We are working on The Never Ending Story part 2, which is bigger than we thought. It will be live in the next 24 hours. So we are updating the news on Mad Miriam Yaniv.
Mad Miriam Yaniv, the delightful aunt mother of Jessica Jonathon Yaniv, the last of his name, had another hearing about her ongoing criminal issues on the 7th of September 23. We routinely say that reporting on the Yaniv gang is a bit like a circus, but you must be an acrobat to get your head around this.
As many readers will remember, Miriam Yaniv was charged in January with four different crimes.
- Mischief
- False alarm of fire – 2 counts on separate days.
- Uttering threats to burn, destroy, or damage.
Miriam was bailed on an undertaking to appear and to keep the peace. She was also banned from her entire building, including her apartment. Given the severity of the charges, these are perfectly understandable.
Of course, like any decent human being, JYS came to his mother’s rescue and offered her a place to stay now that she was effectively homeless. Sorry, I forgot – JYS dumped Miriam into a hotel that she couldn’t afford to pay for, using up even more of her cash.
Eventually, with a degree of circus theatrics, Miriam pleaded guilty, and after multiple attempts at varying her bail, she was allowed back into her apartment but was banned from communal areas. JYS, you will remember, is banned for beating up an old man.
You would think anyone with more brain cells than an amoeba would then keep their heads down, cooperate fully with sentencing and other statutory requirements and minimise the damage. Not Miriam. Miriam stopped speaking to her lawyer, causing a change in sentencing when Miriam didn’t turn up. Then JYS, her nephew and law savant, decided to challenge all restrictions and demand all charges be dropped by suing King Charles.
Are you still with us, or do you need medication for this sideshow?
I bet you are thinking that bloody hell; surely there is no way anything else could happen to disrupt a simple sentencing. It is the Yaniv clan we are talking about here! Just after one of the failed sentencing dates, Miriam got herself ARRESTED AGAIN – Causing her bail conditions to be reset & off she went to stay in the Pigaloo.
Miriam was then involved in another incident along with JYS and her sister that involved an attempted hit and run and 4 RCMP vehicles! How the feck are you meant to parody this?
Anyway – Given she was arrested for breaking bail conditions, failed to turn up for sentencing and then involved in a further incident, what would you expect someone to do? Personally, I would shut up, take my punishment and behave like a normal member of society.
Not Miriam or JYS – They decided to apply for a variation of the bail conditions (for the offences she still hasn’t been sentenced for because she went AWOL) to allow her to move back to her own apartment.
- He had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more. P.G. Wodehouse
- Life is hard, but it is harder if you are stupid. Michael Crichton
If you want to hear more about the insane world of Jessica Yaniv a.k.a Jessica Simpson look no further.
When is this going to end. The courts have to force her to sell and move. Lets have the law work for the people.
Technically the Strata Corp could apply to have Miriam Yaniv forced to sell. There is legal precedent here in Canada. It could be worth it for the Strata to wait and see if financially this whole situation with her and her son, ultimately forces them to sell due to their own mess. It is however, worth noting, if the Strata could find a legal means to do so, the community could force a sale of the strata lot unit – I believe the threshold has been met for them to request such a forced sale.
Some legal reading in case they happen to see this comment:
How does this retard expect to become a lawyer if he can’t even get his own mom to behave?
Yaniv does not really want to become a lawyer. He wants to masturbate to preschool shows all day and all night.
The Crichton quote applies in spades to the Bodine/Clampett Crime Families.
Forgive me, I’m not trying to stereotype but didn’t a recent study conclude Israel has some of the smartest people in the world, overall? Do the defectives like the Yanivs emigrate and that raises the IQ of the remaining Israeli’s? Jack wasn’t work stupid, hubby worked as a pressmen assistant and it’s a demanding job. Sure Jack was stupid for blowing a load into that crone that produced the DNA damaged EUREKA!!! Now I remember. a few years into hubby’s working in the printing world it was revealed many of the chems in the ink and wash and cleaning chems were highly dangerous and could cause DNA mutations. Now we know why Jethro is a low IQ 70 cretin with no social skills. His DNA was damaged from inception. Back to our tale.
So the should be RICO’d Yaniv crime crew now figures if Miriam doesn’t show for her sentencing then the convictions and conditions are all somehow magically reset? Of course, since Jethro is dumber than a bag of dicks that the Brassard butchery throws away each day he figures he’ll front run a legal challenge on what grounds? Holy hell, this is hilarious. the ROFLMAO doesn’t express it! I’m going to puke if I laugh much harder. Granny clampett, the criminal mastermind in the Yaniv syndicate decides to take all the advice from her brain damaged nephew who can be counted on to always lose a legal battle? This is better than slapstick, or Keystone Kops and Benny Hill combined! There’s a loop playing in my head with Granny lighting up the strata, Rexy humping Jethro who is in court with a powdered wig and robe and Benny Hill music. It’s all quite a laugh. I suspect when Neverending II is posted I’ll truly go into spasms and need to call 999.
The best place for Mama Yaniv would be a monkey house. Miriam utterly refuses to act like a civil human being. She probably spent most of her life in a jungle after her parents rightfully disowned her. That is why she has fits in public.
This is entertainment provided to you by the state comrade, now drink your kool-aide & enjoy the show.
The famous quote in the jail movie, Cool Hand Luke, featuring Paul Newman, comes to mind, “What we’ve got here is failure to communicate, some men, you just can’t reach”. The reason this all happened is that in the beginning, Jon often said that he was a protected species and this was partly true, but in the end he went too far, he pushed the envelope, or to be more precise he pushed for a topless pool party for underage girls, but who gives a fuck about the facts. Once it was established he was a paedophile, after he pushed kiddy fiddling themes on social media, post topless pool party, and he racked up loss after loss in the courts, on top of pissing the fire brigade and the police off, & his dog humped the judges leg, his trans shield has now disappeared like his trans penis. Once he hits the ladies jail, those nasty Metis girls will be kindly enquiring as to which actual tribe he’s from. You’re a silly boy Jon but I’m glad you just won’t pull up, because if you did I wouldn’t have any comedy to read, you’re a virtual-reality one man Saturday Night Live show that just keeps giving.
Trev, how true that quote is!!! Please allow me to elaborate on the next few lines of that quote – “so you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it…well, he gets it!” This was also at the beginning of the classic Guns and Roses song “Civil War” (their all time best song IMHO)