
        To the city council & his wheelchair & brian tumor.
        When you think of it….everything he does is for attention even if it’s negative.
        Yet he’s still a nobody.

    2. Mickey

      I don’t think anybody here is against transgender people Jay. I welcome all people with good intentions myself. This is about Jon only and I am really upset about the hurt he has caused both individual people, and especially how he is hurting the community he so desperately claims to be an activist of. I know you already know this. JYS will see this and not even know what it means however due to his severely low IQ that prevents him from living safely as an adult. Hugs to your partner.

      1. nNANcy

        I think everyone here is awesome. And their partners. Full stop.

      2. Jay

        Thankyou Mickey. Unlike JYS most transgender people just want to be happy and live their life without bothering anyone else.

      3. Mickey

        Oh gosh Jay, everyone here knows that. If they didn’t I would not be here. Jon is not transgender. What he IS is a monster who has hurt so many. Totally reminds me of Silence of the Lambs. An AGP who tries to use the surgery to get with women only to be denied because he was not transgender at all.
        Hi from a married, bisexual mom of 3 kids. Married to a man. I hope you come back again and again.

  3. 377

    * wrong use of unlawful.

    Anyone would think that an internationally renowned activist would welcome the LGBTetc community knowing what his activism is achieving. It seems he wants it all done anonymously behind closed doors for some strange reason.

    1. MrEd

      & get support from the community mentioned, they’re they ones that should be providing him security, organizing protests against the wicked kakbob sellers etc.
      Nope….Just jonny making a fool out of himself.

  4. Felix

    Post his complaint against the king!

    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      Don’t worry we will be but it is 65 pages long..

      1. MrEd

        Wait….no shit?……he really did file against the king?

        Hell Yeah 11
  5. Mickey

    I had mouth surgery on Friday and can’t laugh so I will do so here now. Let the laughing commence:

    You get the picture. He will never even see this I assume but how he and his wife would laugh if they did.

    1. Mickey

      I just realized he used the word “troll” in a legal filing suing His Majesty King Charles III for the whole world to see. His frees subscription must be over.
      Troll? 🙂 He must enjoy the humiliation.
      Wait: I just realized KCIII probably has stuff to deal with trolls actually. Probably in the basement of one of the castles. Long live King Charles III!!!!

      Hell Yeah 6
      Fuck This Comment 1
  6. MrEd

    Which case is the screenshot from? It mentions sexual assault…Did he suffer a kabob ramming also?

    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      So far that is the only thing he hasn’t accused Mr Kebob of doing. This is the ambulance case.

      1. KittyCatMom

        Good Lord. She Tweeted that she was filing a lawsuit for sexual assault on this paramedic and posted pictures. Now she wants it to be kept confidential….
        UBC LAW = SMRT

  7. Vern Thurston

    All the reason to have Johnathan Yaniv designated as a Vexatious Litigant to stop his wasting of Taxpayers money that funds the Court System. Next, a Mental Health Assessment.

    Court Records and Filings in BC are Public, they can be viewed by paying a $5 fee. PDFs you can access. Here is a link:

    There appears to be a filing by Jessica Simpson/Johnathan Yaniv in Surrey Court against the Strata. This is after the Omar Peroz Great Afghan Restaurant Scam filing. Wonder what he claims against his Strata?

    1. Mickey

      Hurt fee fees?

  8. TheRealTrustedNerd

    OMG! I thought suing the King was a joke. For a guy without balls, he’s got some big proverbial balls.

    If he had any sense, he should sue George, Charlotte and Louis. Why stop there? Mahatma Gandhi’s family, go after them, they’re a bunch of pacifists, they will give him what he wants!

  9. Mickey

    Is the fact that he calls you a terrorist on an official court filing an actionable accusation or does it not matter because he didn’t spell out the word transGENDER so nobody knows what he means as usual? 🙂 Just a rhetorical question really. Then again he mentions MM assuming as if the King knows what that is.

    1. Mickey

      Correction. He did not use MM. That was me. Apologies.

  10. 377

    Why does such a legal eagle that is yaniv not request anonymity as he’s filing (akin to BCHRT) – can that be done in big boy court?

    Is it yaniv’s stupidity or mine as I don’t understand.

    Something else I never understood – iirc the idiot asked for privacy re his physio payout days AFTER the court made his award public..

    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      The legal eagle has submitted an identical application on every case. Everyone is “Denied”.

      1. Vern Thurston

        He cuts and pastes, the request for Cart Services was Miriam’s request. He has Complaint templates to speed the process, they all look similar. Perhaps Meow Mix can file the Complaint for misrepresenting a Service Dog?

        I am too far away, it should be someone who is in Langely or at least Vancouver. Here is the form:

        I was hopeful Omar Peroz might file this type of complaint.
        What do you think of a notification to the SPCA-abuse of Rexy?

        Yaniv files complaints steadily, I think we can all collectively start some complaints for legitimate reasons.
        Suing King Charles, the filing fee is higher, the claim is above 35,000 limit of Small Claims. He is so ridiculous.

        Hell Yeah 5
        Fuck This Comment 0
      2. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

        £1.5 million CAD….

  11. Hilary Trotter

    FatBoySlim needs to know a couple of things….

    King Charles has ordered Traitors Gate at the Tower of London to be refurbished .

    A new Torturer has been appointed and is sharpening the tools of the trade at the Tower.

  12. shortstuff

    he’s doing it for the attention. Especially media attention and hoping to appear on shows. Just another grift for cash.

  13. Felix

    What court did she file the complaint against da king in?

    1. Mickey

      I don’t know what court he filed it in but It looks like the usual application. He is suing for 1.5 million Canadian dollars but I am American and don’t know the courts there. Can’t be small claims though. 🙂 I am looking forward to all 100 pages though because I love to read.

  14. Watcher

    Unless he has something tangible against KCIII (which he won’t have) this will just go straight in the bin as there’s absolutely no way KCIII will turn up to satisfy the demented ramblings of this cretin.

    If the courts don’t declare him vexatious after this latest example of retardness, then they need to give their heads a severe wobble…

  15. Cactus

    Tibit news, A few days ago JYS with Mother and Rexy in tow entered our local Olive Garden restaurant, of course bypassed the waiting line and a short time later were seen being escorted out for some unknown reasons. On the way out they passed by two elderly ladies sitting down waiting for their meals who happened to be owners at the same strata that dear mom lives in. As the big bully (Jessica) passed them by he yelled out bravely F***k you towards them. Jessica is very brave and fearless when it comes to intimidating elderly ladies, I only wish I was sitting at that table.
    On another note, in the near future myself and other owners will organize an evening out to attend the Kebob restaurant to enjoy their delicious food and show our support to the owner and staff. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Jessica and Miriam, you low life,
    disgusting individuals.

    Hell Yeah 16
    Fuck This Comment 0
    1. Mickey

      You literally could not have planned it if you tried. This is just the best story and I hope you know how much admiration and respect your group deserves for finally being the first group brave enough to stand up to him and not back down. This will be what brings him down and nobody has EVER been able to do it. Having said that I want to say how sorry I am that you ever had to deal with this monster in the first place.

  16. @fasterpussy

    I can only imagine what the absolute fool is thinking now. If he needs money that bad, heard the palace is currently looking to fill the position of court jester. Does this mean he’s coming to the U.K.? Oh I do hope so. Hey, John riddle me this, what happens to cod on a Friday night throughout the fair kings land??

    1. Mickey

      Is it fried and eaten? I’m American.

    2. nNANcy

      He can’t come to the UK, As he’s not a citizen and has a criminal record for violence he is not admittable. Even if he is suing the King.

      1. Mickey

        Can’t come here now too. Ever because we are bad bitches over here.and when we take somebody down we take them DOWN no matter how long it takes. Like 17 months exactly for me. Hugs to you.

  17. Felix

    Great Olive Garden story! Someone should tell it at Jon’s eventual sentencing for throttling the old gentleman, and at Miriam’s sentencing hearing tomorrow

  18. Trevor Dunen

    He’s just clutching at straws and seeking attention now. You cannot sue the King because the papers would have to be served on him and the King is the head of all Commonwealths including Canada, he can get rid of this with one stroke of a pen, but he doesn’t need to. this may also attract attention from MI5 and MI6. I am sure they have been in touch now with your intelligence agency in Canada to keep an eye on this dangerous and mentally deranged man.

    1. Mickey

      Thank God someone explained this, although it is not your job to do I still thank you. All I could think about was the beloved Elizabeth II and James Bond jumping from a helicopter was EPIC, only replaced by Paddington and his sandwich issues. Luckily the Queen is always prepared and she taught King Charles III well. Jon should be worried but not about this one. He is an immigrant who is going after his own King and he thinks he will be welcome to stay? A conviction in the states is swift when they can find them and final because no immigrant with a criminal record is welcome here. I would never go into another country and try to tell them what to do and would expect whatever form of justice they have there because I DON”T LIVE THERE JON!!!! Anything could happen these days I would imagine.

    2. Jaime

      I assume CISIS which is Canada national security agency is fully away of him now.


    Pretty soon Big Jon will try to sue all of us for “misgendering” him. Bring it fat boy!

  20. Anonymous

    What an idiot. Johnny can’t sue the King for the same reason Charles is exempt from criminal prosecution. You can’t force the monarch to testify in his own court.

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