Before we start this month’s Jessica Yaniv Simpson follies, the MeowMix team wanted to say hello to all our new readers in the global law enforcement community. We also wanted to add that we are not making any of this up. Jessica Serenity Simpson previously known as Jessica Yaniv previously know as Jonathan Gill Yaniv is a very special case of online predator and real-life sociopath.
Jonny spent most of the month retweeting virtuous quotes, tweeting about his passion project Donald Francis Smith, complaining about various local restaurants and food delivery services, trying to get the attention of a couple of Vancouver legal firms, and threatening more lawsuits against those who have exposed his latest cons and predatory behaviour. All that and the occasional manic outburst about his pet being a service dog thrown in for good measure. In other words, same old, same old. Oh, and after a bit of hiatus, he is back to begging for free sex toy samples for him to review. The level of begging seems to be tied to his level of frustration with his failed or failing lawsuits.
November began with yet another young woman coming forward to speak up about the predatory behaviour and sexual advances made by Jonny toward the young fans of the band Cimorelli during the time when he claimed to be their social media manager. She also talked about Jonny’s obsession with the then 12-year-old Dani Cimorelli.
The next day he threatened legal action against a Victoria resident who took to Twitter to warn residents of Victoria and the greater Vancouver area about him. The resident was aware of how often the Yaniv clan travelled to the Island and was concerned for the safety of her fellow islanders. She, like many others these days, refused to be intimidated by Jonny’s legal threats. He is finding that while they may have worked in the past, they no longer do especially with his well publicized losing streak in BC court and tribunal systems.
Next up on the 3rd, Jonny replied to an employment law online class registration tweet outlining a questionable claim about the behaviour of a former employer. Did he not realize that to get any kind of response he would have to not only register but pay the course fee, or was he expecting a response like when he posted a picture of his infected neovagina asking for treatment advice to an American doctor?
November 6 was a manic posting day for Jonny. He started tweeting about an Australian tweeter who was trolling him by claiming to be in fear of his life and announcing that he would be taking the Aussie to court in BC. What the Twitterverse pointed out to the “law student” (amid the laughter) was the impossibility of his threat, but that did not stop him from tagging in various police forces from around the world (RCMP, Western Australia Police, INTERPOL).
Nov 1-7 JY Images
Again, if the law student had done any research, rather than just trying to look tough and threatening, he would know that Interpol turns any enforcement, if warranted, over to the local police, IF they get involved at all. Somehow, we doubt a few online trolling tweets to racist Canadian pedophile would have gotten more than a nanosecond of their attention.
He also announced that he would be getting his COVID 19 booster shot, raising speculation that he lied again about being First Nations to jump the queue. Jonny responded by calling everyone who pointed that out transphobic. If he was truly First Nations, wouldn’t he have lashed out calling his critics racist?
November 14 was World Diabetes Day and of course, Jonny preened online about the hardship of having diabetes, etc. The response was not sympathy or support but laughter and the reposting of pictures of his non diabetic meals that Jonny he himself had posted. His piggish behaviour, wannabe-cutesy comments, and pictures of his diabetes monitor readings were bonuses.
November 15 saw Jonny lash out at Twitter user FacepalmChris when his series of service dog training tweets were obviously hitting a little to close to home and might be influencing how various businesses were responding to Jonny and his untrained pet. How did he lash out? By providing proof that Chris was wrong? By engaging in debate about accepted service dog training practices? Nope. Jonny being Jonny, a frustrated virgin incel, immediately went to sex and suggested that the only thing that Chris knew how to do was masturbate. Big mistake. I do not have to outline how social media responded especially with Jonny’s runaway clit.
Nov 7-15 JY Images
November 16 saw Jonny three retweets of photos of the flooded Castle Fun Park near Abbotsford. BC. Why three and why were there no other posts of say the nearby flooded farmland or urban areas? The answers were provided by social media “sympathizing” with him that he could no longer hang around the park watching children and he was not sympathetic to the farmers in that area because the majority were persons of colour.
November 17 showed again that Jonny was ignoring that his paid Twitter followers were starting to disappear by claiming he still had 130K followers (a number that was at least 6 months old) and that by reporting content he was an influencer when he retweeted flood assistance requests. He is still choosing to ignore how badly ratioed he is and hid several replies that pointed out his history.
Did Jonny spent the day (November 18) before his mother and aunt were to appear in court being supportive? Nope, reports are he did not leave his condo and instead spent the day online posting his usual – slagging DFS, sucking up to a couple of Vancouver law firms, slagging the RCMP (well at least he didn’t dox any members).
Amusingly, he suggested that both Chris Taylor and Trevor Ritchings were going to be arrested outside of the courthouse where his mother and aunt were to appear, even though most expected the Yaniv girls to not make an actual appearance. He did not say why they would be arrested nor provide any proof of criminal charges. BTW Jonny, Trevor is allowed in Canada and has the freedom and resources to travel the world, unlike you. Criminal charges and a criminal record limit your travel options, as does Miriam running out of money. Your trip to Toronto almost bled her dry.
And, sure enough, Miriam and Ilana did not appear in court. Their lawyer informed the court that they planned to submit a resolution letter to the court and requested an adjournment which was granted until December 10, 2021.
There are several interesting things in that brief court appearance. One, they have a different criminal lawyer than Jonny, and despite Jonny’s hatred for IndoCanadians, their lawyer is one.
Two, resolution letters usually mean a mutually agreed upon settlement (deal) is in the works to bring the matter to a swift conclusion. They will probably plead guilty to a lesser charge and get probation and community service. The Crown prosecutor was surprised by this announcement, suggesting he was not involved in the Yaniv’s bright idea.
Three, is Jonny testing the waters to see if he can pull something similar off with his upcoming criminal trials? His lawyer has probably explained to him (not that he listened or understood) that there is a huge difference, between his current and previous criminal charges – not only the number but the seriousness of them. Has his lawyer made him move past the transphobia or ” feared for my life” defense?
Nov 16-20 JY Images
November 21 was an arousing day for Jonny. In what appears to have been a course assignment, he put up a long (over the assignment time limit), rambling, racist, and often incoherent video on YouTube about how the use of pronouns is not compelled speech and in support of SOGI 123. Social media pundits immediately pointed out the false analogies (such as not using his preferred pronoun is the same as killing black people, corrected his claims of having contributed towards President Trump’s Twitter suspension, asked for real examples of his successful transactivism, etc.)
Almost immediately after posting links to YouTube (which was made private when the views topped 100, with no likes but at least 75 thumbs down), Jonboy immediately started begging for free sex toy samples on Twitter. Guess thinking about all those innocent children under 10 got him thinking about other things…
‘Around this time ICBC and the rest of the world got a peek at Jonny’s latest medical ailment that will be used in new or amended existing lawsuits and to apply for more medical subsidies. He diagnosed himself with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), a syndrome that is notoriously hard to diagnose by doctors and a favourite of insurance scam artists.
On the 24th, Jonny replied to a blood drive tweet from the Langley RCMP (the detachment he is suing and whose members he has doxed) by naming one of the members giving blood. The detachment deleted the tweet and reposted it with the officer’s face covered. Jonny, being Jonny, went ballistic, making derogatory comments and issuing more legal threats. Once again, JY showed what a selfish, self-centered prick he is (yes you can be one, even if you no longer have one) by ruining an event trying to save the life of a child.
Still triggered, he posted a video of him being pulled over later that night. Details are sketchy but it has been suggested that: 1.) he brooded all afternoon about the RCMP pulling down the tweet and then went out looking for an encounter to set up another lawsuit; 2.) he and other drivers were pulled over at a CheckStop and he tried to capitalize with the footage; 3.) he got pulled over for his driving (he has a history of being a bad and aggressive driver); or 4.) he got pulled over for inattention i.e. he was using his cell phone AGAIN while driving.
Nov 21-25 JY Images
November 25 was an exceptional day for Jonny. Jonny apparently met, took a young woman for her COVID shot, and then celebrated her birthday with her. He then posted a picture of the two of them together in his condo. Why did he post the picture? To prove he had an attractive young woman in his condo and that she liked him. The usual blowback occurred and now the young woman just wants to move on with her Yaniv-free life. Although she has deleted all of tweets, Jonny’s responses to them and threats to his critics on her behalf remain. It is as if he cannot bear the thought of totally erasing the documentation of the day’s events.
Tired of the Twitter blowback and desperate for positive interaction Jonny posted a message stating he was fine, despite the flooding, message to all his Facebook friends and family on November 29. Social media users asked who cared and noted that he was far away from the flooding and safe in his condo. If anyone really cared, they would have reached out when the flooding started – weeks earlier. They also wondered why he had had to mention a kid’s fun park rather than the towns that were flooded as a geographical reference. The towns and map locations had been well covered in the international news. The answer was, of course, that his friends are primarily other pedophiles and child groomers.
November, of course, ended on a legal note, with Jonny being handed a defeat by his current go-to legal venue, the Civil Resolution Tribunal. This was the one where he was suing the local paramedics for “damaging” his stove. Try not to laugh to hard at the failed machinations of Langley’s Legal Whiz while reading the actual document and Jonny responding by tweeting numerous threats about it. He may have already filed a few with the CRT, so we have something to look forward to over the coming months other than his criminal trails.
Stay tuned for December!