Have you ever looked at the utter bombsite that is Yaniv Simpson’s life and thought, “How the fuck do you put this in writing?” When the actual truth is a parody, it isn’t easy to know how to start. My favourite is when people tell me the Yaniv story is so far-fetched it must be made up; stop and read it with the evidence, and you can see their faces change with the realisation that JY is real. JY is NOT an LGBTQ activist; he is a Yaniv activist and only out for himself.
If you are new to the Yaniv Planet of the gapes, we need to point out that Yaniv-Simpson becomes obsessed with anyone who isn’t frightened of him, is successful, is well off, has friends, knows how to shower, hasn’t cut their dick off, is a real woman, hasn’t murdered cats, hasn’t had their dog taken off them, is a real lesbian etc etc. You get the point. Like DFS, Meghan Murphy is everything El Slobbo wants to be & will never be. And that drives his porn-addled cyst brain wild. Yaniv stalks her online and in real life whilst he impotently shreds his neobean and genital warts. Never has the irony of the phrase “he has a hard-on for her” been so apt and so laughable at the same time.
Megan Murphy is one brave woman who, as far back as 2018, was warning the public about the sexual predator Jon Yaniv. When others remained silent, she called out his perverted bullshit for what it was. Not just on his fraudulent BCHRT claims but his disgusting and frankly criminal behaviour towards girls like Jessica Rumple. Meghan Murphy was banned from Twitter for life for correctly referring to Jon Yaniv as a he. Jonathan Yaniv Simpson was, at the time, a self-identified trans woman who was suing 16 female beauticians in Vancouver for refusing to provide him with a Brazilian wax. At the BCHRT hearing, Yaniv and his Aunt Miriam lied under oath, claiming that JY had both sets of genitals. Ultimately, Yaniv lost his case because he had fraudulently set up these Asian women for financial gain and racist ideology.
Yaniv proudly boasted that he had got Murphy banned; it was one of his few actual wins, but we now know that the sad sack had hundreds of sock accounts, all reporting the same post in the hope of achieving this. I am not sure having to have so many sock accounts because you have no friends is a win.
With Meghan gone, Yaniv did his normal and lied through his teeth about interactions. We thought this one was the funniest. Yaniv has only ever done one debate – With Blaire White, which he lost spectacularly by being arrested for weapons charges!
Meghan’s Twitter account was rightly reinstated in 2022, something that caused JY’s severely strained sanity to pop, just like the stitches in his man cave after he started calling the fire brigade to help him out of his bath. Since then, his holy halitosis has been nothing short of venomous, and he has stalked her every movement. Yaniv does this; he looks for people and situations to manufacture grievances. With Meghan, like he does DFS, he desperately tries to be in the centre of the drama. He deliberately puts himself in situations. So, what may you ask, has set him off on another seismic-sized tantrum?
Meghan took part in a live stream about women’s rights and called Yaniv out for being a male predator (in other words, she told the truth). Yaniv deliberately chose to watch it and get involved. He knew just like he knew that he was not welcome to any space that involving himself would result in a situation. He does the same with DFS. Yaniv is a classic neurodivergent stalker.
No, Yaniv, you won’t. Not even Morgan Oger wants anything to do with you. You are a pariah with a reputation online that not even bleach would clean. You are done. We even found you mentioned in the UK papers you really should read it.
Yaniv, we know you are studying remedial nutrition, but surely even someone of your limited intelligence would know that it is not defamation if it is true. Also, nothing says you are a man more than calling a woman bitch. Also, what are you going to do in court? Wheeze at her with your fat-damaged lungs? Make her laugh? You are a failed conman; you are certainly no Hillary Clinton. You are about to lose your pigloo. What exactly do you think you can do?
Then came the best bit. Yaniv found out that the internet is forever. Queue the meltdown. Yaniv loves to do things unseen or uses false accounts to hide his dirty, disgusting crimes. When challenged, he ALWAYS says “Prove It”. Except this time, people could.
The problem for Yaniv
Of course, it wouldn’t be Yaniv without a false review. Clearly, Yaniv’s special needs are deeper than we thought because he hasn’t learned anything from the Kebob case.
And just one last thing – The creepy period fetishist had to get his favourite kink into play. I guess he hasn’t learned from his genital wart misadventure.
Yaniv never shies away from declaring things to be transphobic. He not only goes out of his way to find it, but as we have seen with Donald Smith, the waxing and the Kebob cases, he will manufacture the circumstances to create it whilst never getting the fact it isn’t transphobia. It is YanivPhobia, and at this stage, he could win the Nobel Peace Prize and still be universally loathed.
Our next article is Susan Speaks Up – The Violent Threats of Jessica Yaniv’s Dangerous Stalking of Donald Smith.
If you want to hear more about the insane world of Jessica Yaniv a.k.a Jessica Simpson look no further.
Such a lady.
Were my thoughts, too. Such winsome feminine charms and graceful elegance.
Here’s hoping this fat fucking MAN chokes on a used tampon for Thanksgiving.
Fat Yaniv is more than a period fetishist, he is a diaper fetishist and a scat fetishist! He wears adult diapers and constantly shits in them until they overflow. His poop throwing mother refused to potty train him, which is one of the main reasons he enjoys wearing diapers. His scat fetish is what lead to his period fetish because his anal blood makes him think he is on his period which is not true. He probably gets constipated very easily so he shits out blood. Chris Chan and Ethan Ralph may also have a scat fetish because they had DIRTY CRAPPED BRIEFS.
>Screeches terf and threatens vexatious litigation
Doesn’t that cunt realize suing her will do nothing but get him arrested or cause a scandal for the Canadian government that will draw MORE negative attention towards him?
Don’t you just love it how Jethro, the dickless menstruation fetishist was completely blown off by Meghan. He’s more than a eunuch these days, he’s a completely powerless eunuch. At least in the times of the Sultans the eunuchs had a monumentally important task, they had to ensure the hareem remained pure. I imagine 13th century eunuchs were allowed to dish out deadly force without warning. This perverted degenerate Jethro has ZERO power, influence, following, friends, employment, happiness, real responsibilities. Other than care for two animals, once we’re all sure has been killed by him in a fit of rage and there’s still no positive sighting of Rexy? I wouldn’t put it past this fat fuck to have driven him to the deep forest and let him go. There’s not been a peep out of Jethro about his scholarly feats. I don’t personally think he’s enrolled this semester. It wouldn’t surprise me if the SFU admin strongly “suggested” he take an academic break, what with the strain of post secondary was putting on him. He can’t proerly focus on his lolsuits and lord knows there’s plenty of them.
I think the old crone is going to find excuse after excuse not to attend court for the sentencing and I suspect a bench warrant will be required. I can’t believe this old ignorant POS is repudiating her guilty plea!! I truly hope if she sticks to her narrative that the courts come down on her like a hammer on a fly. Who am I kidding? They’ll probably offer her tea and crumpets if she promises to show up. I’d like to hear Trev’s and Vern’s take on the recent events. They’re always keen to offer good opinions on current events.
Jethro, sue Meghan. I double dog dare you. She’ll come after you tooth and nail just for fun because you in your inflated ego state along with the troon lovers that formerly infested Twitter unfairly targeted her.
Don’t you just love it how Jethro, the dickless menstruation fetishist was completely blown off by Meghan. He’s more than a eunuch these days, he’s a completely powerless eunuch. At least in the times of the Sultans the eunuchs had a monumentally important task, they had to ensure the hareem remained pure. I imagine 13th century eunuchs were allowed to dish out deadly force without warning. This perverted degenerate Jethro has ZERO power, influence, following, friends, employment, happiness, real responsibilities. Other than care for two animals, once we’re all sure has been killed by him in a fit of rage and there’s still no positive sighting of Rexy? I wouldn’t put it past this fat fuck to have driven him to the deep forest and let him go. There’s not been a peep out of Jethro about his scholarly feats. I don’t personally think he’s enrolled this semester. It wouldn’t surprise me if the SFU admin strongly “suggested” he take an academic break, what with the strain of post secondary was putting on him. He can’t proerly focus on his lolsuits and lord knows there’s plenty of them.
I think the old crone is going to find excuse after excuse not to attend court for the sentencing and I suspect a bench warrant will be required. I can’t believe this old ignorant POS is repudiating her guilty plea!! I truly hope if she sticks to her narrative that the courts come down on her like a hammer on a fly. Who am I kidding? They’ll probably offer her tea and crumpets if she promises to show up. I’d like to hear Trev’s and Vern’s take on the recent events. They’re always keen to offer good opinions on current events.
Jethro, sue Meghan. I double dog dare you. She’ll come after you tooth and nail just for fun because you in your inflated ego state along with the troon lovers that formerly infested Twitter unfairly targeted her.
When fatso loses the Kebob case & therefore his condo & then he goes to jail for bashing an old man, you know what time it will be? I couldn’t give a fuck, o’clock!
Someone who has a severe learning disability will: have little or no speech. find it very difficult to learn new skills. need support with daily activities such as dressing, washing, eating and keeping safe. have difficulties with social skills.
1)While he can talk its not that of a 36 year old.
2)Its clear he can’t learn any skills even basic ones such as cleaning.
3)While he seems to be able to dress him self its clear he has trouble with washing/cooking etc
3)He has no social skills
Has Rexy really been taken from him? That would be amazing.