Jessica Yaniv Madvent 5 – Missing Clitoris

Who could forget the time that Yaniv lost his clitoris? Not content with losing his micro peen and testicles Yaniv became just like any other man and lost sight of where the clitoris is. Or maybe it ran away who could blame it?

Happy Madvent Day 5, everyone!

19 Replies to “Jessica Yaniv Madvent 5 – Missing Clitoris”

  1. jaime

    How did he not know it fell off?

    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      Most men never find the clitoris so it is understandable.

      Hell Yeah 12
    2. 377


      He not only didn’t know where / when / why / how it had popped off but had to be shown where it should have been …. “they showed me where it did fall off”.

      yaniv comedy writes itself.

  2. Batman

    He probably thought his fallen off clitoris was a month-old pizza crust or the remains of a moldy olive garden breadstick, so he kicked it toward the corner of the pigaloo and Rexy ate it.

    1. Jon Yanivs Beret

      Ha! I suspect that he thought it was a piece of a chewed up tampon. A woman wiser then myself once said “when it comes to yaniv, tampons are always the only acceptable answer”. Lol. This video is my all time favorite video of him. Ever. He even managed to slip in one of his notoriously stupid and annoying “as such”, because of course he did.

      1. nNancy

        In a generation or two when a historical researcher takes an interest in Yaniv, and turns up this one prima facie example of his stupidity people will again be wondering how anyone so stupid could have been so malicious and vexatious in the courts, and further, how anyone of such a low social IQ was left unsupervised to destroy innocent lives?
        I really think Jonny becomes a textbook example of how one individual can do so much harm to a movement

  3. breadstick

    I don’t know of any other person who’s penis AND clitoris both went missing – it’s a modern day mystery of science. For Jon’s next act a couple of his diabetic toes will slough off from necrosis after rexy nibbles on them a bit too aggressively. But at least he still has nipples!

    In Jon’s defense I’ve also been unable to find my male clit. When I ask doctors about it they tell me to put my pants back on and request that I leave their office. Discrimination!

    Hell Yeah 14
  4. The incestuous adventures of the crazy Yanivs

    “It’s my fault”
    “I’m not taking care of myself”

    No John, you’re not, you never have been. Sometimes the best justice is them getting what they want…or “think” they want…

  5. Vern Thurston

    Read between the lines-Yaniv was hammering too hard on his/her glorious new Clitoris. He/She slapped the tip clean off but not deep enough to hit the ‘vein’. More Taxpayer money well spent. Failed Surgery because Yaniv had to slap oneself silly to test drive finally being a “woman”. Likely watching porn and feverishly spanking his/her new trophy faux privates. Follow up examinations and the eventual BCHRT complaint all on the Taxpayer’s. I’m unsure of what can be done to feminize the voice? He/She sounds like a sissy male “Valley” boy. Not sure where it came from, his mom sounds like a Yiddish speaking exorcised Demon. Must be his/her “Metis” accent.

  6. @adulthumanwitch

    As a female, I’ve had an awful lot to contend with, sexual harassment and inappropriate touching, inappropriate advances from men, cat calling include comments, when I dress up nicely for an evening out, harassment in the park, when I’m sitting on a bench, reading a book, wanting to be left, alone , getting touched up by some dirty pervert in a public toilet in the presence of my children, hormone inbalances, painful periods due to PCOS, all the years, I tried to conceive and amazingly, despite that, I’ve had two children, both of whom I breastfed, with real milk, not milk induced from medication and both times I needed stitches, I never sat in the bath for hours with the stitches and I can categorically state that my clitoris has never fallen off. Which is a good job really as I’m rather fond of it, it’s a lot of fun and I would miss it terribly if it decided to make a break for freedom and runaway. I can’t actually find it within myself to have any kind of sympathy. They have major surgery and didn’t follow the instructions. Call me around in many ways, every time I think of them, not noticing that they’re clitoris had fallen off. I laugh and laugh. I just remember them slapping their bits in that video it probably flew off and rolled behind the fucking dresser or something. Or as Dr Eric says Rexy had it as an hors d’oeuvre. I cannot wait until 2024 when this family of grifting in greats and loppers get what they deserve, and they comeuppance will hopefully be epic

    Hell Yeah 8
    Fuck This Comment 1
    1. jaime

      I don’t think JV cares or does think anything will happen to him if he does not follow instructions or advice

      1)Back in 2018 he was told to lose weight since then he has gained about 200 pounds.

      2)He claims to have high blood pressure yet he has not changed his diet still eating and drinking the same way

      3)Most of his medical issues are because of his weight nothing more.

    2. Vern Thurston

      You are correct, It didn’t just fall off. It wasn’t a clitoris from the beginning. It was the little nub left of his former rancid beaten into submission dick. If Yaniv didn’t have surgery the dick would of fallen off from constant abuse anyways. I’m happy he/she fully castrated himself. They should of given he/she a frontal lobotomy too. A full transition with no chance of preying on young girls and scamming every social service and medical service available. Yaniv is a waste of skin, and a waste of a clit. Never was and will never be a woman.

      1. jaime

        He is a odd trans gets the surgery but does not dye his hair does not look like a women in any sense.

  7. Rainbow Granny

    Sucks to be FatJon the pedophile! I think he’s just regretting chopping off his twig and berries.

  8. Jim Norton

    I’ve probably listened to this over 20 times and it NEVER fails to make me laugh my ass off.

    1. 377

      One of my all time faves. His stupidity is glorious.

  9. MeowMeow

    This fall coming to NBC:
    The Case of the Missing Clit

    1. 377

      The place needs boycotting, let them survive on this nonce’s entrance fee. Guaranteed if no females used the place he’d go elsewhere.

      Side note: obligatory tiara pic proving he’s a true and honest woman. I’ve yet to see any adult female wear a tiara other than in wedding pics.

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