Happy Madvent day 6 – The fat man comes in 19 days! Santa, not Yaniv, because after he chopped his testicles off, he hasn’t been able to! Today, we are looking at Jessica Yaniv’s Racism. There were so many examples that it was hard to choose just one.

What amazes us about Mr KKK Jessica Yaniv is the fact most of his extended family were or are immigrants. Not just to Canada but to Brazil, Germany, the UK, and Israel amongst others.
Some people don’t mean to sound racist but some off as racist.Then you have the fat man in the wig who is not just racist he takes racism to a whole new level.
Sorry but what exactly was racist about that pic? And who exactly is he talking about when he says at the top “thank God that piece of shit is gone”??
Maybe it’s just too hard for me to focus on anything beyond his creepy ass incel look. Get a load of the size of that fist! You know something is big when it rivals the size of his fat head, and that was 3 chins ago.
And is he wearing make-up in that pic? Lol. I think that might have been around the time of his glory days of stalking FB makeup groups for “period” advice. He was banned from over 60 FB makeup groups alone, for being creepy and intrusive, aka himself. Yes, SIXTY, and that was just what 1 moderator found. He’s also been banned from dozens of crime watch and local FB groups too. Anyone wanna take a gander at how many FB groups he’s been banned from total? I’ll go with 638.
You just wonder how anyone can keep behaving the way they do when they continue to be so thoroughly rejected by society, and every single person in it. Apparently he never heard that one of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Altho my theory is that he acts this way on purpose, as “payback” for the rejection that he knows is inevitably coming. Creep.
As of Aug i think it was just over 1000.
Look again. The picture is racist. Look at the brown lady behind him who seems to be in some kind distress whom he calls a piece of shit in the accompanying caption. Instead of being sympathetic or kind, Jonny did what he always does when brown or black people are involved and when he thinks there will be no consequences – he mocks them. Here he took the opportunity to take a selfie while flipping her the bird. He probably thought his Make Canada Great Again ball park cap would give him lots of likes and replies. All it did was illustrate what the BCHRT would eventually publicly declare in its wax my balls findings the following year – that Jonathan Gil Yaniv AKA Jessica Serenity Simpson is a racist par excellence.
Just shows how clueless the big man is for him to wear MCGA the group behind that slogan has called out people like JV
There’s debate around as to whether Israelites are “accepted” as white or not – to many miriam is a person of colour which makes her racism, and that of her son, more incredulous.
I still maintain the fucking funniest thing would be for Jonny boy to do a DNA test only to discover……..
He’s an Arab and his real dad was someone Miriam was fucking around with!!!! That would be a riot!!
His bio dad being a “turban fecker” would crack me up.
the fastest way to make Canada great again is to flush the Yaniv turds out to sea. All of them.
He is such a cringe land whale and should not be roaming free or on the internet.🤦🏻♀️