Since this post, Yaniv has shared a picture of Rexie with his head on a restaurant table, so that is now photo evidence that he is an untrained mongrel dog and not a service dog in any way. However, he refuses to mention the missing cat. Comment Guidelines can be found here.
Just a short update for today. We are not talking about Yaniv’s infected mancave because, thanks to his need to send pornographic pictures of it to female Asian Doctors on Twitter, the entire world has already suffered extreme blindness caused by the use of eye bleach. No, we are talking about this pretty little kitten that el Fateo Man was boasting online about having a few months ago.
At the time, the blonde bombsite was raving about his care for the poor creature. In particular, he claimed he bathed the cat once a week! Which, by our reckoning, is once a week more than he showers himself. Cats do not need or like being bathed, especially by someone whose incontinence leaves a whiff of poop wherever he goes.
Even at this point, the poor thing looks scared, and it is of no surprise that the main pic – Yaniv’s bloodied fingers (for once wasn’t from his used tampon fetish) were caused by the poor mite fighting back. It is probably no less than a surprise that shortly after this, the PUSSY CAT was never heard of again.
Nada, Nothing, Non, Na, لا, Bù, not one single mention since then. We know that Yaniv posts about Rexie every time he does a dump in a restaurant’s doorway but nothing about his pussy cat. Have you seen Yaniv’s Pussy? Do you know of his Pussy’s whereabouts? Has his clit pussy been reported missing?
We genuinely do not know what has become of this beloved pet. Other than the documented evidence he has provided about its fate, we have no more knowledge of its current status or if the poor thing is still alive. If anyone has information about the cats’ disappearance, please let us know, and if the poor cat has been abandoned, hopefully, we will find it was adopted by a nice Muslim family who loves all their pets.

If you want to hear more about the insane world of Jessica Yaniv a.k.a Jessica Simpson look no further.
Some cats like the Sphynx (hairless cat, has skin issues) need to be bathed and Maine Coons usually just LOVE water but that cat is neither of those things and it makes me feel bad knowing something may have happened to her.
We know Jon Yaniv reads this website – Every single day so we are hopeful that he will provide evidence that he rehomed the cat safely before it is reported to RCMP and the local animal welfare groups.
I agree it needs to be reported but I must wonder what effect it will really have? His parole office has been contacted (by me, twice with no reply), the Metis association, by me, I’ve used the fraud hotline for disability cheaters and in every case nothing appears to have come of it. Either all of these public employees simply shine chairs all day long or they don’t care about Yaniv and his victims or they know and have tried to do something to no avail. Which I strongly doubt. Because he’d be whining about it on social media.
Get a visit by your RSPCA equivalent, criminal charges can be brought for animal cruelty. Including the barring of owning other pets. If there’s not way of pursuing this I will reach out to a QC over here who is a cat owner and we’ll see.
P.S. QC became KC after the death of the queen!
Whatever ****(people)***adopted this kitty, and Rexy as well, to someone with a documented history of animal abuse.
****Was edited for clarity!!****
Yaniv **allegedly** killed previous animals, I do believe 100% he killed the cat, knowing how much it will piss everyone off. This is the only ways Yaniv can get back at us.
The cat hasn’t been seen, he indicated with the picture showing the blood on his hands.
You need to think how low IQ Yaniv thinks.
As Yaniv reads this site daily we hope he will set the record straight.
Poor animals. Both Rexy and the dead kitty. No animals deserve the abuse that they have endured from her.
jon belongs in a shelter, aka prison
The cat has no intrinsic “value” to Jon as it has little to no grifting potential.
The dog’s days are numbered as well now that his fake “service dog” accessory has been outed by the court.
I do have to question the sense of whatever idiot let him have animals in the first place, I wouldn’t trust him to look after anything more taxing than a wax crayon.
Crayons are made out of beef fat anyways, yaniv would probably just eat them
jonny making a fashion statement by dressing like his dog.
Granted his latest video is in a stationary vehicle but does he drive about with an unrestrained dog going from seat to seat willy nilly? Perry not heard of distracted driving laws?
Where is your cat Jessica?? Genuine question, as cat lover and slave of 4 cats myself, I’d like to know where that gorgeous cat that you needlessly bathed weekly is. The proof is in the pudding as they say?? #wheresyourcat
It’s understandable this site is devoted to Jon, but boy oh boy, that Hayden asshole tops Jethro in almost every aspect. Hayden already owes $35K in court fees, fines and judgements and he’s just warming up. Jethro has a tall hill to climb to catch Hayden and even more so to pass him. We have years of entertainment front of us. BTW, where the hell is everyone? No new items to report? Fatso said he has finals coming. Finals in what? Underwater Halal eating?
We would need to buy a bigger server if we were to write about Yaniv’s British Identical twin.
Oh, ya, Roger that. Maybe I should take up the Hayden gauntlet? Ya, cripes, he can’t touch me over here and I’ve been itching to taunt that prick as he taunts others so he can see how it feels. I suspect you might be willing to offer me some advice on setting up/running things?
Has Jess announced her 5th or 6th booster vaccine yet? It appears they need mask and lockdowns in order to win the upcoming elections.
Where can I contact site administration privately?
Also in regards to your newer post with no comments section, people need to point out Yaniv is a sexual predator when warning people about him.
You can email No one has an issue with pointing out the truth about Yaniv, it just doesn’t need to include the former US president, Islamophobia or anything to do with C19 unless it directly concerns Yaniv. EG First Nations queue jumping.