We are writing a fuller set of articles. Still, we felt that the title is almost enough to convey the absolutely scummy levels that Jessica Jonathon Gill Serenity Yaniv of Langley BC will sink to in the crazed criminal campaign of stalking and harassment against Donald Francis Smith. We thank the 3rd party who led us to these screenshots. Donald F Smith declined to comment when he was approached about this article.
There is not one word we can think of that conveys our feelings of revulsion. Yaniv decided to visit Donalds’ grandmother’s memorial page in the last 24 hours. We publish only 2 of the comments that this degenerate danger to the entire community posted. We can only ask the RCMP why they haven’t taken action against this depraved transgender terrorist.
And Donald, if you are reading this – A friend of Almas contacted us with these details – She says Alma would have been very proud of you. This is something that Yaniv’s father never got to say, which is why there is no memorial page or headstone for him.

If you want to hear more about the insane world of Jessica Yaniv a.k.a Jessica Simpson look no further.
This is exactly why we need MeowMix, this person is sick & depraved. Please keep up the good work exposing Yaniv as the low-life it is.
Grrrrrrrrrr, I am really rieled now and lucky for it I live in a different Province
Jon, yes, I mean you, you vile degenerate: I had meant to add « pervert », but that just turns you on. So lets get to it: you have no job, no friends, no nothing. You are addicted to attention, and the only way you can still get that is by going downward to depravity and if that hurts people you don’t care. But Karma is a bitch. The best outcome you can hope for is that you grift enough government welfare dollars so you can kind of hang on, but that’s not enough for maintaining a condo and driving Nissan Pathfinders, and hell no it’s not even enough to constantly eat out cause you are too lazy to cook. You’re running out of money and the fun stops and depression finally sets in. You won’t get out of your bed knowing your life is worthless because you are worthless. You’ll just fade out and suffocate on your puke from your body revolting after one pizza too many. And that’s your good outcome. The more realistic outcome is BC’s woke courts have their upper bullshit limits and your new address will be Cellblock #5 at « Club Fed ». Your infamy precedes your arrival there and your « I am Métis » claim will result in a shakedown that drains the puss out of that giant pimple you call your head. Silence from the guards. The kindest one may throw you a juice box.
A juice box full of piss I’d bet
There truly is no low to which Jessie won’t stoop. I honestly thought we had seen the depths of his depravity but everytime I’m shocked at how vile he is. Absolutely zero redeeming qualities and it’s absolutely justifiable to hate Yaniv with every fibre of my being.
Yaniv craves attention and if it wasn’t for Court Dates, Hearings, and Social Media hate Yaniv wouldn’t have any attention. A Sociopath Narcissist with DNA Damage that is one of a few people on earth who doesn’t have one good quality to offer. Attacking someones Grandmother on their Tribute page shows how Mentally Damaged Yaniv is. Remember his Gender Transition didn’t transform him into a Beauty Queen, it made him a sexless Eunuch. Now he is angry and frustrated.
Lashing out at DS and his family is his rage manifesting itself. He has no empathy for others or animals, a textbook Psychopath. His mental state is childlike egotism combined with fantasy. The Delusions are apparent in his profile pictures, all are altered frauds. Claiming to be a Metis and Activist is pure Delusion where he “self- identifies” and thinks it to be real. Crashing a Teenage Beauty Contest for Teenage Girls as a male in his 30’s? Wearing a little crown with mom snapping photos to appease the beast? Pure Mental Illness on display. Yaniv is a sad and repugnant character that should be institutionalized before he acts out on a violent fantasy or delusion. Rarely is their a human with no dignity or empathy to the point they would attack a tribute to a deceased person. All for a reaction to seem relevant in their depraved fantasy world.
Yaniv craves attention and if it wasn’t for Court Dates, Hearings, and Social Media hate Yaniv wouldn’t have any attention. A Sociopath Narcissist with DNA Damage that is one of a few people on earth who doesn’t have one good quality to offer. Attacking someones Grandmother on their Tribute page shows how Mentally Damaged Yaniv is. Remember his Gender Transition didn’t transform him into a Beauty Queen, it made him a sexless Eunuch. Now he is angry and frustrated.
Lashing out at DS and his family is his rage manifesting itself. He has no empathy for others or animals, a textbook Psychopath. His mental state is childlike egotism combined with fantasy. The Delusions are apparent in his profile pictures, all are altered frauds. Claiming to be a Metis and Activist is pure Delusion where he “self- identifies” and thinks it to be real. Crashing a Teenage Beauty Contest for Teenage Girls as a male in his 30’s? Wearing a little crown with mom snapping photos to appease the beast? Pure Mental Illness on display. Yaniv is a sad and repugnant character that should be institutionalized before he acts out on a violent fantasy or delusion. Rarely is their a human with no dignity or empathy to the point they would attack a tribute to a deceased person. All for a reaction to seem relevant in their depraved fantasy world.
This comment proves that Yaniv may very well be the next Elliot Rodger. He may very well cause a Day of Retribution on his own. This will eventually cause the Feminists of the world to riot and North America will undergo a sexual reckoning. This riot will be a step up from #MeToo and it will very well lead to a war against incels.
This is absolutely VILE. Someone’s memorial page shouldn’t be vandalized because of the stick up JY’s ass for donald has gone neglected for so long. so disgusting i hope the RCMP do something soon.
The funeral home will have those ip addresses automatically recorded of who sent the messages. If it comes back to Yaniv, let the lawsuits begin.
Jon’s not very smart and left breadcrumbs that lead back to him. Hopefully Donald has someone on his side to help get that information.
Donald has back up and the funeral home have called the RCMP!
Imagine being so morally destitute that you vandalize a deceased grandmother’s memorial page, AFTER murdering a kitten and throwing her little, abused body away like trash.
PThe only good outcome is… I dare not say.
Just when you think the disgusting depravity of this abysmal freak can’t get any worse, he goes lower.
The only saving grace is that at least this demented branch of the Yaniv family no longer have the ability to pollute the gene pool.
Yaniv *had* the ability to procreate. He had frozen sperm stored at a facility he was stupid enough to name.
I called the place pretending to be Jon and ordered they destroy the frozen sperm. They assured me the sperm was destroyed.
Then Jon catches wind of my action and calls the facility and demands to know if his sperm is OK. What are they going to say? We destroyed it illegally and open themselves to a huge lawsuit? Nope, they simply replaced Jon’s sperm with dog sperm and told him everything is fine. LOL. Dog sperm. fitting for a mutt like Yaniv.
There really is no low this scumbag won’t sink to. Let’s not forget this is a “person”
(I use person in the very loosest sense of the word) who used a sock account to say they wished that a person would outlive their children! Jon you are are vile and depraved scumbag, a fucking fat and friendless freak! Usually I’d avoid the name calling but fuck it, why not? After I leave this comment, I’ll go and chat with some friends and maybe return a phone call or two that I’ve missed off friends throughout the day! I have a life, friends, family, people who care about me, you however, have driven everyone away who ever tried to care. You are a disgusting stain on the face of humanity. You are irredeemable and incorrigible, the is no redemption possible for you, you are utterly broken and depraved.
I’ve rarely seen the type of honest raw emotion that you just exhibited here. You managed to sum up all the deficiency’s of the learned larping scholar Jethro Bodine, Pervert at Large, 450 lb. death fat degenerate heading to prison to learn the finer inside details of mop handle duty. See what I did there?
I can’t wait until the indigenous inmates get to host a personal tete a tete chat with our erudite dainty Princess. I hope he remembers to smuggle in lots of lube, it makes that ‘ole mop handle just glide like it’s gilded in gold.
The only thing that will ever stop this deranged pervert is a literal skull fucking so magnanimous it goes into the record books. Only when this whale sized fucker screams “no MAS” is when the world knows something important has finally penetrated that lop sided blob on his shoulders that he calls (Mr. Potato) head. This freak will go into the books as the single handed destroyer of trans tolerance in Canada. This country has plenty of idiots who are content to be lassaiz fare even as their girls are being molested by deranged AGP larpers in a dress. We also have plenty of concerned parents who have been fence sitting and when they leave that fence they inevitably land of the side of resistance to the entire trans movement. Just like everything else in life, it only takes a couple of gargantuan trans idiots to destroy everything for the law abiding people of this once proud nation. I welcome the antics of this stupid fucker who has never been able to see further than the end of his dick, which in the pre-chop days was somewhere in the realm of 3 glorious inches. Keep at it Jethro, YOUR blatant IQ of 70 stupidity will turn all the oblivious parents into activists fighting tooth and nail to reign in the mentally deficient perverted degenerates who think being a woman means donning a costume and having scissor sex. Jon, you are despised, you are fat, and your ugly goes so deep it’s seeping out your back. Nobody wants anything to do with you. Ever. People flee from on the sight of you. Even babies vomit profusely when you are within meters of them. As for what you did to Princess, well, I hope the indigenous woman in the pen get creative and decide to teach you a lesson in life that comes straight from hell and makes you wish you were long dead and gone. Like Princess. Tick tock you stupid fat frocked fucker.
God. I mean who actually DOES this? Yaniv is a horrible human. Just when you think that they are at rock bottom with the crap they pull, they go even lower..
Get over to Israel you fucking coward, you’ve not said one word about the massacre of your people. Most Israeli Australians of fighting age have flown over there, why aren’t you there? How can you sit in your condo eating Pizzas 7 trying to destroy Donald when your real goal should be to try and destroy Hamas, or are you frightened, scared of backing your people. Cowardice is the best word to describe who you are, fucking Metis my arse, you know how to use a gun yet you sit on your hands while your own relatives are attacked & not one word from you on Twitter. Us Aussies are not like that, we fought bravely in all the wars and died like men, we never sat at home tossing off like you are.
My Grandfather fought at Gallipoli & Ypres with Australians. He had the highest regard for them. He called them Diggers & would smile but would never explain why but I can guess why. He probably got into trouble with them when they weren’t fighting.
Yaniv is racist towards Arabs and likely doesn’t give two shits about Israel, yet he likely knows that defending Israel or BDS will draw negative attention to him.
Scat Fetishist Yaniv is definitely the next Elliot Rodger. He does not even care for his own people, only about sex.
It’s all paying off now Jon. The careful cultivation of your reputation and meticulously constructed personality has resulted in you being beloved across Canada and even sees you gaining a foothold in hearts and minds overseas. Law firms across Canada are going to be clamoring for the chance to even be associated with you, knowing partnering with you is out of the reach of most elites. I’m very happy for you brother. Considering your latest profile pictures I really wouldn’t be surprised if we see you on the cover of Vogue before the end of the fiscal year. It’s time to take the woman of the year award away from Dylan and present it to you, Jon. You know what. Shut it down. You’re the greatest woman in all of history, dude. There is no need for further awards as noone will ever surpass you as a woman. I’m really happy for you dude.
*snort laughs* because I know John is so inflated with self importance he will think you genuinely mean this 🤣
JV a fan man in a wig.
At least Yaniv can never procreate. I spoofed the sperm storage facility, told them I was Yaniv, and ordered they destroy Jon’s sperm.
They complied. On the spot. End of story.
Any sperm stored under the name of Jonathan Gill Jessica Serenity Simpson Yaniv is gone.
I think our beloved social justice warrior for the trans movement has a deeply hidden secret about his past, one that would truly destroy this fucker’s about narrative about himself.
He isn’t avoiding all the offers of free genealogy testing because he knows he’s not Metis. Everyone knows that. Genealogy testing this freak for a Metis background is like asking what time the Titanic will dock in NYC. In both cases, it’s a big fucking NO and waste of time and resources.
We know our ardent activist agitator is a prolific racist, sporting huge hate boners against immigrants, women, the free press, Arabs, RCMP, anyone exposing his past, DFS but ESPECIALLY Immigrant women of COLOR.
How could this larping, lying, criminal, cockless, violent, racist, deathfat fool explain away the fact that half of his genetic background is ARAB! Yes, I posit that whoever shat this thing out was impregnated by a mostly ARAB individual. Let’s look at facts. Who would willingly marry good old Yitzak unless they are already pregnant and needed a quick marriage certificate to head off some death or honor killings? So there you have it. Our beloved and loving tolerant, understanding, caring honest and intelligent genuine woman is in reality what he hates with a furor that’s senseless. Unless, of course, you’re into hating yourself which is quite common for those with cretin level IQs in the low 70h’s.
(See what I did there with Jethro and hate boner? LOL!!! Jethro with a hate boner, HAHAHA)
I think our beloved social justice warrior for the trans movement has a deeply hidden secret about his past, one that would truly destroy this fucker’s about narrative about himself.
He isn’t avoiding all the offers of free genealogy testing because he knows he’s not Metis. Everyone knows that. Genealogy testing this freak for a Metis background is like asking what time the Titanic will dock in NYC. In both cases, it’s a big fucking NO and waste of time and resources.
We know our ardent activist agitator is a prolific racist, sporting huge hate boners against immigrants, women, the free press, Arabs, RCMP, anyone exposing his past, DFS but ESPECIALLY Immigrant women of COLOR.
How could this larping, lying, criminal, cockless, violent, racist, deathfat fool explain away the fact that half of his genetic background is ARAB! Yes, I posit that whoever shat this thing out was impregnated by a mostly ARAB individual. Let’s look at facts. Who would willingly marry good old Yitzak unless they are already pregnant and needed a quick marriage certificate to head off some death or honor killings? So there you have it. Our beloved and loving tolerant, understanding, caring honest and intelligent genuine woman is in reality what he hates with a furor that’s senseless. Unless, of course, you’re into hating yourself which is quite common for those with cretin level IQs in the low 70h’s.
(See what I did there with Jethro and hate boner? LOL!!! Jethro with a hate boner, HAHAHA)
jethro with a hate boner, hahahaha
Nancy there is nothing stopping you from posting but every time you have a a vino you keep copying and pasting the same post multiple times because you aren’t seeing it appear quick enough. All you have to is type and hit post. It will show up when moderated. It has happened so many times your posts are being marked as trash. Stop it
Why have you banned me from commenting?! Every time I mention I compare Yaniv to Elliot Rodger, you delete my comment.
We don’t. You keep hitting post and it goes to spam.
The dildo comment is grounds for a curb stomp by itself.