Rexy’s 2nd Anniversary of Not Being A Service Dog

Today marks the 2 year anniversary that Jonathan Yaniv AKA Jessica Simpson posted a claim that Rexy passed his service dog assessment with flying colours on Meta. Problem was it was not a provincial govt service dog certification but merely an assessment by a private company to determine if Rexy would be safe to be around people while on campus as per the requirements of SFU. The assessor, Dr. Alexandra Protopopova, included a disclaimer that the assessment did not include any formal tests or verifications that Rexy was a trained or certifiable service dog. One respondent to JYS’ post asked what was needed next to certify Rexy. JYS responded that the next step would be to do the service dog test through the Justice Institute of BC. Obviously that never happened and I highly doubt it is due to the cost as Jessica has claimed in the past. The truth is there are 40 tasks that must be passed including number 36, dog aggression test. I’ll leave it at that.

We have to wonder what Dr. Protopopova would say now? Barely 4 months after her assessment, Rexy, according to the recently filed lawsuit in BC Supreme Court, bit a young woman while she was getting into the elevator in The Hawthorne. This incident was caught on the CCTV and was presented as evidence in the strata’s recent CRT win. In June an ex resident of JYS’ building posted to X to say they sold their unit 2 years ago because of Yaniv and that Rexy had “attacked my dog twice” and that recently he had signed an affidavit to that effect for a lawyer for the strata. There are several incidents we have written about in the past that are all strikingly similar but most recently JYS was caught on tape threatening Rebel News Reporter Drea Humphrey. Jessica was advancing on her while shouting “I’ll get him to bite you”, hardly the behaviour of a sane “Service Dog Handler” as Yaniv likes to claim. Drea is currently pursuing charges for JYS for this incident as well as a threat to her and her child that JYS posted and quickly dirty deleted on X.

We all remember how Rexy behaved in the court room at JYS’s criminal trial in December 2023. How many service dogs chew through their leashes to get free of their owner? We have all been disgusted by the pictures of Rexy sitting on restaurant chairs, head on the table that JYS has posted on various SM accounts while trying to present themselves as a crusader for service dog accessibility and rights in the lower mainland. It all tracks back to this report that JYS has now been misleading everyone about for the past 2 years. We have to wonder if it was also used to appease any UBC service dog requirements. Interestingly Ms. Protopopova is an Associate Professor with UBC and is well published. Her focus lies mainly with companion and shelter animals. JYS recently bragged about licensing Rexy with the Township of Langley and had to provide them with some documentation validating Rexy’s working dog status in order to receive the discounted rate of $10, was this pay to play assessment used again?

6 Replies to “Rexy’s 2nd Anniversary of Not Being A Service Dog”

  1. @FasterPussy

    There was a dog named Rexy
    Who Jon thought was super sexy
    He gave the dog a bone while on the phone
    All whilst drinking a Pepsi

    Your VPN blocker works guys, I have to pause it in order to comment.

    Good job on the updated security on here.

    We know you read these comments Jon, who are you suing next? Seems to me like you’re setting up a new lawsuit with a restaurant somewhere?

    You are so blatant it’s actually getting boring watching you make the same mistakes over and over over and over….

    Please continue….

    We are enthralled.

  2. LadyLaw

    Does anyone know when Walnut, Miriam’s little dog, was trained as a service dog and passed the testing to be certified? Or did Jonny just order another service vest from Amazon XXS, slap it on the poor little guy and then started exploiting both the dog and his mother.
    There have been a fair number of Walnut pictures shared by the Altmann sisters over the years and no mention of him being a service dog until this year.

    1. Batman

      Walnut isn’t a service dog either. Jonathans batshit crazy mother stuck a vest on walnut maybe a month after man-bear-pig got Rexy. That’s around the same time that JY was getting fed bad information from another complete moron named Lisa Arlin. (Lisa also claimed her dog was a service dog despite lack of certification.)

      Hell Yeah 4
      Fuck This Comment 1
  3. Ericgl1996

    DELETED due to outrageous racism.

  4. Vusseyv

    Is there a chamber of commerce for small businesses in the area that can alerted to the service dog scam? What happens if a business lets in the dog and it bites someone, I presume their insurance would be invalidated as Rexy isn’t a service dog. #rexyisjustadog

  5. Claude

    University is starting again. Is the eunuch still banned from campus?

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