In March 2023, Jessica Yaniv Simpson filed a lawsuit against Mr. Swirl, a local plumbing company that briefly employed him, alleging they harassed and bullied him. We covered that notice of claim here. Now, Mr. Swirl has replied to Jon and it looks like their plumbing expertise is on full display. Will this turd get flushed?
Jon seems to have a pattern of suing the wrong names. He didn’t even know how to change his own name in court filings when he went from Yaniv to Simpson. Not very bright at all.
Hilariously, Jon couldn’t even keep this job two full months! But that was plenty of time for him to set up a scam! Thankfully it failed.
Jon was fired on a Thursday. The next Monday he filed a complaint with Worksafe BC alleging it was an unsafe workspace, and the next day he filed another one alleging a work-related hip injury. Worksafe BC dismissed both claims. Someone will probably do the math but it would be interesting to know how the timing is between his “car accident hip injury” and his “marketing specialist for a plumber hip injury”.
The rest of the reply goes on to deny each and every one of Jon’s claims – which of course Jon the Con can’t prove – and lay out the groundwork for the court supporting their application for this lawsuit to be dismissed and costs awarded.