No version of Madvent for Canada’s prized transspecies eunuch would be complete without remembering that despite being a virgin he still managed to catch genital warts. We will let you fill in how that happened in the comments.
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I’m no medical expert, but it seems to me that if he had warts on his newly fabricated labia, the warts were probably present in the area they grabbed the skin from.
You’ve only got to look at the creep to be pretty damn sure that the only sexual contact he has ever had has been his own hand…
He also did not follow instructions after the surgery from keeping is clean to playing with it before they told him to leading to issues.
He got them from his mom
I have a theory, as do many others that they got them from raiding the tampon bins in toilets and probably put used pad or a tampon in that area.
***Filthy Beast***
Perhaps Yaniv got herpes from a Prostitute? If so He/She was really taking care to heal properly. Hyper and excited to try out the new unit. Everything was a flop and waste except for Yaniv being castrated is a good outcome. Taxpayer funded surgery and then a complaint against a Clinic for treating the Herpes and Wound. Couldn’t follow Doctors orders after surgery. Typical.
Vern, all true mate, but one thing, I don’t think he caught them from a prostitute post op. Working girls have some standards too, and I cannot see one having any type of sex with him post op. Not for what he’d be able/willing to pay anyways. If (and this is a BIG if) any working girl would agree to it, they’d jack the price up so far yo make it worth their while that he wouldn’t/couldn’t pay for it. To reinforce my point, remember Sam? Apparently she was a former working girl, and he supposedly gave her $5K, and he STILL didn’t get have sexual contact with her, by his own admission. Lol. If he was ever able to pay a working girl it would have been when he still identified & presented as male, wayyyy back, like 2014-ish
A more likely scenario is the one MM & some readers theorized that he caught it from used sanitary products, and I actually have my own theory too. It’s a known medical fact that trans women are highly susceptible to HPV, moreso then the rest of the population, and have it at higher rates (not sure why tho) so my theory is maybe he caught it from all the trans specific medical centers he visits? Perhaps they didn’t properly clean the equipment? Eh, just a theory, but certainly more plausible then anyone having sex with him, including a working girl. Lol
Regarding people speculating that that he had it prior to GRS, I remember a video of him (that he posted to snapchat maybe?) Where he was basking in his fetish, saying that he had to get a HPV vaccination, or in his words “all the little feminine things” so he either didn’t have it then, or he lied to the doctors, because they don’t give you the vaccination after you have it. However, it is possible that he didn’t even know he had it, since he is definitely too fat to see down there. Although being a chronic masterbator he likely would have felt them. Ewwwww. Sorry to anyone who was eating while reading this.
He paid $5k to a prostitute using Miriam’s Card and still didn’t get it. He is that much of a loser.
Its the video where he was bragging saying the doctor wanted him to get a “vaginal vaccine” which the only vaginal vaccine i can think of is the hpv vaccine that is designed for females, not males, and for the past 5 years theyve been pushing it on both genders to get. It was designed to prevent hpv from forming on the cervix, because it can cause cervical cancer and whatnot, but the vaccine is super risky and unsafe and the numbers arent getting vaccinated like they wanted, so they started vaccinating males with it, and it does nothing for them. Yaniv probably got hpv from the used tampons from public toilets that he steals, those big ass bags he carries around are probably full of them.
Lol i was right they transplanted hpv infected tissue from it’s butthole. Also yaniv has a lot more than 3 warts, there’s a post op photo circulating around that shows a whole wackload of something that looks like them on the left inner thigh/groin area. I cracked a few jokes about it, but after seeing this i think i was 100% spot on with my jokes. Perfect.
The hpv vaccine doesnt do shit if you take it post infection reeeee!
Am I the only one who has noticed that not only were there warts encrusting his moose-hoof, but associated the genital warts with the many warts he also had around his mouth a couple of years back? Remember the huge one under his nose and an outcrop of nobbly warts around his mouth, mostly above his top lip, when he had the bleached bird’s nest mess for hair and pink Dora the Explorer style clothes that didn’t even fit him when he bought them? I have done my own pic pointing them out using stickers on my phone but it sucks so I’m sure one of our more talented artists would enjoy the opportunity to point them out so more people are aware that the filthy nasty waste of skin (evidently from when the Mohel threw the wrong bit away) has seemingly not only been raiding feminine hygiene bins in public bathrooms, but has apparently been nuzzling his stinky haul as well as trying to wear them. That or the dirty nonce didn’t wash his hands for sniffing purposes and smeared those wart virus cells all around his mouth, either way don’t blame me for making you sick and violently nauseous, blame Yansquatch the ever fibbing as he forced us to figure it out by being gross.
Two things. I could be wrong but doesn’t his warts mean it’s too late to get the vaccine cause he probably has HPV already? Also how tf did he get genital warts when everyone know he’s never done anything with anyone? Makes me wonder if he was playing with used tampons in public restrooms or something. If that’s how he got them I wonder what other STDs or STIs he’s got. 🤔 Donald better keep away or Yaniv might do something to pass on those warts to him.