Yaniv Lies in Court Filings

Here is an unexpected update on the Kebob story. Yaniv recently posted this image to his social media. The usual self-aggrandizing nonsense we have come to expect from our master legal eagle that claims Law schools are queueing up to contact her. They are more likely sending injunction paperwork to keep her away.

So what does success look like to Yaniv? As a law genius, it includes winning court cases, submitting the correct procedural paperwork, understanding the process, and not making a complete moob of yourself, and Yaniv has more than enough moobs to go around.

Unfortunately for Yaniv, he isn’t a law genius; he is a fake who is barely scraping by in access to education classes. In his constant hunger (explains the abdomen obese medical notes) for fame and fortune, he frequently cocks things up. Well, he cut his off and then lost the rest of it, causing him to become a lifelong virgin incel. It is not just that he furiously submits applications to the court more often than he dilates but then invariably gets them wrong. If I ever sue someone, I want Yaniv to be defending them.

Yaniv knows he has bitten off more Kebob than he can chew, so since initiating his fraudulent lawsuit, he has been submitting applications to the court to try and make things easier for him. Everyone has been rejected. Every application is about him trying to prove he is a victim and sooooo disabled and soooo special that he should win. It is, of course, all bollox and considering he has none, that is saying something.

Now apart from the fact that even his name is a lie, this application has more pooh in it than the Pigaloo itself. 

  1. Yaniv is NOT profoundly deaf and has never needed a CART interpretation in his life.
  2. Yaniv does NOT have type 1 diabetes.
  3. He does NOT have POTS or PTSD or depression, or any other illness listed.
  4. Yaniv does NOT have a service dog. He has a badly trained Miriam and a puppy.
  5. The only reason Yaniv eats so much food is the fact he is a human garbage disposal machine.

However, it is all moot because Yaniv, the legal genius, submitted the application before any hearing had been convened, plus he only had to put a request for CART in writing. In other words, Jonny is doing what he does best and making an absolute moob of himself and failing. The perfect example of putting the CART before the horse!

58 Replies to “Yaniv Lies in Court Filings”

  1. 377

    Too rifled with medical conditions to attend court for a few hours to face Mr Peroz, but well enough to be driving around for God knows how long with his mother, eat out, meeting hair appointments, theoretically travel and attend Uni etc?

    Me thinks jonny lad is pooing bricks.

    Thanks for the update, made a sore throat ridden reader smile.

    Hell Yeah 16
  2. R3D

    so upon further research you indeed cannot have hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia as JY claims. Are those forms a legal statement? if so JY lied and courts should be notified.

    Hell Yeah 10
    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      They are indeed legal statements.

      Hell Yeah 11
    2. 377

      Apparently you can experience both if you have “ brittle diabetes”.

      QUOTE This version is rare and happens mainly to people with Type 1 diabetes…Brittle diabetes is sometimes called labile diabetes or unstable diabetes.END OF QUOTE

      The yanivs must think “severe” sounds better than “brittle” or they simply haven’t come across the term in their DIY Med books yet.

      Every bona fide submitted court testimony document has him as Type2. However, if he is having hypo/hyper episodes then his Dr(s) will know and will have diagnosed him as such and given him the official medical term…so why come out with “severe” diabetes AND hyper/hypo – It’s like me saying I suffer with hypothyroidism AND an under-active thyroid gland.

      Hell Yeah 11
      1. R3D

        thanks for the clarification!

      2. Watcher

        It appears that “brittle diabetes” can also be a sign of psychological problems (wow – who’d have thought..).

        You can’t have a hyper and hypo at the exact same time, but it is possible for a person to have them at seperate times.
        For example, a type 1 diabetic may forget to take their insulin and have a hyper.
        The next day, they may take their insulin, not eat properly and then do a lot of exercise – that’d cause a hypo (probably).
        That diabetic is obviously a bit of a twat though…

        Interestingly, if a type 1 diabetic has more than one episode of severe hypoglycemia (which 2mmol would be classed as) whilst awake but not driving, in a 6 month period, it is mandatory for the diabetic to report this to his healthcare provider, who in turn is mandated to report this to the appropriate driving licensing authorities.

    3. nNANcy

      These are indeed considered sworn statements or statements made under oath. Mr. Peroz is being handed more proof Jethro is a compulsive liar as Jethro didn’t ask for nor need CART for his criminal trial in June. Nor for many of the many other lolsuits he’s failed miserably at. In aggregate, if Mr. Peroz collected all the statements Jethro has made under oath and shows them to the court en masse the judiciary will shit themselves laughing. Every lolsuit Jethro filed he lists PTSD, anxiety, suicidal ideation, depression, anorexia, diminished self worth, a painful hip, a twisted moob ad nauseum as the supposed injuries he suffered. As if.

      Hell Yeah 14
      Fuck This Comment 1
      1. R3D

        people here at MM should provide said Ammo to mr.peroz, just more padding on that sweet sweet lawsuit

    4. Mickey

      Respectfully, you can have both hypo and hyperglycemia, just not at the same time. If he is a type I diabetic then he would have access to insulin and it’s possible to overdo it and bring your sugar too low. Or deliberately lower his BS to use as a weapon against people to get his way in theory. If he goes to jail I weep for the poor medical staff there because he will become a frequent flier and they will have to deal with him.

      1. MrEd

        The inmate interns will love him tho

      2. 377

        @ Mickey
        “Respectfully, you can have both hypo and hyperglycemia, just not at the same time”.

        Yeah but jonny won’t know that 🙂 Just like he doesn’t know why he’s taking certain meds – “I just take what I’m given” (wtte).

        This is the same idiot who claimed he was diabetic yet deliberately missed taking his meds/food intake in order to lose weight (then troughs out on chocolate cake to raise his sugar levels).

        You can’t cure stupid.

  3. Xmshkx

    Please oh please call him out in court! Ill order from Afghan Kabob all the was from Ohio and pay shipping if you just call out all his lies! Theres no POTS, no PTSD, no type 1 diabetes, no hyper or hypo glycemia, no “severe accident” that hurt his hip, hes a damn liar!

    Hell Yeah 9
    Fuck This Comment 1
    1. MrEd

      I want to know the S&H charges for a kabob to Colorado

    2. Mickey

      I would also like to see proof of his BS readings from the device he uses. The first thing the courts should have done was have him provide a doctor’s note listing all his diagnoses. Why has this not happened? How can that not be part of it? I know it’s just small claims but I could give you a list of my diagnoses and medications in 30 seconds from my online health record.If he can’t prove he has diabetes or is disabled, the cases should just be dismissed. I know they probably give him leeway because he is a literal retard (based on IQ) and evidenced by his inability to do anything correctly and his poor grades and job history, but he is HURTING people and that is never OK.

      1. MrEd

        Did he need hearing help in college? Seems he’s only deaf when it suits his needs.

      2. 377

        @ MrEd

        He has no problems with his in-car radio/call-ins, telephone conversations, ear-wigging conversations in shops…just in court.

        Diagnosis = selective hearingitis. The more the $$$ the more profound it is.

      3. R3D

        right? theres the online health portal offered by the government + BC health that lists every surgery,medical admittance to hospital,doctors visits plus medications perscribed. this data goes all the way back to when you are a child!! (i did my own digging and saw my records from when i was little) the court has access to all these records yet has not asked for them yet?

      4. 377

        @ R3D

        I was just going to post asking what the set up is re medical records in BC.

        I was going to ask if it was any different to the UK where your GP holds ALL of your medical history – past to present day…documenting everything from physical & mental health, appointments, hospitalisation, results of lab work, x-rays, prescriptions etc…including ALL consultant / hospital appointments, diagnosis and treatment – whether via NHS or private route. You can readily access these records online and/or ask for hard copies.

        So why doesn’t yaniv produce a comprehensive dossier of documented diagnoses to the court? (rhetorical question as we all know why).

        Is “doctor shopping” common in Canada, who would hold records?

        I know that if I were to go to court for “injuries” I’d have irrefutable and bona fide medical evidence to hand. Still amazes me that no court has ever asked for evidence.

      5. nNANcy

        Jethro surprisingly also heard one of the seniors say to the other when he entered with his pet dog, “Let’s have some fun.” This is in a noisy meeting room with many congregated and chatting amongst each other. Not bad for being profoundly deaf. Every time this bozo opens his mouth it’s a pathological lie. He’s the only human being I would not trust to tell me it’s dark out after the sun has set.
        @Mr. Ed. The only help Jethro needed in college was a way to block everyone from trying to photograph him in the bathroom stall through the crack in the door. It happened all the time, so he told the catfisher. Oh, that and protection from the “ball fondler” jocks that would always burst into the stall to assault him. So he told the catfisher. These things must be true, as true as Johnny is a genuine wommenz and he has a 4.33 GPA.
        As for most Canadian med records I think the provincial health system holds everything about a person so only 1 lookup is needed if you land in ER and can’t communicate with the staff.

    3. Mickey

      POTS is so complicated I would LOVE to seem him explain both what it is and how it affects HIM personally. In person of course with no access to cheating for either of us.

  4. Cactus

    Love the new posters being posted at and around where Mariam and JYS lives warning everyone about the evil duel. They are now busy running around taking them down maybe that’s a good way for JYS to lose some weight. It will match their losing record in court.

    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      New Posters? Please tell us more.

      1. Vern Thurston

        There is warning posters. You can see them on Twitter, anything meow mix should bring you to them. The word is spreading with warning of the Scams the Yaniv’s construe.
        It is a Scam Team-Mother and Son?/Daughter/Eunuch
        Miriam went into the Great Afghan Kabob ahead of Johnathan to see if they would refuse a Dog.
        The staff said ‘No pets’ allowed.
        Miriam goes out to get Johnathan with poor Rexy all adorned with phony Service Dog signs and Medical Paraphernalia
        The Scam is a go-they said “No Pets” A refusal is what they need to go ahead with the Fraud Complaint.
        Johnathan busts in with Rexy and is confronted by Staff.
        (Johnathan does not have Certification Papers that all Service Dog Teams are required to carry in BC)
        They leave and file a complaint despite Rexy not being a Certified Service Dog
        Hopefully The Great Afghan Kabob is rattled and will pay Johnathan and Miriam (The Scam Team) to drop complaint.
        Finally, post negative reviews of The Great Afghan Kabob on Facebook using phony accounts.
        Intimidation and Defamation of an innocent Business –like the Wax Scam-always Immigrant run Businesses.

        The Scam team believes Immigrants are easily scared into “Hush Up Money” Drop the complaint for $1500.

        They are harassing Immigrant run businesses. Medical Emergency>Blood Sugar ??? Go to a Convenience Store
        No, go into a nice Restaurant and wait 1/2 hr. for the food needed for the phony contrived Scam Emergency.
        Johnathan could carry Energy Bars-No-Its all a Scam and Fraud. Society is responsible for Yaniv’s well-being.

        I hope The Great Afghan Kabob Owner or Lawyers also file a Complaint with BC Service Dog Authority. Impersonating a Service Dog Team carries a $3000 penalty. Rexy isn’t Certified and Yaniv is not a Certified Trainer.

      2. nNANcy

        Every couple of years someone takes it on themselves to do a PSA warning the public at large the lumbering beast of Langley, Jethro, is still around and up to no good. They post flyers at bus stops, in shop windows on High St, community centers, wherever people are likely to go. I’m sure in the MM archives there exists a flyer from 2-3 years back. It’s FAF because fatso and the sea hag dash around looking for them. They always miss a few.

        Hell Yeah 10
        Fuck This Comment 1
    2. Mickey

      It’s amazing he can do that, considering how “disabled” he claims he is. Hope somebody got video of that. Hang in there, because this will be over, hopefully soon.

  5. Trevor Dunen

    Law schools having been queuing up to contact Jon to tell her not to bother applying. This latest attempt to sue Omran Peroz will backfire big time. He has filed a response to Omran’s counter claim. We have all seen him do this before, he will file 30 pages of A.I generated rubbish, quoting as many precedents as he possibly can, all of which have nothing do whatsoever with the case he is arguing, as usual it will be obscure and ambiguous tripe. He does this hoping to look intelligent and knowledgeable about the law, & to try & overwhelm you with legal guff, but Omran has lawyered up and all he is doing is racking up huge costs, because Omran is certainly claiming them and he will get them, this case will finish Jon. I predict that he will end up being declared a vexatious litigant and that will be the end of him. All his severe health conditions cone under one umbrella, severe mental illness. He doesn’t need access to food and drink because of diabetes, he needs it because he’s a gluttonous pig, this is just a ruse to hold up proceedings & to try & get sympathy points, none of this is Omran’s problem.

    1. MrEd

      I was told he can’t have a lawyer in this court….Doesn’t matter tho as all one needs is a friend or relative that’s a lawyer to help you out. jonnys toast with this one

  6. Jon Yanivs beret

    He forgot to list his “fibramallaajaa”.

    I wanted to give a shout out to the new writer(s), you’re doing a great job!

    The fact that he (Jesscia) hasn’t been curb stomped yet speaks very well of the Canadian people. Did I say well? Eh, that could be construed as either positive or negative. Lol.

    LOVE the fake service dog warning posters that were put up around Langley/Surrey.

    I must respectfully disagree on one statement from the author, that Yaniv has “more than enough moobs to go around”. Despite pushing 400 lbs and (supposedly) taking estrogen, he has tiny wee moobs. That always cracks me up. It’s almost like his deep hatred of women makes it completely impossible for him to acquire any feminine characteristics, whether physical or otherwise. More karma perhaps.

    Waiting for our boy Trev to comment….

    1. Trevor Dunen

      See above Jon Yanivs beret

  7. Vern Thurston

    Why Scammer Yaniv saw an opportunity to construct a “Service Dog’ Scam
    BC Human Rights recognizes the importance of Service Animals and Service Dogs to assist people
    Non-Residents of BC, or Visitors may need a Service Animal to accompany them
    BC can not Certify these Service Teams because they originate elsewhere therefore, Some Service Animal Teams are Non-Certified in BC
    Residents of BC are bound by the Service Dog Act, if you reside in BC there are Regulations to Follow

    Some guiding Principles of Human Rights are broadly defined which opens the door for a Scammer like Yaniv.
    The Principle is : BC recognizes the need for Service Animals as a Human Right

    BC can’t regulate all Service Animals and Service Teams in the World
    BC will not refuse the Rights of individuals from abroad to use a Service Animal
    BC can regulate Service Dogs and Service Animals and their Handlers in BC.
    BC residents are bound by the Service Dog Act of BC

    Reasonable people understand broad guiding principles, the need for Service Animals is universal. Yaniv isn’t reasonable, he believes he can make up the intent of guiding principles and facilitate a Scam when someone or a Business denies him his version of a Human Right in BC.
    It is shameful the actions of Yaniv tie up the Courts and BCHRT with Vexatious Claims

  8. Vern Thurston

    Here is information on Service Dogs in BC.

    Yaniv believes that Service Dogs do not have to be Certified in BC, this is wrong. The broad principles of Service Dogs in BC are what Yaniv clings to. Residents of BC (including Yaniv) are bound by the Guide and Service Dog Act.
    The other consideration is the abuse of Rexy.
    The dog is carrying around far too much Fraudulent Medical Devices, Shock Collars, Vests, Signage, and gets sprayed by Yaniv with something that knocks him down.
    SPCA time. I will adopt Rexy. Yaniv is an Abusive Owner that puts Rexy into stressful situations arising from his Scamming. Rexy is a Prop just like the phony Wheelchair he pulls his carcass into Court Rooms for sympathy.

  9. Cactus

    to Njord and Meow Mix on line, yes those were the two posters. One of our owners spotted two young individuals, placing these two posters on the outside of our building (where Miriam lives) yesterday afternoon. I believe they had several copies and were posting them at several location near our neighborhood.
    We can hardly wait for Miriam’s sentencing coming up this Friday, I believe the judge will be busy reading several impact statements of the misery, fear and anxiety that Miriam caused to so many of our owners, we all have our fingers crossed.

    Hell Yeah 10
  10. Vern Thurston

    The section Yaniv takes advantage of: Service Dogs in BC

    Human Rights Protect People with Disabilities (even if not-certified)
    The Human Rights Law protects people with disabilities who rely on guide and service dogs, and this is true even if the team is not certified under the BC Guide Dog and Service Dog Act. The GDSDA does provide a voluntary certification process. Therefore, valid national and international guide and service dog teams might exist outside of the GDSDA certification process.

    This statement does not allow Yaniv to misrepresent poor Rexy as a Service Dog in BC. It is a broad statement of principle for Human Rights

    Non-Certified Service Dogs on Premises

    Unless you are selling, preparing, or serving food, you may choose to allow non-certified guide and service dogs, dogs-in-training, and/or pets onto your premises.

    For example, you may be approached by an uncertified dog-in-training and handler/dog trainer, as part of their skills training in public, to practice at your business location.

    Permitting the team to practice their skills on your premises may assist them in preparing for an assessment to become a certified dog and handler team.

    The standards are higher for non-certified Service Dogs allowed into Restaurants. You are not allowed to voluntarily let uncertified in for training purposes. A higher standard is applied to food establishments. BC recognizes some Service Dogs can be uncertified, they are not allowed in Restaurants. There is a higher standard.

    1. 377

      He can whine till the cows come home about his pet being a SD and being discriminated against but the fact is it’s not a SD and he’s not a SD handler, same goes for the other grifting yaniv.

      If he was covered by BC law then the judge wouldn’t have allowed the dog in court simply as a “courtesy’, a previous judge wouldn’t have denied the dog court admission, him and his dog wouldn’t have been kicked out of a clinic particularly after the police attended etc etc etc.

      Competent con-artists at least carry out research, know their marks and have the ability to cover their arses to some extent. The yanivs are embarrassingly low-tier.

    2. Njord

      Thank you for explaining, because i always asked myself why this is even possible. Now i know, thank you again.

  11. Vern Thurston

    The passage above was quoted directly from this Government of BC Publication

  12. 377

    Riddle me this…

    what is the difference between wearing patches / having a pump / wearing a med-alert necklace / having a “diabetic alert SD” / carrying a bottle of fruit juice / carrying a pack of glucose tablets / carrying a pre-prepared sandwich / carrying Glucagon in a court room.


    wearing patches / having a pump / wearing a med-alert necklace / having a “diabetic alert SD” / having a bottle of fruit juice / having a pack of glucose tablets / having a pre-prepared sandwich / having Glucagon at home?

    So if he can’t attend his own court case due to a possible diabetic emergency why is he, supposedly, studying law with the aim of physically representing clients in court?

    1. Vern Thurston

      Yes, as usual everything is a Scam and a Fraud. My concern is how he pushes Rexy into his Scams and stresses the dog. He uses the dog as a gimmick for his Medical Scam. The main things wrong with Yaniv are Mental. He is a complete gutterball and waste of skin/makeup. He castrated himself to be a ‘woman’. that failed, he has nothing feminine going. He is a mixed-up mean Eunuch and after seeing Miriam in action I realize where he gets all his venom from, its genetic.
      As it turns out the BC Government Service Dog Authority doesn’t allow un-trained/non-certified Service Dog Teams in places where food is prepared and served. Yaniv has no legal footing to complain in his newest Scam-getting refused entry to restaurants with poor Rexy. Like the Wax Scam, always fishing for a ‘refusal of service’ leading to a bogus complaint and hopefully hush money. Ugly Scammer.

      1. Mickey

        May I ask why this hasn’t happened before? In terms of not letting him file a lolsuit in the first place because of the BC laws. TY

    2. Mickey

      Answer: no difference at all because he does NOT have brittle diabetes. Never has. Certainly will if he lives long enough despite being “not fat at all” and experiencing “anorexia.” Fortunately for us Jon doesn’t know that the word anorexic means a general loss of appetite or disinterest in food and thinks instead he is telling us he has Anorexia Nervosa, which is an actual disease. This way we can continue to laugh at him over the concept of him EVER being disinterested in food.

    3. Vern Thurston

      Yaniv wants to sit in front of a Computer Screen at home and use AI. Chat GPS or another app will be used for his answers to the Court. Either way he has no chance, BC Service Dog Regulations do not allow Un-Certified Dog Service Teams to enter Food Establishments. A Business can permit them in “Voluntarily’ if it helps a Service Dog in Training but not a Business where Food is prepared or served. If being at home keeps Rexy from being abused by Yaniv’s use of Rexy as a Medical Prop in Court I am all for it. Last Court Appearance Meow Mix and Jennifer noted he used some chemical spray on Rexy that subdued him. Another example of Yaniv cruelty toward Rexy.

  13. Watcher

    Working on the accepted view that a blood sugar level of 4 mmol is a hypo, and Fat Jon’s blood sugar was 2 mmol when he went into Afghan Kebob seeking food\easy cash payout, one does have to wonder about this highly trained “service dog”.

    A trained and true service dog would have alerted it’s handler at around 4 mmol, leaving plenty of time to get some fast acting carbohydrates (i.e. not a kebab).

    That leaves only three rational possibilities:
    1) His blood sugar was never 2 mmol.
    2) The service dog is broken.
    3) Both of the above.

    1. Mickey

      Yes I know and I also see somebody posted almost the identical comment after I did so at least one person gets it. As a nurse I was just trying to reassure people that the first time anybody demands his medical records (even an updated list of his diagnoses but from his Doctor’s hand) everything is blown out of the water. He can’t win damages suffered from conditions he doesn’t have. I am just stunned that after all this time no court has asked him for proof of anything, ugh. The HRT wouldn’t even require any physical proof such as an exam or a note from and MD to prove what was in his pants in the ball waxing case so nobody
      How can a civil case proceed without proof? Let him him fill out lolsuits and pay the full fees and if it’s rejected he loses the fees no matter what. The court could refuse to accept a single thing unless actual medical proof is submitted along with application or something. I am not Canadian though so no idea how it works there but just WHY has nobody done this? It would have saved so many people so much pain. It’s so simple. I could print off a list of my diagnoses and meds in 60 seconds time. Yes, I know he has an abysmal IQ and suffers from SO many psych issues by his own admission but take the kid gloves off judges and help your people, because he is hurting them! It’s so frustrating that MM has done so much work trying to wake people up. Why don’t the courts see this?

  14. nNANcy

    You’ve been here long enough to know our boy Jethro isn’t about representing anyone in court. He’s all about weaponizing the system for personal gain. His aim is likely to earn the proper credentials for his own practice which he’ll use to file a dozen lolsuits per day, but not for small claims, but Superior Court, and BC probably has a fast track system with a $100k limit similar to Ontario. He only needs to scare the beejesus out of one party a day to become ridiculously rich in a year.
    If this retard ever cons his way into a valid degree I will take my Masters and shred it as it means Canadian higher education is a woke joke obtainable by perverted degenerate convicted criminals. Oh iwait, it already is. I mean it has become a joke obtainable by genuine imbeciles. The movie Idiocracy is rapidly becoming like Orwell’s works, a documentary of the downfall of society.

    1. 377


      Tongue in cheek nNANcy, tongue in cheek :).

      Apart from his mother no one believes “The Voice” is doing all this “studying” to help others.

    2. Mickey

      I will join you by getting my law degree, moving to Canada to take the correct one if possible then take my years of nursing and clinical research (where I wrote consent forms all the time for the different protocols) and coordinated several NIH nationwide trials in the US. I am a published author and my fondest wish for him would be to get 15 minutes with him in a Socratic style debate on a public forum so everyone could see what he is. And then defend every single defendant for free because I don’t have to work any more if I don’t want to. Crap it would be amazing to debate all his “research” posts on FB. My 2 picks would be the post about being desperate to find data about how 3 specific proteins affect his and Miriams and Alana’s profound deafness and the one with his paper on Fentanyl where the goose didn’t even seem to be able to answer his own hypothesis because after the Title, what he copied/pasted had nothing to do with proving or disproving his hypothesis other than it was about Fentanyl. Then he “published” it online and called it a Research Paper. Sorry for the word salad but I feel you so strongly on this one.

  15. Vern Thurston

    Law School????Johnathan is dreaming, he hasn’t completed his first year of University and believes he will be accepted into a Law Program? Additionally, it is Expensive the Tuition costs are huge, besides Chat GPT will not help with the Entrance Exam. In the past Johnathan has used a Legal Title beside his Social Media posts-all Fraudulent. Remember he posted to Research Gate posing as an SFU Faculty member? Another delusional deception which may contributed to being banned from SFU campus(s). His only skill is Scamming. His filing of Scam BCHRT complaints and Small Claims Court Actions do not make him a potential Lawyer. Most of his Legal Experience is being a Defendant. His Delusional Narcissism makes him think he is at the Solicitor Table in Court Room. No, Johnathan is a perpetual Defendant, currently on Probation , and possesses a Criminal Record.

    1. 377

      @Vern Thurston
      ”His Delusional Narcissism makes him think he is at the Solicitor Table in Court Room.”

      No different to him thinking that by going into the ladies loo makes him “100% female” / having a diploma makes him an IT guru / wearing an incontinence pad means he has his “period” / stealing someone else’s code makes him a successful hacker / wearing a nylon wig makes him look like Blaire White…

      Court? The only place he regularly visits whereby folks begrudgingly tolerate his presence

      1. Vern Thurston

        His Name, Self Portraits, Gender, Service Dog, Resume, all Fraudulent. Then his description as Metis, Christian, and Activist, you have to conclude he is Delusional and Mentally Challenged. Too many Chemical Toxic Hormones in an attempt to alter his already damaged DNA. When employed he crashes due to his Delusions, Narcissism, and Bad Attitude. To support his Fantasy Life he has resorted to Scams that he is being Discriminated against. He sees that Aboriginal, Trans-Gender, and Disabled people get concessions in BC. Therefore, he self-defines himself as Metis, Trans, and Disabled. The Medical Disabilities are a Laundry List, many are dubious and not verifiable. PTSD? From what-his Mother? In current Court Applications he is now “Profoundly Deaf”-that is what Miriam claims to get Interpreters in Court. The Yaniv’s don’t need CART services, they find joy in adding costs to the Taxpayers. Add it up, Medical-Court Costs alone, it has to be close to a Million dollars. Everything Yaniv is Fraudulent, a Scam, and costs Taxpayer’s.

        Johnathan comes from a dark place, he has targeted Minors online with absolute depraved filth. The only way to stop this Scam is to Incarcerate. He is on Probation and he still harasses people with defamation online and wanders the streets of Langley for Racist fueled Scams with poor Rexy being abused as a Prop Service Dog. Posters have been displayed in Langely warning people of the Yaniv’s, and Miriam was banned from her own Condo. They are Toxic Sub-human Garbage.

      2. nNANcy

        Something damaged his brain, either via physical or mental trauma. Maybe the sea hag Granny Clampett dropped him on his head one too many times. Maybe Yitzak liked to discipline little Jethro, perhaps enthusiastically with a stout stick. Maybe he saw or experienced things a young child should never have to deal with. Yitzak’s dead so he’s not talking and Granny can’t be civilized long enough to be allowed in a room. So perhaps we’ll never know. What the future will know, when they dig Jethro up to relocate his bones to free up space, is they are moving the skeleton of a 450 lb. male.

    2. Mickey

      Does anybody know if he is still enrolled at SFU even though the only class he passed was Women’s/Gender studies or whatever it is called? And if so, why?

    3. Mickey

      Also, can’t even begin to imagine how hard it is to pass the entrance exam, let alone get through school and get all the credentialing to become a solicitor there. In the US, a lot of people don’t pass the bar exam that gets them licensed after 7 years of school the first time. JFK jr. took at least 3 tries to pass and he was a Kennedy! Of course unless you are a Kardashian in which case you don’t go to school at all. You just hitch your wagon to a practicing attorney and hey presto!! She will be an attorney. Not kidding about that one.

      1. nNANcy

        In Cali, in the past, IIRC, you could write the Bar Exam without having a degree. I’m sure that’s been changed as so many would abuse the system. Maybe it’s still the same?

    4. At this point I honestly just want yaniv to do hard time for child sex harassment before he rapes someone.

      Fingers crossed the sex offender registry and the fear of prison due being outed as a sex predator will keep him in line when he is released, but I honestly expect he will just descend into open pro-pedo jackassery where he starts openly making rape and death threats against people who piss him off.

      1. nNANcy

        We are long past that point. In the summer of ’19 Jethro registered an account at Kiwifarms and proceeded to blind drunk shitpost death threats. He threatened to slit the throat of WG. Kitty and dump her body under a bridge. He then threatened another woman and her child with death not long after. He’s made plenty of “I’ll get a turban fucker to kill you” threats against a variety of folks. His only criminal conviction on record is his utter death threats against Elston. I believe, given half a chance, he’d easily cross the line and kill someone who merely pissed him off. We’ll see how tough he is come October when I move to BC, close enough to watch and report on him and signboard his ‘hood.

  16. Jim Norton

    Since he/she seems to be AWOL allow me,

    jon is fat

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