So many headline opportunities here. I’ll look forward to seeing your best ideas in the comments. Until then, Jessica Yaniv Simpson, Langley, BC’s biggest con artist and most desperate scammer, has launched another lawsuit. This time, against a plumbing company that Yaniv was at one point working for in a web design capacity, Speaking of capacity, he claims he’s only 200 lbs. now. He is, of course, seeking the maximum $35,000 amount.

Mr. Swirl has been previously mentioned by Yaniv. In 2021, he complained to Arianna that the owner had allegedly been sexually harassing him, as if anyone would ever do that. There seems to be a pattern/obsession with being sexually harassed. He’s accused a restaurant owner, Amy Hamm, Donald Smith, a paramedic, and multiple other people, as if anyone would ever want to spend a moment of their time in this pedophiles presence. Nobody would.
In 2021, Yaniv sent these messages to Arianna.

I’ll let you finish cringing.
Ok. Moving on. Seems to be a pattern here in that Yaniv is filing this lawsuit almost 2 years after the events occurred. He recently filed another lawsuit (under his pedophile mother‘s name) that was just days before it’s two year limitation period lapsed.
This time, Yaniv alleges that the employer caused him emotional distress by sexually harassing him, and says this caused him loss of income, monetary losses, humiliation, and mental distress.
[mdocs single-file=”20230306 JY vs Mr Swirl Notice of Claim.pdf”]

Hilariously, Yaniv claims to have worked for Mr. Swirl for just 37 days. Yaniv goes on to say they were terminated for complaining about health issues, and that the employer called Yaniv “sweetheart” and complained about his sex life.
Yaniv goes on to claim that he is a “200 lb trangender woman”. At BEST, this should read 200 kilograms.
Yaniv’s claims go on to say that he was told to eat a salad, which, lol, is fucking hilarious. If the claims are true that the plumber bought the team lunch and got Jon a salad I find this fucking hilarious. And the best part is one of Jon’s points of contention is that he didn’t get the chicken sandwich he wanted. Jon Yaniv, a 400 lb monstrosity, sued a plumber because he got free salad instead of a free chicken burger.

Yaniv’s claim rambles on about how Mr. Swirl apparently made fun of his weight, encouraged him to eat better, mocked his appearance, and, according to Jon Yaniv (BC’s most racist piece of shit), made racist remarks about East Indians.
Yaniv goes onto say that all these things, salad included, caused an emotional toll, ruined his career trajectory, caused him physical harm, damaged his reputation, and made Yaniv unable to attend social events, as if anyone ever wanted him at any. This pervert spends every holiday alone, as they should.
Interestingly, much like the scandalous, libel-filled application files against Gerry Funk recently, this lawsuit seems to be full of projection. Numerous women and girls have complained that Yaniv sexually harassed them and caused them distress. Several women and girls have complained about Yaniv calling them sexually charged names and making them feel uncomfortable, often refusing to stop. Yaniv has complained to many people about a lack of a sex life. Yaniv makes discriminatory remarks about women’s genitals. Yaniv has attacked women and men for their weight.
While complaining about the plumber trying to make him drink a certain water or eat a certain food, we are reminded of Yaniv trying to sell Cutco knives, makeup, and false eyelashes to everyone on social media. Yaniv makes fun of people for their looks and disabilities, but complains about the same here. Worst of all, Yaniv is a documented racist, especially towards East Indian people, and here he complains as if he is their savior. Everything he accuses Mr. Swirl of doing – much like it was with Mr. Funk – Yaniv does himself.
It’s also interesting that Yaniv claims in his lawsuit that he was “employed by” Mr. Swirl, but Yaniv’s own admissions to Arianna were that Mr. Swirl was a client of Yaniv’s defunct business JY Knows IT, or perhaps it was Peanut Marketing.
Yaniv’s proof to support these claims consists of absolutely nothing so far.
I suspect Yaniv is targeting this small business hoping they’ll settle, which is disturbing. It shows Yaniv is desperate for money. If someone has a contact at Mr. Swirl please fill him on who Yaniv is (share this link) and ask him to contact us for support.