A few days ago, some teens sent Jessica Yaniv Simpson some prank texts using a throwaway “burner” number from a free text app. It started as your basic run of the mill trolling – nothing you haven’t seen before on Twitter or in the comments of MeowMix or KiwiFarms. Was some of it offensive? Sure, but let’s be honest and call it like it is – for all the evil JY has done in the world, especially to teen girls, it’s fair play when they start turning back on him (and it’s not the first time!).
The important detail from above is that the teens used a text app number that they had never given to anyone before. Just JY. The next important detail is that JY replied and called them “Ariana”, a name that doesn’t belong to either of the teens.

It’s important to point out that JY has no idea who the teens are or what hey look like, but he did know they are minors.

Very shortly afterwards the teens started receiving calls and hang ups from unknown numbers – something Yaniv is known to do – on the number that only JY knew.
Next, the teens started receiving text messages from multiple other numbers. Some photos were posted on Leolist, a well known escort website, with the name Ariana and the teens phone number – the number nobody knew except JY.
One of the other teens responded.

This part strikes me as very Yaniv-esque. The “I didn’t”, and “I just saw that” sounds a lot like JY’s claims of innocence that he made in the SaraLeaks and MandaLeaks.

The escort ad that Yaniv posted the girls’ phone number to is shown below. The text doesn’t sound like Yaniv so I was a bit uncertain about it. Make sure you scroll left and right.
I googled some of the text from the ad and found another escort ad, posted several weeks ago on the same site in a different city, with the exact same text. Note the phone number above is the teens throwaway number and the one below is different.
It’s no surprise that Yaniv copy pasted something. That’s his usual MO – steal someone else’s work.
What bothers me is that this person has such weak morals and low impulse control that he didn’t think at any time that saying these teens were “whores” or that they “needed a dick up their ass” was inappropriate, or that posting their contact info on a escort site was a bad idea.
Do I think JY is trying to traffic teens? No. He’s not smart enough to pull it off. Do I think JY crossed another big line here? Yes, I do. You don’t post minors stuff to adult sites and you don’t send adult content to minors. Period.
I wonder what Yaniv’s parole officer would think…