The Smelly Socks of Yaniv

Important Note – The evidence in this article is being sent to Kabob Restaurant.

UPDATE Yaniv is in a panic & deleting these accounts. Too late mate we already saved everything.

Sock, Socks, Sock account. :It is a reference to the manipulation of a simple hand puppet made from a sock and is often used to refer to alternative online identities or user accounts used for purposes of deception.

Smelly socks are socks that have acquired a strong odour due to prolonged wearing. Their odour, which is complex and remains the object of study, is a mixture of ammonia, fatty acids (in particular, isovaleric acid), and lactic acid.

Although the odour of smelly socks is often associated with feet, it arises independently of contact with human feet in various foodstuffs such as dairy products, cheeses, sausages and fish sauce and is naturally present in several plants. The smell has also been noted in building and automotive air treatment systems, where it is described as “jock socks odour” or “dirty socks syndrome”. It is an odour that is well-known to the residents of Langley, BC.

It should come as no surprise then that Yaniv, like all great unwashed whale carcases, possesses many such socks. On Twitter, Facebook, Tik Tok & Instagram. Like all bullies, Yaniv likes to hide behind the scenes as much as possible. But he also uses them in his fraudulent campaigns against Muslims, Sikhs and other ethnic minorities.

It seems that Yaniv’s socks are about to be washed, rinsed and hung out to dry. He is being sued for posting fraudulent reviews and is accused of using fake social media accounts to harass a local restaurant. We wondered if we had anything in our extensive archive that could back up these claims…Well, dear readers, we didn’t have to look very far.

First up – Amanda Jones who posted the review above on the Afghan Kabob Facebook page. Looks like a lovely 17-year-old, so right in Yaniv’s age group. The problem is that a quick Google image search shows this person as Kristiana Primenova – A Russian model who didn’t visit Langley.

We wondered though if the profile showed any other connection to Yaniv. Colour us not shocked when we discovered the only person she follows is a niche singer Yaniv goes on about & a fake comment about DFS!

Next up – Ashadiyeeyah Aabid. Surely this review isn’t fake and designed to not only harm the restaurant but bolster his Royal Porkiness fraudulent case.

This one is even sicker. The person in the photograph is Amira Abase, a British schoolgirl who Isis groomed, ran away and died. What sort of sick person uses something like this to attack a Muslim Owned venue? Jessica Yaniv, that’s who.

But is there any other connection to Jessica Yaniv Simpson

Of course, there is. Other than the Kebob Review, the only other like was for a BC Service Dogs charity. Not exactly imaginative.

So now we move to fake review 3. Is it another Yaniv Simpson sock? Before you open them, these images contain extremely disgusting content and a deliberate attack on Muslims. Meow Mix finds them disgusting. It is high time RMCP dealt with Jessica Yaniv. We do not know the person’s real identity in the picture except the image was taken from a disgusting website discussing young girls and periods. 100% Yaniv.

Now our final one. It’s been long known that Jessica Yaniv used a fake profile in the name of Lauren Cimorelli – A girl band he had done basic social media for. He had been warned umpteen times to stop using it.

Unfortunately, TrustedNerd is more like busted fish. He forgot that every change is visible and logged.

There we have it, folks. Four fake reviews, Four smelly socks. Yaniv continues his campaign against Muslims, thinking he will get away with it. Sorry, your Royal Whaleness, but even a beached whale could do better than you and smell better.

I almost started feeling sorry for you, not many people could fuck themselves so completely, but then we remembered you are a nasty racist bully. Omran Perez will have all this information for trial.

Is it sinking in yet? You have lost everything.

23 Replies to “The Smelly Socks of Yaniv”

  1. nNANcy

    Kudos to you, well done exposing the roach of Langley to the light of day. He can’t hide anywhere, anymore. That is wonderful!

    Hell Yeah 18
    Fuck This Comment 1
  2. 377

    You don’t have to look too far to see how and why his IT business(es) failed miserably…a so called “IT specialist” who can’t cover his online tracks – nearly as funny as his passport application.

    Interesting that he chooses young female personas to hide behind…like his life really, a weak, ineffectual cowardly male quaking behind skirts.

    I’m hoping the clatty sod is filling his pants over the restaurant’s response.

    Hell Yeah 16
  3. MrEd

    jonny…not that you had any life to speak of prior, the life you knew is becoming immeasurably worse.
    The condo & car gone will be gone soon & you’ll be homeless pushing shopping cart if not in jail.
    KARMA….I’m loving it

    Hell Yeah 14
  4. Jim Norton

    “Their odour, which is complex and remains the object of study, is a mixture of ammonia, fatty acids (in particular, isovaleric acid), and lactic acid.”

    jon is a fatty acid

  5. 377

    Your update…

    On the one hand I love to read about the gaffs he’s made, makes my day, but on the other hand I’d love for him to be left in total ignorance, smugly confident with his imaginary victory only for the info to be revealed on the spot and watching him blushing and farting in a blind panic – we all know he can’t think on his feet. One reason why I die a little when I read any bona fide legal advice thrown at him.

    It’s all swings and roundabouts I know 🙁

    Yawn, we’ll get to hear the usual denials of these “reviews” being “fake Photoshops from transphobes”, I personally expect no less from him as he is so boringly predictable.

    The sugary stuff for me is that his actions prove he reads every single yaniv related post as he can. Imagine spending every waking minute of your life doing just that and knowing you can’t do anything about it. I’ve come across his name on innocent enough forums , ie unrelated to trans, politics etc and not one post I’ve read has been in a positive light. Imagine that being the life you’ve voluntarily nurtured.

  6. Anon

    He’s such a loser

  7. Vern Thurston

    Dear Meow Mix Moderator
    Omar Peroz would like information on Yaniv”s June 27 Surrey Court Appearance
    The Judge indicated that Rexy was not a Certified Service Dog
    Omar Peroz messaged me saying he would like his Lawyer(s) to be advised of that Judge’s remarks about Rexy

    Thank you for all your work
    Vern (Kevin) Thurston

  8. @fasterpussy

    Oh look, is that a muppet with a sock puppet? 🤣🤣

  9. Trevor Dunen

    The letter I sent to Mr. Peroz-

    Dear Omran Peroz, I live in Australia, my name is Trevor Dunen and for the last few years I have been writing on about Jonathon Yaniv, also known as Jessica Simpson and I have built up quite a following.

    My reason for writing is that I saw that Jessica Simpson is trying to con you out of your hard-earned money by lodging a vexatious court claim against you. he is a true vexatious litigant but nobody has ever claimed that in a court action, this will finish him. he has tried to sue over seventy people and lost every case but they never ever awarded costs against him, only once when he had to pay six grand in the ball waxing case, which he lost.

    I am so excited that finally somebody has stood up to this nutcase in a dress. I can tell you right now that he’s a total moron, he pretends to be intelligent and knows the law but he is in reality a goose. he’s a known child molester and a racist. he hates Muslims and has posted horrible stuff about the Muslim community on the internet under false profiles. I read what the prick tried to do to you the weaseling grifter.

    I totally support what you are doing, you are doing a great service for Canada because this fuckwit has been terrorising people for years without consequence.

    You are a man of principle and a man of honour, a true Alpha male that won’t be bullied by scum, I know this, if ever you come to Australia, please look me up and I will take you and your family out to dinner. I live in Geraldton, Western Australia.

    I will tell you this, if you fight this dick head in court you will win, he’s a coward and he’s all talk, all piss and when but when you fight back hard, he’s a coward.

    I wish you and your family all the luck in the world my friend and I will be following this court case avidly.

    Please see this matter to its end, thousands of people are depending on you, you are saving little kids lives by putting and end to this goose.

    Yours faithfully and with the utmost respect

    Trevor Dunen

    Hell Yeah 14
    Fuck This Comment 2
  10. Fingers crossed this results in Yaniv’s devices and online accounts being searched by the cops.

    Hell Yeah 12
    1. Batman

      It wouldn’t surprise me if they randomly appear at his house a few times a year to check his devices for underage porn.

  11. Kittyboo

    I rather suspect Edmund Liew is another of his Socks

    1. Mickey

      I agree!! I saw that one the other day and looked him up. Typical sock account with no past history. Our Jon may be the stupidest person on earth. I wonder where he will keep all his pads and tampons when he is homeless?

  12. Trevor Dunen

    Jon has lodged a response to Omran’s counter-claim, of course it will be ridiculous. He he applied to be excused from court in person but it was denied, he has also applied for a publication ban and he claims to the courts that he is deaf & blind. This case is going to be awesome and it will be the finish of fatso’s legal career.

    1. nNANcy

      The only possible way out of this suit is for Jethro to swear to being profoundly stupid. Swear to the court his IQ is that of a imbecile and these legal games he plays are far beyond his understanding. He should swear he does these suits because his feelings got hurt and as an imbecile his only reaction is to sue. Canadian courts don’t pursue actions against the mentally challenged.

      1. 377


        “Canadian courts don’t pursue actions against the mentally challenged.”

        I’ve long felt that jonny being a slice short of a loaf is a reason why they treat him so leniently. However I admit, as an outsider looking in, I find the Canadian courts sadly lacking generally.

        Not many places in the world where the yaniv’s behaviour would be tolerated, court related or otherwise.

      2. Mickey

        If that happened would they just let him walk free? I hope not. He has hurt too many people for that. At the very least he should be in a locked unit with 24/7 supervision because he is a danger to others, moron or not.

    2. 377

      Seeing as he appears worried about this filing and he’s fallen back on his OTT ever so “severe” health guff how long before he brings out “evidence” of Muslims threatening him akin to the infamous BCHRT Nazis and tanks?

      We’ll have to wait and see I suppose if he gets another two coppers on push- bikes escort again.

  13. Vern Thurston

    Johnathan aka”Jessica” an assumed Deceptive name has been challenged for one of his favourite go to Scams. He sends Miriam in to tell Afghan Kabob that Johnathan is coming in with a “Service Dog” or a “Dog” because he is feeling weak. Huh? Diabetics would go to a Convenience Store, or carry what they require. They work as a Scam team with poor Rexy in tow covered in paraphernalia. Its an Medical Emergency. A Diabetic would sit down in a Restaurant, look at the menu and then wait for the food to arrive? What about the Emergency? A piece of fruit, or Energy Bar-or Drink could suffice from 7-11 instantly.

    The Scam is so obvious with Racist intent fuelling a a Fraud for a payout. The Great Afghan Kabob fights back and Johnathan/Miriam start hitting them with defamatory reviews using fake accounts? Nice work Yiddish speaking ‘Metis’ Mom and Son/Eunuch. Unlike yourselves, anyone who makes it out of war-torn Afghanistan and starts a successful business in Canada deserves recognition for perseverance. They employ people and add to the Culture of Canada. The Yaniv’s are the opposite, immigrate to Canada and begin scamming innocent people and leeching from Government Services.

    1. 377

      I still don’t understand why the old trout went in first to announce his arrival, Canadian “diabetics” get the Royal red carpet reception or something?

      He has patches, monitor/pump, a ”diabetic alert service dog”, a mobile phone, Baqsimi etc to hand and yet we learn the fishwife that is miriam (a medical genius by all accounts) goes running into the restaurant screaming into the void. A Muslim restaurant at that.

      1. Vern Thurston

        The Scam tandem-Miriam goes in first and says her son is coming in with his ‘Service Dog’ to eat. Miriam gauges their answer, if they say Come In the Scam is off. They would let Rexy in. On to the next Immigrant run restaurant. They want the staff to say no Dogs allowed. When they say no dogs or no pets the Scam is on and Johnathan busts in with poor Rexy as the Prop Service Dog. Miriam wants them to say no Dogs and then tells Lard Ass to come in the Scam is on.

      2. nNANcy

        Not to mention he freely admits to having, and administering Glucagon which completely counteracts the problem of low blood sugar. Jethro strolling into a Muslim owned restaurant for a meal to combat his low blood sugar while having Glucagon is like me carrying a spoon to a gunfight. Ridiculous, unbelievable and insane. See? His actions ARE imbecilic and the more I think on it the more I realize that’s his out for this countersuit. The question is, will he prove he’s dumber than a rock by ignoring the out and losing the $35k countersuit? This gets more interesting by the minute.

    2. Wrongtoy

      Doesn’t Miriam speak Hebrew with Jon? I wonder how he communicates with mom as most words are gendered in Hebrew.

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