The Never-Ending Story 2 – J Yaniv Forgets Who He Is Suing

The Never Ending Story of the Yaniv soap opera continues…

Please consider Yaniv’s victims and outrageous claims when posting  comments. Remember that JY has already LOST his case.


As a reminder, In June 2023, Jessica S. Simpson Yaniv (JYS) and Miriam Yaniv tried out their service dog scam on the Great Afghan Kebob (GAK) in Surrey. When the restaurant rightly said untrained pets that defecate in their doorway aren’t permitted, JYS created a scene, involved the police & went off on a remedial spasm about it online before instigating a lawsuit. As is the case in 99% of JYS cases, it was an entirely fictional and fraudulent case. The GAK owner, a thoroughly nice and upstanding guy, stood up to Yaniv & counterclaimed. On the 4th of August 23, the judge ruled that “Rexie” was NOT a service dog (it was jumping at the judge) and threw JYs case out. GAK were given permission to counterclaim and told to raise the racism at the BCHRT. (The tribunal that ruled Yaniv was a racist).

Following on from our article, “The Never Ending Story,” we are diving into the latest filings of (JYS) Jessica Yaniv Simpson concerning the counterclaim that the (GAK) Great Afghan Kebob filed to her vexatious and fraudulent claim that the GAK discriminated against her. We have indeed reached Looneyland city centre. We are now sure that if JY bought a boat, he would name it the Titanic. We will be honest with you readers: we couldn’t even agree on how to break this turd down, let alone one set angle, so this is the second article rather than the final one. Which lies do you pick to write about? Just how low could JYS go? How many instances of criminal lies can be found in one application? Just who the hell is Yaniv actually suing? Who let the dogs out? Who do you think you are? Is JYS actually one of the Mexican Aliens? Where is the cat’s body hidden?

JYS knows this is a lost cause. For all the bluster, inane screeching, lies and threats, JYS knows it is over. It was over the moment he waddled into the GAK with an untrained animal. Thanks to Meow Mix and community groups, people now know about JYS and are standing up to the grifts. You only have to look at the awful bullying that JYS is handing out to Donald F. Smith to work that one out. The only thing that hasn’t been decided is how bad this will be. There is little left in cash or equity, and he had almost bled Miriam dry by spending £5k CAD on a prostitute. None of us would be in these circumstances, but even if we were, we know we are mature enough, honest enough, and have enough intelligence to shut up, beg forgiveness and try to mitigate our loss. Not JYS! Like a foghorn blasting out into the void, JYS bellows all the nastiness out into a court document. This is a sworn statement to the court, not some remedial creative writing club essay you can use chatGBT on, and here lies the truth. Except for the Kebob’s details, there is no single truth in the submission. Even the name Jessica Serenity Simpson is a LIE.

JYS lying and setting up Muslim or Asian-owned businesses is nothing new. JY has been found guilty of this in several BCHRT & Supreme Court decisions. By Canadian Law, he is someone who harbours racist enmity towards immigrants, refugees and anyone descendant from immigrants. Currently, JYS is racing through all his past and present cases demanding a publication ban and even includes claims he is a victim of sexual assault as a reason. He doesn’t say he wants bans because good people like the GAK can’t point to them as evidence. JY wants them to hide JY’s bad behaviour. Normally, he loses, but he has managed 2 by default. Neither would stand up to a Canadian News Agency challenging them. JYS, however, doesn’t stop at lying; JYS never does, so it is always worth looking deeper at his claims to understand the true meaning. We are being careful in how and what we report on. We do not wish to help JYS in any way,  although the BC Courts informed me that even if JYS refiled to change the spurious, outrageous, defamatory lies, it is now too late. So, how low do you think JYS will go in his attempt to save face? The answer is lower than a worm’s tit.

JYS wants the courts to grant 3 things

  1. Restrict the scope of the GAK counterclaim because (don’t die laughing here) JYS claims it is vexatious. 
  2. Make people be nice to him and his “Service Dog” – The one the court ruled not to be a service dog.
  3. Publication Ban because the nasty people at Meow Mix keep helping victims.

JYS,  “The Practice of Jessica Simpson”, and Miriam never shy away from claiming JYS is a qualified or nearly qualified lawyer. JYS wrote to us claiming to be a 3rd-year law student and has put this spurious claim in many of his legal actions – even the ones against RCMP. In reality, he has been studying remedial nutrition, which, given this claim is due to him supposedly not managing his nutrition, is hysterical. It is an attempt at intimidation that no longer works but is still used. So we started with getting a legal friend to look over all 12 pages of fiction. It’s so fictitious that JK Rowling would discard it as too unbelievable. Our legal friend has reviewed the submission and made some observations for us. It is damning, and we are almost embarrassed for JY. JYS uses unrelated cases dating back decades to prove her point, ignoring far newer & more legally appropriate rulings that have superseded these decisions numerous times. The submission is incoherent, barely literate, disjointed, lacks substance, and looks like a high school student essay that insults the courts, Judges, defence lawyers, and Meow Mix & is clearly above the bar of being criminal. It is, in particular, defamatory to Meow Mix & the GAK lawyer. In his expert opinion, he believes this to be a criminal attempt to circumvent previous court judgements AND the previous Judge, but also intimidate the GAK lawyer, and it displays strong racial bias. In short, it is an unhinged, lying, racist rant of a quality expected from a 12-year-old with as much legal clout as a glowworm.

What did surprise us, though, was our legal friend asking, “Who is JY actually suing?”     The view of a qualified person is really important because one of the first questions he posed to us was, “Who is JY actually suing?”. We laughed, thinking this was a joke; it says at the top of the application that it is in the case of JYS vs. Omran Peroz – GAK. But it made us take another look at it. It turns out our legal eagle, who is almost ready to pass the bar exam, seems to have forgotten who the opposing parties are. The poor Kebob barely get a mention, yet Meow Mix and the Kebob Lawyer, who is an Asian Female & JY’s favourite to pick on, get mentioned continually. SFU should offer JY a refund of that is the skills a “3” year law course gets you. How on earth do you forget to include the organisation that you have legal issues with?

Meow Mix News

We are not saying JYS hates us for exposing his fraud, racism, predatory behaviour, crimes, benefit fraud, First Nation fraud, fake law practice, fraudulent lawsuits, and repeated false claims of sexual assault, but he takes up a good portion of this legal vomit crying about us. mentions us quite a few times!

The Lie

JYS claims we are a white supremacist, anti-LGBTQI+, Neo-Nazi hate site that is associated with the Kebob Restaurant.

The Truth

It is no secret that JYS is scraping the bottom of the barrel intelligence-wise, but surely even someone with that level of neural divergence knows that “Neo Nazis” & “White Supremacists” would never be associated with or part of a Muslim & Asian-owned restaurant. MM is in no way, shape or form a 3rd party “associated with the respondent”. JYS is, however, trying very hard to make it appear that we are – the next fraud incoming. The clitless wonder accuses us and clears us in one paragraph. Great job, Mx Lawyer! Let’s be honest here: JYS knows that Meow Mix News is a community-based website owned by members of the entire community, and many are  LGBTQ2SI+. The owner of MM is only 1 generation (their grandmother, Maternal) from being Romany. One of the groups that the real Nazis slaughtered in the holocaust. Their family lost many members, and JYS knows this. It is his sole reason for saying we are Nazis. What makes this worse is that Yaniv is Jewish. What sort of calculated evil must you be to utilise the holocaust against anyone?

That is not the end of JY’s horrific filings, though. JY makes repeated claims that we alleged Rexie had sex with the judge. Apart from the fact no one other than a zoophile would even contemplate uttering such depravity, it is not even close to anything we said. As always with JYS, there is a projection of her own proclivities onto other innocent people. The very fact he so blatantly lies in his submission should stand as a warning to everyone, even our esteemed judges, that JY is a danger to animals and people. An anonymous observer in the court that day reported that Rexy had gotten loose in the courtroom and had approached the Judge and either jumped up or jumped and humped them. This is not out of the realm of possibility, as we have observed Rexy jumping up on Yaniv in the courtroom at least twice and once appeared to perform a humping motion. The Aug 4 MM article states only that Rexy appeared to “hump the judge”. It is not a breach of court decorum because it is not part of the proceedings to have reported this. What is VERY WORRYING is that JYS suggests that the JUDGE would be involved with any such perverted and depraved behaviour. More so, it is clear that JYS is thinking about things in that way. Maybe we should ban JY from all but the criminal courts.

This is a quick final note to end this article, and we want to make LOUD and CLEAR. We comply with all Canadian laws on court reporting, adhere to publication bans, and despite JY’s outrageous and defamatory claims, no article has ever been ruled or viewed by law enforcement as being untrue or criminal. Any documents we are in possession of are either publicly available records or, as in the case of many, including images from sources where JY has actually broadcast them online – e.g. Sending pics of his neovagina publicly on  Twitter to an Asian female doctor. The reason JY wants everything locked down is because JY is criminally lying about his health conditions.

If you want to hear more about the insane world of Jessica Yaniv a.k.a Jessica Simpson look no further.

12 Replies to “The Never-Ending Story 2 – J Yaniv Forgets Who He Is Suing”

  1. shortstuff

    Before retirement , I was a state case worker assigned disabled adults and abused and neglected children. I was called to testify many times in court cases involving the above. I got to know judges, lawyers, bailiffs and court clerks. I’m sure all of them in the court where this garbage was filed are reading the claims and are either disgusted or laughing, more than likely doing both because it is so ridiculous and farfetched.

    Hell Yeah 10
  2. Claude

    Is there something at MM we can do to stop the orc from getting publication bans granted? Two successful bans obviously encourages him.

    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      We are investigating how citizen journalists can oppose bans. The 2 he got were by default, one in particular was tacked on to something else so possibly would be missed. We cant even say which case. Crazy!

      1. Bruce Jenner

        You can’t even name which cases he got a publication ban on. Freaking cray cray. Off to the farms I go.

      2. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

        We are not an airport, you don’t need to announce your departure.

  3. Jon Yanivs Beret

    Ummm, is he (Jessica) forgetting that HE HIMSELF ADMITTED in one of his court filings that he holds racist views against “East Indian/Asians” because of “past experiences”. Am I the only one that remembers this? Can someone please point out which one it was? I don’t remember. Trev perhaps? It would be great to get that document over to GAK attorney’s, if they don’t already have it, since it’s in his own words admitting it. If I find it, I’ll post here again.

    Major shout out(s) to the new writer(s) – this article is your best written yet. Funniest too. Amazing job! We appreciate all that you do.

    Hell Yeah 11
    Fuck This Comment 1
  4. Trevor Dunen

    So I’m supporting a white supremacist, pro Nazi, anti LBGTQIS+++ site. Not inly have you defamed all contributors and the people behind Meowmix, you have defamed me. I live in an Aboriginal community where racism and bigotry are not tolerated, we all get on. Anyway turn it the fuck up Jon, your delusions are getting in the way of reality, it’s a big stretch to make such a claim and I challenge you to prove it in court. I’ve seen your posts about turban fuckers and we all know you targeted this bloke because he’s a Muslim, you’re having a sook and trying every single trick you think you know to try and turn the tables but it’s too late, you know you’ve lost. The only thing left to do is to work out how much you owe the kebob owners, I hear they are going to use the money to install a transgender toilet- ha ha ha ! Dream on fat boy, soon you”ll have your own cell and when you get out they’ll give you a shopping cart to live out of. You’re clutching at straws here Jon, the law is not your friend because you have your own delusional interpretation which does not match reality. On top of that, you’re not suing Meowmix, so all references to them are irrelevant and will be tossed, you’re suing kebob, not the Muslim religion, grow up Jon, it’s high time. I’ve got to go now, I’m off to a Klu Klux Clan meeting.

    Hell Yeah 13
  5. Ted Pendergrass

    She can’t accept that it is not her gender identity that is the problem, it’s because she is a vile racist. That’s it. Nothing to do with LGBTQ folks. I feel sad for the ones that just want to live their lives and it’s disrupted by this numpty.

    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      We 100% agree with you.

    2. Jaime

      That is why those groups needs to take legal action and stop the big man.

    3. nNancy

      that’s only a part of it, the gender thing.
      he tossed his dick because it was evidence and rot pockets get payouts for hurt fee fees.
      as to his hatred, most racists act on instinct, not on fact
      he is a low IQ, cretin level and that can never be “cured”

  6. BigBamBoo

    Since GAK is responsible for the courts deciding once and for all that the ‘service dog’ thing is a scam she should sue for future lost earnings. That scam was going to put JY through university with the resulting degrees in law, bio-chemistry, pronounology, victimology, which all told would have had JY making at least a million dollars per year. Pay up GAK, it’s only fair.

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