Another one where no real input is needed from us. We have asked UBC & SFU for comment. Jessica Yaniv Simpson really is a sick fucker who has nothing to contribute to society other than to cause misery where ever he goes. It is about time those in power, especially at institutions where vulnerable people go, did something about it.
SFU blocks anyone who asks about yaniv
Realizing that SFU and UBC are now wholly woke and both of them refuse to do anything of material value to get rid of a fat racist pedophile right in their midst, a disgusting larping eunuch (a deranged dickless degenerate) even when given mountains of proof there’s only one thing I wish for both of them.
I hope he turns on them both with full force and fury. We all know he’s a toothless tiger but be can make lives miserable for anyone who crosses his path. Everything this fat POS can throw at the unis is welcome, BCHRT tribunals, Federal Human Rights complaints, small claims court (hopefully multiple suits involving everyone in the administration of both SFU and UBC) that decided that bending a knee to this dangerous violent troon was the right thing to do.
I hope the people in those places that were willing to throw away the safety of their other 75,000 students to place one deranged troon above them all was worth it. I hope they lay awake at night terrified they will lose their vaulted positions a Clown U A & B.
BTW, any idea of when we can read some of the juicy material from the publication ban that was promised to us a couple of weeks back? I hope your leader has recovered enough to provide direction on this.
It’s in the drafts being worked on as we speak.
Yaniv should have been institutionalized years ago when he was a minor.
Also this video is great evidence to show that he is a grifter who only supports woke ideology for his own personal interests.
Of course Jethro has proof.
His Aunt Miriam wrote him a note.
I guess everyone caught where this lazy fat fuck has a caretaker? You can bet whatever that costs is paid for by the taxpayers of BC.
It’s too bad Jethro does not have an UNDERtaker
Jonny Gil does not deserve to be in North America. He also does not deserve to be called “Jessica Serenity Simpson”. Yaniv is nothing more than a sped who masturbates to preschool shows. He should have been sent to a group home to prevent him from interacting with the community. But his monkey mother threw a temper tantrum. I, on the other hand, like Mario & Luigi and Camp Lazlo. I think Canada needs to impeach Trudeau and kill organizations that defend Yaniv.
Canada does not have the same system as people can’t be impeached.
Well, I hope America takes over Canada so that we can get rid of Trudeau and kill organizations that defend Yaniv.
What funny is all these audio clips, he still talks to the same girl and doesnt realize how they get released! Talk about dumb!