Defamatory, Unhinged, Racist, Unstable, Lying intimidatory Kebob Filing

** Read the Never Ending Story Part 1 & Part 2 first. **

Publication ban Info for other cases. We discard comments that allude to any particular publication ban. There are currently two that forbid the identification of either party. Both are due to the respondent agreeing. Pretend the cases don’t exist until we can report legally on them.

Buckle up, Buttercups. This is going to be a fast-moving ride! JYS is scared. JYS is angry. JYS is frightened; JYS thinks the Great Afghan Kebob (GAK) is being vexatious for counter-suing (this point nearly killed an MM team member from laughing). JYS claims all his troubles are the fault of GAK’s Lawyer and Meow Mix. JYS knows karma is hurtling towards her like a rocket, and as with all the large objects, she is too cumbersome to get out of the way. This document is meant to be JYs DEFENCE to the GAK countersuit. It is for JY to mitigate or explain why her behaviour was reasonable. Instead, she used an entire document created by dozens of CHATBT prompts to attack us, the Muslim Lawyer, the Judge, the Court System and Muslims in general. With the exception of the owners name on page 1 the entire novel fails to mention the GAK or the events that caused the fraudulent lawsuit in the first place. Stupid is as stupid does.

JYS thinks opposition lawyers should be “impartial” and nice to her. You know JY really should apply for a refund on his “Law Degree” because you really can’t polish a turd. We would go as far as to suggest he sues his kindergarten school for their English teaching because he can’t decide whether he is the claimant, defendant, respondent, etc.; she just randomly changes it. JYS also moans about how it is unfair that the GAK have a lawyer when JY is self-representing and demands extra rights. Why would she need a lawyer if he is a third-year major in law? Our pal Frenchie once reminded us that a lawyer who represents themselves has a fool of a client. Never has this been demonstrated so effectively.

JYS is very upset that the very real lady lawyer representing GAK has referenced the vile racism that JYs gives out daily. JY is also following her online, which is really creepy. Why are you listing her education JY? Why do you pollute everything with slime and leave us all wanting a shower after reading anything you have done? JY claims she is not racist in any way, and further claims irreparable reputational damage for saying he is. Except he isn’t suing anyone for saying it. A famous saying in the UK is “The lady doth protest too much”, and we think there has never been a better use of it. Of course, JYS is no lady. If that is not enough to convince the judge to give JYS the antiracism award of the decade immediately, JYS highlights the amazing charitable work he has undertaken in the name of diversity. Readers, the blonde bombsite hasn’t even picked up the litter from the street that  “The Practice of Jessica  Simpson”  sponsors.

When you have quite finished laughing, we would be delighted to learn of any of these activities. In the meantime, we will go with what we have proof of.

Never fear if none of the above causes us to rush out and celebrate JYS being the least racist person in the world; she holds a massive ace up her sleeve. Ladies & Gentlemen, we have the worldwide exclusive that JYS is a MUSLIM. He even quotes the Quran as evidence. So, to confirm – JYS, the law student extraordinaire who has forgotten who she is actually suing, claims not to be racist, claims to have done countless hours of charity work with minorities, and now also claims to be Muslim. Yet she wants us to believe she is ready to pass the BC Bar examinations. If you believe that I have a chocolate teapot to sell you.

Surely, with this stunning and brave conversion, that would be the end of all JY’s racist tropes, Ismaphobia and fraudulent claims. We hate to disappoint you readers, but just like her clit, the racism is just buried in the blubber.  Not content with forgetting who she is suing, she also forgets that she is now meant to be a Muslim and just a paragraph or 2 later, JYS shows her non-racist thoughts by (and you won’t be surprised) ranting about pro-Muslim ideology. The bible story about the road to Damascus has nothing on Yaniv. In other words, Take that, losers; look at me not being racist! Note that the focus is now solely on the Asian Lady lawyer. JYS is obsessed with her, which makes us worry because he has convictions for assault.

JYS then goes on to impotently meow into the abyss about the Asian, Lady, Muslim Lawyer. JYS makes it beyond any reasonable doubt that this entire case is a rerun of his fraudulent BCHRT claims where the judge ruled him to be racist. It is fair to say the ONLY consistent message in her diatribe is she hates Muslims, especially women. It is dripping from every CHATBT written word. Yaniv demands the courts ban the lawyer, launch an investigation, report her to the Bar Association, etc. 

Never fear, though, our super trouper law whizz has the solution to resolve all issues! Actually, Yaniv has an entire page of solutions.

Where do we actually start with this crap? Does Yaniv have brain damage? Or an intellectual condition unknown to man? Yaniv may as well have sent a peace of used bog roll to the courts for all the good this will do. What follows these demands is possibly the world’s longest “I am guilty as charged” plea. Why is it that when presented with a right and wrong binary choice, Yaniv always manages to pick self-destruct?

We will let you have the pleasure of reading the document in full, but we noticed a couple of other points. Yaniv is very upset that the courts are no longer automatically giving him a free ride on requests. After the last Judge ruled that Yaniv could hear perfectly well, the court is now asking for proof of his ailments. In this, he claims to have been profoundly deaf since birth, yet doesn’t know sign language and can speak fluently. He possibly has a small degree of congenital hearing loss, but he is categorically not deaf. JYS blames us for his reticence in providing a medical diagnosis, claiming we will use it against her. 

JY misses the point that if she told the truth about her being “profoundly deaf”, there would be nothing we could attack. It is the same for all her other fictitious disabilities. We know they are not real because the blubber mountain publicly released ALL her medical documents. If they had said she has had Type 1 Diabetes, Brain Tumor, Breast Cancer, POTS, CRPS, Deaf, PTSD, ME, Hip Pain, Shellfish Allergy, and so on, we would have nothing to say and would also owe her an apology. Instead, she tries to seal every case to hide her fraud.

For the record, JY, registering with an online GP and giving them a list of your imaginary ailments does NOT count. “Client reports diabetic type 1” isn’t a diagnosis. It just means you have lied, and it is in your records. 

Finally (Phew!), we wondered what on earth caused Yaniv to lose grip on reality and send this disgusting pile of racism to the courts. It turns out the GAK filed the amended claim that still had the racial harassment claim on it. For all the Allard Law claims, blunderbuss Yaniv doesn’t know that you can’t delete part of a case that has been ruled on. It’s basic record keeping. How many times will JYS fuck themselves before actually losing their virginity?

If you want to hear more about the insane world of Jessica Yaniv a.k.a Jessica Simpson look no further.

37 Replies to “Defamatory, Unhinged, Racist, Unstable, Lying intimidatory Kebob Filing”

  1. shortstuff

    Oh what a tangled web Jon weaves. Jon’s a big blow fly, caught in his own web of deceit. The judge that reads this rancid garbage is probably wondering what dimension Jon lives in. Not even the Twilight Zone or Outer Limits is this unbelievable. Canadian Courts need to declare him a vexatious litigant so he won’t waste the court’s time and cost taxpayers money.

  2. Claude

    MM asks above, „does Yaniv have an intellectual condition unknown to man?“. Yess he does. Yaniv makes history by gaining an entry in the psychiatrist’s manual known as the “Yaniv Syndrome”. Its main symptoms simulate a cocktail of dissociative ketamines, cocaine-caused delusions of grandeur, amphetamine-like nervous energy, evil-inducing psychotics and meth-induced paranoia. The cure is a rubber cell.

    My prediction is that the orc will soon claim he can’t attend court or anything because of his supposed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.

    1. nNancy

      Yaniv needs to start putting the following in his lolsuits “the plaintiff is a disabled trans woman who is profoundly stupid”

  3. Elron Hubbard

    People need to start placing bets as to when and how this freak show comes to a close.

    I’d put money on a judge awarding GAK the 35K, Jethro losing his marbles in court to the point where a sherif has to force feed him a taser and finally being committed to a psychiatric facility. The cherry on top would be that Rexy could finally be taken in by a shelter and hopefully adopted out to a normal family.

    Hell Yeah 15
    1. Jonboyyerdone

      I would absolutely put in to a betting pool if someone started it lmao maybe make a PayPal to start taking bets? Winnings split with MM for server fees? Making ideas a possibility here people lol

      Hell Yeah 10
  4. Nobody

    JYS has participated in many of these activities!
    Just this year JYS was tweeted or on facebook posted how they were going to a Caribbean festival to fill up on Jerk chicken.
    Don’t forget JYS celebrates the diversity that Italy by supporting the Olive Garden.
    And don’t forget all the minority Asians that JYS supported by trying to utilize their waxing services.

    1. Jonboyyerdone

      I am planning on going to GAK this week for lunch can’t wait

      Hell Yeah 5
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  5. MrEd

    I’m not even half way thru & I have a question
    He identifies as a 1st nations christian, transgendered, jewish, muslim, student lawyer.
    Did I miss anything? Do the states lawyers sit around after hours & read this drivel over a couple drinks?
    I can’t se any legal professional reading this without busting up.

    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      We used to pass docs like this round the office when we needed a laugh. Imagine the poor guy who has to red every fax that JY sends in!

    2. Jaime

      Kidding aside i think Canada as a whole needs to re think mental hospitals.JV is a prime exzample why we need to bring back large scale mental health hospitals.

      1. Jonboyyerdone

        Our mental health system here is a joke. I have heard similar comments from people who work for the very company themselves. Jonboy needs more then a psych ward they would give him special treatment etc. They need JAIL or become homeless. Enough said

  6. Frenchie

    Trans women Jewish métis Cristian muslima ….

    That a mouth full…
    Dear God Johny boo boo 😭 common now.

    That …… hilarious please keep going .
    You know what they say folks ..the bigger they are the harder they fall.

    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      you missed out disabled

      1. Batman

        Excuse me sir, you spelled retarded wrong.

      2. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

        Fair point. The correct spelling for retarded is JYANIV

  7. Cactus

    All I have to say is we, ( some of us us from the Strata that Miriam used to live in HA Ha) already went to dine at GAK to show our support.
    Time for us to get a bigger group to revisit, have a great meal and reconfirm our support for these nice hard working folks.
    JYS & Miriam hope you’re enjoying your exile from our building because let me tell both of you, we sure are!!
    Both of you are long strings of misery and you deserve everything that already happened to you, hopefully more will be coming in the very near future.
    Meow Mix thank you once again for keeping us updated.

    Hell Yeah 19
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    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      Comments like this make it all the more worthwhile. Thank You

      Hell Yeah 11
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  8. Jon Yanivs Beret

    Ain’t it just like Jessica to note “community initiatives” and “charity work” without listing a single actual example? Perhaps he’s referencing the environmental award he accepted at SFU (despite not doing any actual work for it) because there were some Asian girls in the group who actually DID do the work? Or maybe he’s referencing his “volunteer” work for Cimorelli because Louise, one of the girls he relentlessly bullied, was French?

    Lol at #5 “facilitate accommodations for the plaintiff and her* service dog during all court proceedings to ensure her* rights are fully upheld”

    What accommodations exactly is he asking for? A computer screen and access to Omegele to watch 10 yr olds on their webcam? Some healthy snacks like Boston Pizza? Blue eyeshadow? Some turntables to DJ? Ahhh, pads and tampons. I’m sure that’s it. It’s always about the pads and tampons with this creep.

    *I have no problem referring to him as Jessica since that is his legal name, and we don’t deadname non trans people (ie, we don’t call a married person by their maiden name if we don’t like them). The “gendering” of names is a social construct, which varies culture to culture, and some names are androgynous. However, I would NEVER use female pronouns for him. 2 reasons:

    1. Facts/biology says he’s a man (although a piss poor excuse for one)

    2. I actually feel it’s disrespectful to all the good trans people out there (the vast majority) to allow him to claim trans status, and call him she/her. I actually feel like it can invalidate other trans people, since we have tons of examples/proof that Jessica is clearly just a fetishist. It’s not fair to lump good trans folks (again, the vast majority) in with that creep, even indirectly. Although I do understand there’s bad people in every group, and his behavior is no more a reflection on them then a bad white person’s behavior is a reflection on me. I just don’t think “trans” describes a fetishist. Let’s call him what he is – a fetishist who took it to an extreme.

    Did anyone remember which court case it was where he ADMITTED he holds racist views due to “past experiences”? I briefly looked and all I could find was a MM article that mentioned it on September 15, 2022. In that article they said it was “recent”. So that court case was definitely prior to 9/15/2022, hopefully that helps narrow it down, if someone is willing to look and find that.

    Hell Yeah 8
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    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      We are looking for that case plus your point 2 is the exact thing that our trans & LGB readers are saying to us.

      Hell Yeah 6
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      1. Jon Yanivs beret

        Glad to hear I echo their thoughts. I didn’t think to mention LGB, despite the fact that I’m a lifelong B myself, because Jessica is clearly just a straight man with (extreme) fetishes. I’ll take another peek for that court case where he admits he’s a racist. If I find it, I’ll come back here and leave the info here for you, my friend.

        Hell Yeah 6
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      2. Jon Yanivs beret

        Found it!!! Where he admits to holding racist views. It’s in the April 13th 2022 article titled “Jessica Yaniv Simpson vs Master Care (Kamal) CRT: DEFEAT!” Everything you need is in that article, including a link to the entire court document at the bottom. Hope this helps! Please get it over to GAK and/or their attorneys. If I can ever help in any way, please just email me. I’d be delighted to, including $$$

        Hell Yeah 9
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    2. nNancy

      He’s Jethro Bodine to me, the half-wit hillbilly from the Beverly Hillbillies who is dumber than a bag of dicks. I don’t associate this turd with the LGBT+ communities in the slightest. He’s a male fetishist who cut off his dick because pics he sent to minors are evidence and with both the Canadian gov. going after the prick Aydin Coban that taunted our young teen Amanda to unalive herself and the Duggar thing with the FBI he was genuinely worried he would be pinched, tried and sent to an American prison for 30 years for CSA. One small tradeoff. The complete and total loss of his sex drive and ability to orgasm. Small price to pay for someone that used to beat off to Romper Room. One last thing. Meow Mix can never be held responsible for disseminating anything about Jethro’s health if he was the one who first posted it. And he was, in every instance, the source of the data regarding his own health. He should be looking to sue himself and get a court order against opening his mouth or using a computer but once again, a cretin with an IQ of 70 can’t think that far forward.

      Hell Yeah 3
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  9. Trevor Dunen

    Jon, you would have to be one of the biggest dick heads in this grwat world. mate, what drugs are you on, firstly, none of the people I know on Meowmix are racists or transphobes. I am a member of the CWA (Country Women’s Association). A group that is admittedly all white and basically bakes cakes for other mostly white people , so maybe there’s something in that. All people on here have the same goal. they have seen the thousands of files on Meowmix & are fully aware you are a dangerous paedophile. You list all of these solutions? How about this, write a list of solutions to explain a way to solve the problem of you and your nutcase of a mother bashing & terrorising your neighbours. the one bit you left out of this filing is your criminal record and the list of criminal charges you are currently facing. When have you ever done any charitable work, your every move is watched and reported, you don’t even pick up Rexy’s dog shit when he craps in the park, that’s your standard. You bragged on the net about the kebob case, you said it would be the biggest thing since sliced bread and chocolate teapots. What the problem is here is that you are losing and badly, nobody has ever come back at you like this and you don’t have a clue what to do other that to file total nonsense that will be tossed by the judge in a millisecond, even if Rexy is humping his leg. You’re now like a fat cockroach caught in the corner by a female lawyer who is wearing a set of winklepickers (pointy shoes from the 1950’s. You’re now having a big sook and a whinge because every legal move they have used against you, you just didn’t see coming because you are a total fuckwit. You need to stop crying like a little baby, you need to man up Jon, you’ve never become a man and it’s about time you did, don’t worry, I will send you a rubber strap on cock so you can feel whole. So anyway, I reckon the courts do need to enforce the principles of justice, equality and freedom and they need to jail you immediately for being a child grooming paedophile. That’s it in a nutshell no-nuts! The closest thing I’ve ever seen to this delusional filing is a speech by Martin Luther King in the early sixties. As far as using anything and everything to attack Jon’s reputation, I’m certainly guilty of that, wait a minute, what reputation? Now what information could I use against Jon to attack his reputation. Convicted of possessing a deadly weapon, threatening to kill Chris Elston, making a false police report, assaulting Keane Bexte and being convicted of it, charged with assault of a senior, pulling a false fire alarm and making a false police report, false claims to be Indigenous Metis making a child grooming Elmo video and being catfished twice where he stalked a non-existent woman and her child at a hospital. Oh, and stop referring to Rexy as a service dog in your filings, the judge has already ruled it’s not you silly billy. Jon, this filing is going to get you into trouble, when the judge reads that he will photocopy it and pass it around, laughter will be heard echoing from the halls of justice, for you are not a lawyer but a comedy writer, a very ill one at that, but still very very funny. “Ooh, I’m a big time trans, disabled law student, I’m not supposed to lose, please make the bad lawyer lady stop or I’ll cry and bleat transphobia and racism because the nasty Muslim man is suing me and winning and winning big”. Well that’s all I have to say, I must go and write up the minutes to the last Klu Klux Klan meeting I went to.

    Hell Yeah 12
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  10. Jessica Simpson, Esq.

    I read the whole thing. I love how Jon goes on for pages and pages about the attorney’s “unprofessional conduct” without describing what he means by that. There’s some reference to the attorney claiming that Jon was biased against Muslims and that this came from MeowMix, but uh…. that was the conclusion of the HRT, buddy. Jon also made some argument that the counter-claim was outside of the jurisdiction of the Court, but didn’t explain why. Then there are (of course) general complaints about MeowMix, but he doesn’t tie that into whatever the attorney is doing.

    Or in other words, this massive filing is just a signal to the judge that yep, this guy is an insane self-represented litigant.

    Jon will never get his law license but imagine if he filed stuff like this as an attorney. It would be comedy gold.

    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      That’s a TV program I would watch.

      Hell Yeah 8
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  11. Liam

    Your pronoun use is inconsistent and becoming ambiguous in articles where actual women are mentioned. Most people think “male” when they think about Yaniv, so why don’t you just be consistent and use masculine pronouns to reduce ambiguity?

    Hell Yeah 10
    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      send @confusedteacups on twitter and send him a message.

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  12. Trevor Dunen

    The beginning of your downfall fat Jon was when you made then posted that disgusting Elmo video. Remember that pedo Pete? “Elmo wants to see your tits go up & down”. This vile moment in social media history is a true representation your character & your reputation. You never ever catch on, no matter how much information you have, it seems to me that you need to be treated like a computer & have the information punched into you, please read this and try and understand it Jon, you cannot win the Kebob case, it’s over. Any good lawyer would make an offer and run. he’s going to get the full 35K. Offer him 17k and then sell your mother for $100 an hour on the net, you’ll get it, that’s only 170 pimp hours or three weeks on your back if you make it eight hour days with a half hour smoke break. I mean their are some sick fucks out there, just look at you.

  13. ActuallyHuman

    Yaniv has revoked his priviledge. The world has enough of him. He calls himself a “trans activist” where in reality he is actually an extremely obese pedo-autist who masturbates to Elmo, Barney, Dora, Caillou, and The Loud House. He is the reason why people stopped liking The Loud House: because so many brain dead pedophiles are watching it. And his mother is not even a real human! She is a wild animal who cannot behave in society and hates Canada! We need to get him out of the picture entirely.

  14. nNancy

    Don’t forget to mention I was elected Wizard leader of the Nazi Racists KKK battalion. Total horseshit I may add.
    I’m waiting patiently, for the day the wrong judge gets assigned Jon and this Judge has just heard the most heinous case of CSA he’s heard in years. in walks Jethro, with the dog in tow and immediately starts bleating about being a disabled trans Metis woman 3rd year law student who is on her period. And starts whinging about all the concessions he should have because his genital warts have spread to his face (It’s natural I guess, for Jethro to imagine the dildo he used on his rot pocket is Donald’s dick and Jethro wants to give it a big sucking so bad it hurts! Oops, warts on his face now! That’s the real reason Jethro is using AI to create a wart free face for the public.
    So the head of the Bodine Crime Family insists he get special treatment from the courts because, hey, he was in grade school with a handler and he still managed to grab the class trophy’s and ran around with them, pretending he earned them, just like his appearance at the 350 Environmental Dinner and Awards Ceremony. Our 3rd year PhD dissertation topic, err, candidate? somehow managed to get his fat ugly self invited to the dinner so he could later throw racial epithets at the SOC on their discord servers (prove it Jethro says) Some clown named Joy was behind his appearance there I suspect.
    Jethro again proves by himself he’s a danger so at the adult age of 35!! this jackass is not allowed on any SFU property without a handler. History does repeat itself. I guess even Joy got grossed out when she heard Jethro would raid the tampon disposal bin to enhance his genital wart collection, which by the way, is not privileged because Jethro HIMSELF posted it on the internet. This tool has managed to bamboozle the court system and they have bent over backwards DOUBLE for him. They gave him a sealed hearing with the health authority even when Jethro himself emailed barf inducing rot pocket pics to Dr.s not even associated with his GRS! Sure, I’ll ask the Kia trained Tech to work on my McLaren. What could go wrong?
    So many people on this post alone have smacked the ugly nail that is Jethro Bodine, ESQ, squarely on the head and driven it deep into the wood. We’re all hoping it doesn’t pop up again and destroy more innocent lives.
    The only thing funnier than Afghan Kabob winning $35,000 is the “turban fuckers” from his past might smell blood in the water and come after him. I’ve love to see Mr. Swirl flush this fucking turd into the ocean, is anyone advising him how to easily destroy Jethro? Oops, that sound like hate so I’ll rephrase, Is anyone guiding Mr. Swirl in his struggle to restore his reputation which really took a hit from Jethro. Remember, Jethro said just getting them into court was a win for him as their lives were disrupted and it cost serious coin to defend themselves. I hope Stephen pays attention here and learns if he files a countersuit for $35,000 Jethro can’t drop it and walk away. 3 or 4 of these losses starts looking like real money! $140,000 in judgements against him, He’ll never be able to even buy a chocolate bar on credit he’ll be so fucked. Come mortgage renewal time and I imagine his bank will be showing him the door and he will only get private financing at 10-12% annually. He might even get financing that pays off the rather than interest only loans he’ll be faced with for 3-5 years. This ugly larping cocksucker (come on Jethro, you’re as queer as a $3 bill and you know it) may not fly into the sun in a glorious final fuck you to everyone smart enough to keep their dicks but he may quietly, behind the scenes, deflate like the big 450 lb. lumbering hulk he is, sobbing and whimpering in a puddle of his own piss because it was easier than getting up to use the loo. Goodnight and Good Luck you dna damaged pedo fetishist, you’re gonna need it.

    Hell Yeah 3
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  15. nNancy

    damn, did I not hit post or was my post shitcanned?

    Hell Yeah 2
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    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      Nope, we just haven’t been online to approve them. It is also the longest comment we have ever had.

      Hell Yeah 4
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      1. Jonboyyerdone

        Nancy breaking records over here!!!

  16. Me

    Hmmm, if JY identifies as Muslim, and identifies as she/her, is she wearing a Hijab or Burka? Refraining from pork consumption and refraining from alcohol consumption? Not out in public without the consent of a man?

    Don’t know if JY put a lot of thought into this.

    Which way is Mecca?

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  17. nNancy

    Well that says a lot when other esteemed posters here like to create beautiful essays which I love to read, and by the comments, others love them too. I won’t mention a certain guy from Oz by name but he’s high on my respect and read first list. Well, my comment are no more inflamatory than other stuff here, and none of it can be disproven easily. Note I never accuse Jethro of CSA. He fucks up everything so bad he hasn’t the smarts to entice and lure a young girl from the internet. And seeing this obese blob IRL would send any potential victim fleeing for the hills and screaming as loud as possible. No, my worries about CSA and this obese blob are long over. He’s now, IMO, exclusively trying to destroy lives and make himself rich in the BC courts. Who are still pandering to this fuckhead. Why aren’t the sherrifs impounding the dog each time Jethro trots it to court? It’s only a fucking pet, so say TWO justices!
    Why is this dickhead not being charged with filing false statements with the court? He contradicts himself over and over. Surely the court sees this when he signs at the bottom of court documents saying “I swear this is all true” Starting with his “demand” for an interpreter for an online meet? Is that right? It’s just for a free transcript as you say. Grift, grift, grift and grift sgsin. If Great Kabob and Stephen play their cards right they WILL torpedo this menace to society who would normally be locked up and out of it on thorazine, which would truly be better for the world. Certainly better for BC. Incredibly better for Langley.

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    1. Trevor Dunen

      Nice article Nnancy and thanks for the respect, it goes both ways. I’m back on Twitter now too. have a great day all and keep up the great work Meowmix staff, I love you’se all just like Jeff Fenech does.

  18. Deep Throat

    Dear God I never read such a ridiculous, illiterate, word salad in my entire life! 10 pages of utter garbage! How in the hell does SFU justify allowing this individual to participate in any classes when the space could be better utilized by a brain-dead monkey!

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