Jessica Yaniv Madvent Day 2 – Two Moobs a Flashing

Jessica Yaniv

Jessica Yaniv Madvent Day 2 – Two Moobs a Flashing – If we have to troll through the sheer volume of Yaniv-related idiocy, you have to see it, too. Today we present to you that time when Yaniv thought it was a good idea to wear a ball gown, tiara and a set of fake tits to speak to the Langley town council. What could possibly go wrong?

It is worth mentioning that this presentation to the council was to demand a free top clothing optional swim session with children. He also wanted parents to be excluded as well. It makes you laugh at him when he is whining like a Nancy that he doesn’t understand why people think he is a paedophile.

16 Replies to “Jessica Yaniv Madvent Day 2 – Two Moobs a Flashing”

  1. jaime

    The thing is there is a long list of reasons why he is and people think he is a paedophile.

    Hell Yeah 11
  2. Batman

    This is when we started the warning flyer postings around Langley. Even now, whenever Yaniv complains about stuff and tags a Langley council member into it on Twitter/X, I always contact that council member and remind them that this is the same Yaniv from the clothing-optional swim thing. Most thank me immediately and block JY right after.

  3. Jon Yanivs Beret

    Lol that picture always makes me laugh because (among other things) where are his shoulders? He’s like a cross between between peter griffin in drag, and a literal slug. Whatta creep

    Does anyone know if the original footage of that exists anywhere? I remember kiwifarms had some footage of him at the township larping as an activist, (almost always blathering on about tampons of course) but I think kiwifarms is still down. Unless someone can please correct me if I’m wrong about that.

    1. 377

      @ Jon Yanivs Beret

      “Miss BC” – The ball gown appears in another video although his frock is glued to his cutlets better so they’re barely peeking…he’s wearing a tantalising plastic headband of sorts to complete the ensemble. He’s speaking as a member of a “margalised” community.

      Remember – This is a bloke who claimed to earn a good salary organising and giving presentations. This is also the bloke who claimed his words have power.

      KF is still firing on all cylinders.

    2. Watcher

      Kiwifarms, despite best efforts of those who wanted it removed, is most definately still “up”.

  4. MrEd

    Was this before or after MY rolled him in front of the council in a wheelchair because he had a brain tumor?

  5. MrEd

    Writing in the National Review, Madeleine Kearns commented that Yaniv’s complaints aren’t about waxing but “about sex, surely. Yaniv is male — a male who has not made the surgical commitment necessary to pass as a female. On top of that, in the past year, Yaniv has presented unambiguously as a male on a number of sites including Google, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube. And on top of that, Yaniv is a male who is sexually attracted to females.”

    Pointing to Yaniv pushing for topless pool parties for girls as young as age 12, Kernes observed, “An obviously predatory male is attempting to use the force of law to coerce females to touch his private parts and — unbelievably — a Canadian human-rights tribunal is entertaining this demand.”

    Yaniv “has so perfectly exposed the absurdity of gender policies that it would scarcely be surprising if he turned out to be a troll.”

    1. jaime

      I think he was a pedophilia long before he was trans which bring up the question is is really trans part trans or is it a cover.

      1. nNancy

        I have the theory he cut his dick off because he sent pics of it to hundreds of US minors and in theory, the FBI could investigate, ask for extradition and Jon is in a US jail for life. He ditched his dick, the evidence, at the same time Canada had extradited and was trying that creep from the Netherlands that taunted Amanda Todd into self-deleting. Jonny saw the writing on the wall and paniced. If Canada could extradite why not America?

  6. Cactus

    Why this individual has not been jailed or run of town yet is beyond me, Meowmix thank you for reminding us of all the past crap
    this sub human has dished out to society, I can only hope it all catches up to her and is buried in it without any chance of her crawling out.

    1. jaime

      My guess is JV has 100-200 victims at this point he could go down as one of the biggest pedophilia’s in Canadian history.

  7. Trevor Dunen

    I don’t think he’s a paedophile, I know he’s a paedophile, just like I know he’s a man.

    1. jaime

      Just as everyone know he is well over 500 pounds not some slim women he tries to paint him self as.

  8. jaime

    One thing big J should be very worried about is Canada has no statute of limitations.So that means 30 or 40 years from now what he has done now he could be charged for .

  9. jaime

    I have a couple cop friends what they told me is its very rare for a pedophilia to be this vocal on social media.They said most don’t want to get caught and do everything to make sure they don’t leave any proof.

    1. MrEd

      Research slade sohmer …recently busted & very prominent

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