The team behind Meow Mix receive suggestions for articles every single day. Sometimes, we work on various posts that involve hours and hours working through JYs verbally incontinent claims and posts. So, we often end up being unable to post as often as we would like.
So, we are looking for people willing to write articles that we can store for times when we can’t get posts up. These will be posted under the Meow Mix Guest name when we think appropriate. If you want to be involved, email us at or message @confusedteacups on Twitter or X, whatever Rocket Man calls it this week.
We would love you to send us the subject for approval initially. Once approved, we only ask that the article has relevant sources or evidence and does not veer into Trump, Biden, or Covid. It’s about JY. We ask for references because it allows us to defend any of JY’s bullshit lawsuits. The minimum is 300 words; there is no maximum, but remember it has to go in one post. If it is too long, people stop reading it.
If you want to hear more about the insane world of Jessica Yaniv a.k.a Jessica Simpson look no further.
I’m in!
Me Too! Trev, what say you? I suspect you and I may generate some awesome thought provoking material?
Have you guys considered having a US-based individual register a domain name in order to get around any publication bans? I assume that this website would comply with a publication ban because the owners are CA citizens, but if you have a partner site that’s entirely US based there would be no concern about the publication ban at all. Just a thought!
We are registered out with Canada already. We have chosen to respect the bans so that his royal whaleness can’t use it to get any more publication bans.
As much as I detest all forms of censorship, ESPECIALLY when the fucking state gets their fingers in it, we might as well be living in East Fucking Germany in 1984.
However, since the Canadian courts are SO cucked and willing to take Jon’s imaginary dick deep, deep into their throats to protect the persecuted disabled Metis trans woman on her perpetual period, I get why you’re silent over a range of topics.
I trust when the various cases are resolved, bans or not that you’ll have no reason to withhold the truth from the readers.
Jonathan listen up: your stench hole, grandma dress and that pink cane,
With lip gloss, plastic eyelashes and fake teen virgin squeals that you imagine are hot,
Save the efforts, your face is not girly but that of a deformed male mantanee mane,
And all see that your vile lawsuits are written by a bot!
For belting frail seniors, your pedo garbage and running small business astray,
We at MeowMix hire new writers that haunt you to jail,
With community, police, prosecutors, judges, to your dismay,
Lock you dickhead loser up in a rubber cell and see justice prevail!
I’m in too, let me know, usual methods of communication but I have nothing but time these days.
Looking forward to reading your posts