Yaniv vs. the World: Year in Review (part 1 of 3)


In the tradition of the year in review, JY’s Meow Mix of Meow Tube Media, is looking back on 2019 – a year which infamous British Columbian trans rights activist Jessica (formerly known biologically as Jonathan) Yaniv claims has been a wonderful year for them.

While we have all thought to be able to review the entire year seamlessly before December 31st in a single edition, the events of the last couple of days have shown us the folly of assuming that 2019 would end for Yaniv and the public-at-large on a quiet note, to say the least. So, as we humbly provide a review for the first half of 2019, the rest of the year from July to December shall follow in the January 9, 2020 edition of JY’s Meow Mix.

Although the first half of 2019 was relatively quiet for Yaniv, there are a lot of details that propel forward into the future we want to highlight for reference.


The main focal point for Yaniv in 2019 was their infamous BC Human Rights Tribunal complaint who refused to be compelled to wax their crotch area and male genitalia.

After vexatiously filing more than a dozen BCHRT complaints in bad faith, Yaniv had an approved application for a publication ban in the year prior in a preliminary at the BCHRT (JY v. Mint Tanning Lounge and others, 2018 BCHRT 282). Tribunal member, Devyn Cousineau, described in her preliminary decision that Yaniv as “[having] filed a human rights complaint against Mint Tanning Lounge, Shelah Poyer and Jeremy Paradis [alleging] that that the Respondents discriminated against her based on her gender identity in connection with her request for waxing service.”

The Tribunal granted the order to prohibit publishing Yaniv’s name dubbing the initials “JY”. However, when exploring details of Yaniv’s history was based on their “[purported] claim[s] that publishing details of [their] gender identity could negatively impact her business [activities]”.

Yaniv claimed to have had a very high social media following and wanted to prevent the BCHRT cases from appearing in any search results. This includes the large representation of Yaniv’s known “paid (fake) followers” to the nativity of the Tribunal. However, Yaniv’s twitter @trustednerd barely received more than a dozen responses to tweets during the publication ban period that demonstrates there was not an active fellowship of social media followers.

In Part 2, we’ll discuss more on the details surrounding the lift of the BCHRT publication ban.

Prior to the Summer 2019 proceedings, Yaniv had appeared to received free legal representation from Laura Track, a Human Rights lawyer and the Director of Education, for the Human Rights Clinic at CLASBC (Twitter: @lktrack). For Yaniv to successfully apply to the clinic, Yaniv would have had to met the following criteria on their website:

  • Income;
  • Diminished capacity or any other physical, mental, or socio-economic limitations affecting [their] ability to represent [themselves];
  • Whether [they] have applied for assistance in a timely manner (within 30 days of notice from the Tribunal that your complaint has been accepted);
  • The availability of the Clinic’s resources to provide services.

Interestingly, Yaniv would have met the above criterion to receive representation by declaring a lower income. We safely believe that Yaniv falsified revenue claims as evidenced in the hearings where they claimed to have “mid-three figures per day” in an application for costs against the Respondents under oath on July 16, 2019. As JYMM discussed previously, this would equate to roughly $100,000 CAD before taxes if we include only weekday income on a basis of the lower echelon of “mid-three figures” at $400 CAD per day.

However, something happened in that relationship between Yaniv and Track that diminished as Yaniv was obviously forced to go self-represented, but not without adding the electric scooter to portray the appearance of being disabled, an additional protected class for sympathy, for the remainder of the Tribunal Process and July 2019 hearings.

Therefore, we pose a question: How much did Yaniv claim for income to the BC Human Rights Clinic relative to the “mid-three figures” claim to Tribunal Member Devyn Cousineau under oath? Anyone else currently engaged in a lawsuit with Yaniv should know that Yaniv’s purported income claims are likely exaggerated to both stroke that ego and maximize payout costs, which any document disclosure could delve into Yaniv’s business dealings to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to determine the true variance between Yaniv’s real earnings versus exaggerated earnings– however, we’ll leave this red herring for experienced legal professionals and/or financial auditors into Yaniv’s other purported lawsuits and hearings for a true deep dive on the matter!


When the year started, Yaniv was still tweeting into radio silence by trying to be the “self-proclaimed” technology influencer where there were seldom tweets, retweets and likes from the following Yaniv claimed in why they needed a publication ban in 2018.

Yaniv, who received only an Associates Degree in Computer Science from Surrey’s Kwantlen College in 2008, had continued this influencer persona as tweeting about the world of technology and silicone valley, providing links and much of it just plagiarized context or symbiotically attached to their defunct and barely trafficked website, trustednerd.com.

Between December 31, 2018 and March 7, 2019, Yaniv ranted essentially into the radio silence of the Twitterverse unacknowledged for their purported social media influence (assuming nothing was deleted by Yaniv-to-date) until pulled into the polarity of tweets regarding allegations of false accounts, a known Modus Operani by Yaniv, and tweets by free speech activist Lindsey Shepherd’s Twitter account (@newworldhominin) regarding Yaniv’s entry into the Ms. BC Pageant being referred to as “our favourite tampon string enthusiast who has filed 16 human rights complaints!”

It would be these tweets that began to catalyze Yaniv to begin to argue as now the self-purported trans activist arguing about their biological gender and gender dysmorphia in response to Lindsey Shepherd on March 07 and 08, 2019.

From this point forward, Yaniv would engage in promoting themselves for as a transgender woman entrant into the Ms. BC Pageant and pledging a campaign to donate all proceed to Cops for Cancer. As of April 17, 2019, Yaniv claimed to have raised $495 on their Go Fund Me page; however, to date, Yaniv has not provided critics any definitive and undisputed proof that any of the pledged proceeds raised ever went to their sponsored charity.

On April 16, 2019, Yaniv began to become much more active to more critics coming out of the woodwork and speaking out against Yaniv’s activities. This would escalate into heated arguments with prominent trans activist Morgane Oger, which we’ll cover more below. Yaniv’s apparent evolution was underway going from the technology influencer routine on deaf ears into the active world of internet trolling, which encompassed provocation on gender critical arguments, prejudice and racism towards immigrants and minorities, promoting their tampon and mensural fetishism, inclusive of the bizarre claims of their gender dysmorphia of having phantom mensural cycles and symptoms, as part of this claim to be intersex, a central argument at the BCHRT.

Yaniv become increasingly combative using “discrimination”, “hateful conduct” and “targeted harassment”, all centralized around being a protected class and to bait critics with Twitter’s Terms of Service. As well, Yaniv would begin to go from the routine technology influencer reviews and plagiarism to trolling with “sex toy” reviews. This included claims Yaniv worked with young girls and advice about tampons, consistent with their predatory history to emerge.


During this first half of the year, Yaniv almost became a fixture at the Township of Langley situated in Greater Vancouver, BC, by attending biweekly council meetings doing delegation presentations on various social activist subjects such as single use plastics and styrofoam, mass balloon releases, conversion therapy, bullying, etc. Videos of the presentations can be found at tol.ca (follow the links under the Government Tab) including the infamous one from April 1 where Yaniv appeared in his purple ball gown asking for $10,000 grant for them to run in the Miss BC Pageant to further his “social activism.

There was even the infamous May nip slip that Yaniv went to Twitter and said, “Omg. Pulled a Nicky Minaj!”

Yaniv would further make public statements that they would adopt streets for their Ms. BC Pageant entry, where these neighbourhoods adopted were in primarily in middle-class suburban neighbours with little maintenance required, but conveniently near “schools” and “pools” where youth– Yaniv’s preferred predatory targets of choice.

Yaniv also began to pledge being an activist for the LGBTQ+ and claiming to work together with RCMP and local officials “as a citizen to tackle community issues such as speeding, homelessness and crime”, amongst other false pledges atypical of politician verbal diarrhea of empty promises to their represented constituents onto twitter.


On April 19, 2019, Morgane Oger, a controversial socio-political trans rights activist had previously thrown her support behind Yaniv as a transgender woman. Oger has no stranger to BC Human Rights Tribunals, having been successful in her hearings against Bill Whatcott, a religious activist against LGBTQ+ with a $55,000 settlement as Whatcott engaged in hateful material by circumvent Oger’s participation in the 2017 British Columbia provincial election.

Oger began to question supporting Yaniv when new revelations about Yaniv’s past activities emerged, had published “Preying on Children Makes You a Predator Regardless of Who You are” article and called out Yaniv for inappropriate online conduct with minors. At this point, Yaniv name became very public despite that the publication ban did not apply to situations as long as the BCHRT case was not associated with Yaniv.

Yaniv and Oger had engaged in heated online tweets, which Yaniv subsequently started firing off Cease and Desist Orders from their online legal subscription (Legalsheild) to anyone who discussed or disseminated Oger’s article. It was also at this time, that deeper dives into Yaniv’s started in earnest, looking for victims and witnesses of Yaniv’s alleged inappropriate and possibly criminal conduct of exploiting minors.

These tweets continued between each party with melodramatics of by Yaniv playing “infantile games” as Oger claimed, including allegations by Yaniv threatened self-harm to the presiding BCHRT member and case manager in communications, which could be deemed as judicial tampering and such an act published in the public domain would diminish the integrity of the BCHRT. Yaniv was never reprimanded by the Tribunal for this egregious conduct, as indicated in the final judgement of the case on October 22, 2019, it is suspected that this online interaction will come back to haunt Yaniv in the future.


In June, Yaniv began to complain online the language skills and about the employees’ countries of origin of the various fast food restaurants in the vicinity of their Langley condo strata on Twitter. Yaniv targeted both the local A&W and Tim Hortons franchises in particular seemed to raise their ire and they took to Twitter to complain following his pattern of publicly complaining, hoping to get some kind of go away & be quiet payout – usually coupons or free services.

However, this seems to also be a point of escalation of their very public and hostile expressions of racist– consistent with the patten of the BCHRT complaints showed that the majority of women sued marginalized due to their minority status as immigrants with poor language and cultural comprehension, particularly where their valid concerns that their religion prohibits providing services that would come into contact with “male genitalia”.

In late June, Yaniv began to make outrageous claims of having a variety of disabilities and terminal illnesses on twitter on both @trustednerd and their new account, @Jessica_Yaniv. This included allegations of a diagnosed “brain tumour” by Yaniv.

From his point on, Yaniv began claiming to be in-and-out of hospital on a daily basis, sometimes being taken by ambulance, but at other times getting there on their own free will while constantly tweeting or posting his experiences to Facebook before ending up in MacDonalds purple dress and tiara answering questions via livestream & taking selfies immediately thereafter.

Yaniv continued to gain sympathy from their Facebook followers specifically, who many likely still to this day, are not aware of Yaniv’s activities due to geography and the breadth of media attention in that geography.

This brings us to the half-way point of 2019. We look forward to Part 2 Yaniv vs. the World: Year in Review later this week.

If you have any JY’s Meow Mix stories or new media regarding Jessica Yaniv for Meow Tube, please contact us at jysmeowmix@gmail.com.

If you want to hear more about the insane world of Jessica Yaniv a.k.a Jessica Simpson look no further.

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