We could not publish before now because of a publication ban, which has now been overturned. Get ready because we will now be posting everything, and there is a lot! We will publish every little detail, every little lie the evil POS submitted. If you thought the landwhale was a lying piece of shit at his criminal trial in December, get the popcorn ready. You are not going to believe what he tried to do this time. Everyone at the British Columbia Provincial Health Services Authority should sue him for defamation.
Or, at the very least, wasting hours of their lives that they will never get back. Jonny is on record as saying that even if he doesn’t win in court, to him, the punishment & his revenge is making his victims go through the process is his victory, especially since he is never made to pay for the costs he forces them to incur to defend themselves.
But maybe, just maybe, Jessica Serenity Simpson, formerly Jonathan Gill Yanivs, has finally bitten off more than he can chew.
Before we cover the rest, we wanted to draw your attention to the fact that this was a sealed case. Jessica Yaniv Simpson had obtained a publishing ban on the basis he was the victim of sexual assault. Even in cases where a sexual assault has been disproved, the claimant/victim normally retains anonymity. The fact that he hasn’t retained that speaks volumes about the judge’s learned opinion on this case, which is damning towards Yaniv. This is an incredibly rare event in Canada, and from our searches, we have only found a handful of cases. Basically, Yanivs claims of sexual assault have been found to be so vexatious, so utterly devoid of merit, that anonymity doesn’t apply. WOW!
Yaniv’s case has been thrown out and shown to be a pack of lies. We salute those who stood up to him on this!
This is the case where Yaniv claimed that an ambulance technician sexually assaulted him by touching his moobs. It seemed like it was his dream case – Sexual assault and being racist towards security staff.
This is not the first time Jessica Serenity Simpson, formerly Jonathan Gill Yaniv, has made up disgusting stories about being assaulted. It was only a couple of years ago that he targeted Amy Hamm with false reports and tried to get her arrested. It has been a recurring weapon that he has used to harm his critics over the years.
Several of the MM team have experienced sexual assault, and we think he is lower than low – pond scum in the circle of life that uses real victims’ suffering and terror to advance his own aims. We won’t be holding back in our articles about this.
We have almost 100 pages of documents to review and have also asked the British Columbia Provincial Health Services Authority for comment. Once we have gathered everything together, a full article will be published as soon as possible.
He really is a disgusting bit of crap. There really is no level he wouldn’t stoop to.
Amy needs to hammer him into the ground.
This is the reporting that the world has been craving from you guys. Bravo. It really feels like you are back. Everyone I think, has been wondering about Amy. She could financially ruin this eunuch menace and force him into homelessness, bankruptcy, vexatious status, etc. Have you approached her for comment? She’s been vocal on X about facing 4 years of oppression and I’m sure the claim of sexual assault by Yaniv is a part of that. Especially as the process is the punishment.
Cheers guys.
DFS got his hands on something that will show you JYS lied about DFS in court, DFS has the proof
„The issue of costs is adjourned generally“. Does this mean the judge is yet to decide if the eunuch is slammed with costs?
I hope the ems worker sues Yaniv
DFS got his hands on something that will show you JYS lied in a Toronto court room
Stop trying to spam your comment in the section. This isn’t deviantFART.
Was any footage recorded of the incident?