Happy Birthday, Jessica Jonathon Gill Yaniv Simpson

It would be impolite of us not to wish him a happy birthday. We know from our sources that Donald is spending the day with friends and enjoying others’ company, whereas Yaniv is spending the delay alone, again with only his dog, for company.

It got us thinking about his previous birthdays and the absolute failures. Our favourite was when he advertised his big birthday bash on social media before hiding it all when no one turned up.

Jonny created an event on Facebook about “Jessica’s 32nd Birthday bash” and deluded himself into thinking that ten people would turn up.

It became clear quickly that no one other than Miriam intended to attend, so he quickly made the event private and removed the location. He then threw himself at Miriam, begging her to come to his rescue.

From reliable sources, we know that Miriam went around the doors of their old apartment complex, “Greenside,” (because clearly, no one in their current building wanted to be near them), offering them all a free Olive Garden meal if they attended. Ultimately, the former Greenside neighbours still remembered them, and only ONE person turned up. Resulting in a huge shouting match between JY and his Mom.

What is YOUR favourite Yaniv socialising fail?






5 Replies to “Happy Birthday, Jessica Jonathon Gill Yaniv Simpson”

  1. Claude

    For his socialising fails top 3 list, , I nominate that infamous teen girl topless pool party that the creep tried to make happen.

  2. nnancy

    I nominate his riding the ferries hoping beyond hope a 10 yr. old girl starting her first period would be there.

  3. Claude

    For all his abusive lawsuits, I am amazed we haven’t seen a big one about the Gender Reassignment Clinic in Montreal and everyone under the sun who was part of his ‚transition‘. Along the lines of ‚everyone told me I will be a cute sexy teen girl virgin queen, but instead I have been eunuched! I wanr ten million! Lol

    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      The gender reassignment place made his sign wavers not to sue them because of what they had seen on here and other sources.

  4. nnancy

    This is the only realistic fear I have. When all this shit has been exposed for the quackery it is at some point any lawsuit where someone had their pecker cut off will be a guaranteed win, It won’t matter that the patient signed 30 waivers, the Drs. SHOULD have KNOWN better. Especially if there WASN’T comprehensive testing of the mental state beforehand of the patient.

    I/we can only hope when these lawsuits are numerous and netting the eunuchs anywhere from $5-10M US that our boy Jon is either a) 6 ft under dying from obesity or related effects or b) a vegetable having suffered a stroke that completely removes his cognizant abilities.
    That would be the best outcome, Let Jon’s trust pay for his 24 hour care instead of him being a lifelong burden on the public health system.

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