Jessica Yaniv Simpson November Wrap-Up Part 2

jessica yaniv simpson wrapup meowmix

I realize that by now this is all old news and for that I apologize. I think that more than anything these wrap ups serve as more of a historical record of the lunacy in the world of Jessica Yaniv Simpson, so let’s get this one in the books.

Quick Editor Note: The Wrap Up is late, and December’s is coming. The last few months have been a whirlwind of crazy Yaniv events. It seems the holiday season is peak-Yaniv-unraveling time each year. To those who have submitted guest pieces, they are coming. More reviews of Yaniv’s papers, more legal coverage, a DFS update, and more. Thank you to everyone for your patience!

It was just a couple months ago we were thinking things had been so quiet and we kind of wondered if Yaniv had finally grown up and realized that being a racist, predatory deviant was passé. We were obviously very wrong.

November 15-22, 2022:

  • Jon’s unhealthy obsession with student group CyberSpot continued throughout the entire month with numerous attempts at engagement and also attention from Carol Todd which was largely ignored.
  • Retweeted a post that claimed all GC people are white nationalists. The complete lack of irony or self awareness is staggering.
  • Continued desperation tweets and replies to Elon Musk.
  • Apropos of nothing except to antagonize, Yaniv added “Former Representative at Cimorelli Music” to his Facebook bio.
  • The obsession with Donald Francis Smith was further proven when Jon tweeted that DFS was “only seconds ago” booted from YouTube.
  • There was ongoing back and forth with TransLink on Facebook and Twitter. He also responded to a couple of randoms, claiming that Rexy is a service dog. Same old BS.
  • On the 17th there were accusations of racism from former VP Equity at SFSS Balqees Jama towards Nikki Kirigin. When Jon tried defending Nikki, Balqees replied demanding that Jon stop replying to her posts and also sending her DM’s, and pointed out that he misspelled her name. This all led to the Reddit posts we found from Jon, masquerading as someone named Natalie.
  • The 18th of November is a day we should all keep on our books. Jon tweeted the only factual statement he has ever made, obviously he recanted it somewhat in a later post and was probably day drinking when he posted it but still. “Sex is never assigned at birth. It is observed and recorded.” Glorious really.
  • Predictably Yaniv followed that up with his next post of “Sex is a social construct. It is NOT properly assigned at birth.” Damn, so close and then right back to being an idiot.
  • This led to a lengthy back and forth with various folks that was filled with bullshit. Including the hilarious statement that he was but a few years away from a Masters and PhD in GSWS. I especially enjoyed the part where he said he would be self funding his thesis research.
  • On the 19th he excitedly welcomed Donald Trump back to Twitter and then reminded Elon that most of Trump’s followers are bots. He should know given my guess that at least 100K of his old TrustedNerd followers were bots purchased by him.
  • The 20th saw the much awaited return of Meghan Murphy to Twitter. I don’t think I need to explain the significance of her eagerly awaited return and just how much that would enrage Jonny.
  • Very sadly the 20th was also the day of the tragic mass shooting at a Colorado gay bar wherein several people were killed. Jon, who was 2,400km, away posted on his Facebook that he was safe and unharmed. He also felt the need to post again later, claiming that he is a target.
  • Around this time we noticed that Jon had updated all his bios to say that he was a 3rd year Criminology student. Of course this is more BS which he attempted to explain away with creative math and accumulated credits. The reality is that he is taking all 100 level classes. 3 of them.
  • Begged Elon to look into accounts that “harass” him and are probably ban evading. The irony…
  • More lack of self-awareness after posting about a police incident in his area. He joked that the perpetrators would likely be released with promises to appear. Just like he always has been.
  • Add this to The Tampon Files, Jon of course retweeted the disgusting viral tweet from Tampax that sparked huge disgust and outrage. He also liked a reply to that from another degenerate just like him.

Random November Social Media Posts

Nov 23-30, 2022 Events:

  • This was the day Jon very randomly asked a Biological Anthropology PhD student at SFU about non-binary skeletal remains. I can’t . I just can’t . He had a small hissy fit when called out by “anti LGBT trolls”, his new favourite term for us.
  • More advocating for SOGI 123
  • Facebook post about the dangers of rawhide. Honestly rawhide is the least of Rexy’s concerns. He also continues to post usually at least one recipe a day there. He seems to have a strange affinity for stuffed chicken, I do not want to consider what that means.
  • This was the week we were blessed with the gift of Jon’s GSWS paper. A few of his papers are covered extensively on MeowMix, and more reviews are coming. He also childishly filed a DMCA claim on the TrustedNerd account for screenshots of the paper. Interestingly, he is still using an email and calling himself The Practice of Jessica Simpson. You’ll recall he was admonished by The Law Society some months ago for using that as an intimidation tactic.
  • During an exchange in reply to his SOGI nonsense he yet again showed his racist tendencies. He equated the Halal meat served by SFU to Muslim ideology indoctrination. It was bizarre.
  • On the 23rd he again posted all the login info for that evenings SFSS council meeting, promising more drama than Netflix. Not surprisingly there was a LOT of drama and racism and hatred. It was not just us pointing out that the things said that night were exactly the same as statements previously made by Jon.
  • Weirdly on the 24th he responded to arguments about his Halal meat stance with a nonsensical rant about SFU only serving one Thanksgiving meal due to budget concerns. Does he not know Thanksgiving is an annual affair?
  • Twitter account Realitygirlzine hilariously brought out the Yaniv card as part of her Peak Trans All Stars collection. It’s titled Ol’ Wax My Balls. Bloody well done!
  • Very interesting reply by Jonny regarding student created accounts on Reddit and personal Zoom rooms being untouchable by Joy Johnston and SFU. Jon will always out himself when given enough time.
  • Promoted and thanked Kitshouse for putting on a drag queen story time. Shocking that a predator would advocate for adult entertainers to interact with children huh.
  • On the 26th we saw a random environmentalist tag Yaniv in an anti-TMX post. Perhaps he doesn’t realize that Jon doesn’t do anything positive or to protect the environment except virtue tweet once or twice a month.
  • In response to a Facebook trend regarding old email addresses and what they say about you, Jon replied with his being jessjess2002 at hotmail dot com. He was 15 in 2002 by the way and was many years away from ever even saying the name Jess. More bullshit and blatant lies.
  • Claimed to now have an executive assistant. The reality is that he downloaded organizational software called Motion. If it were anyone else it would be sad that they are so desperate to be relevant or in any way important.
  • In a move that almost made me die laughing, Jon claimed on the 28th of November to be a Radical Feminist. This was in relation to his new research paper and comments regarding celebrity Amber Rose’s now defunct Slut Walk. He also claimed that he received a grade of 100% on this paper.
  • Found on Reddit a random person posting a warning that “middle aged racist predator” Jessica Yaniv was attempting a rebrand as student politician Jessica Simpson at SFU. I always find it fascinating when I discover the depths of Jon’s infamy. Great work everyone!
  • In an odd but highly amusing turn of events Jon randomly tweeted that he will definitely debate newly reinstated Meghan Murphy in a public forum. Of course he will need some time to complete many Majors and Minors and his BA in Criminology, not sure why that would be necessary. The best part of this was the massive self own when he admitted he is not at all on the same level as Meghan. Never change Jon.
  • Later that evening he posted about attending the Trivia night fundraiser mentioned earlier. Hilariously CyberSpot posted a short video in which they blink and you missed it, panned over Jon, looking massive, sitting alone at a table. We were told that 35 year old Jon brought his Mommy and Rexy the wonder dog to the event.

Reddit Action

Random SFU/SFSS Posts

More Nov 23-20 Events

  • Just when you thought it was safe to scan the internet again Jon announced the release of his latest work of art research paper titled “An Explanation on Radical Feminism, Black Feminism and the Feminist Actions Between Both”. Again I don’t need to explain the ridiculousness of this but will include this gem that shows exactly how low IQ and not a radfem Yaniv really is, “As such, this results in radical feminism being so woman-centered, it neglects how men are also affected by structures of patriarchy, such as male violence, abuse, and sexual exploitation”. Yes you fuckwit feminism excludes men. I can’t. Am I getting hazard pay for this? An “as such” and a “such as” in one sentence?!
  • We were also gifted “Gender Binaries and Gender Identity”. I have to say that if this is what is acceptable at SFU I would suggest any current students demand an immediate refund.
  • Around this time the Lower Mainland began to get an actual winter with very disruptive snowfalls. Jon felt it necessary to admonish UFV for sending emails about it at 5:45am. I’m not sure what the acceptable time would be for such a thing but I’m sure Jon will let us all know sooner or later.
  • He also caused an uproar after posting pics of the area around his building and berating the maintenance company for not having it fully cleared. It was 7am. The bigger issue was the picture that showed Rexy. Rexy was wearing the usual Amazon harness plastered with Velcro patches full of lies but was also being forced to wear a spiked choke collar and the anti bark shock collar and also at least one other collar. Many people were rightly outraged and there were several complaints to the BCSPCA.
  • On the 30th he posted on both Facebook and Twitter about having witnessed an accident and of course had to disparage the Langley RCMP while doing so. He posted dash cam footage that captured audio of he and Miriam headed somewhere at night that was quite bizarre.
  • Thankfully we ended off with Jon promising, or perhaps threatening to grace us all with another research paper that will answer the question “What is Hashtag Feminism and How Does it Work to Make Social Change”. What? I wait with baited breath.

Jessica Yaniv Still Creeping on Madison on Facebook

She’s over 18, but he’s been creeping on her since before she was. She also mentions a premium Snapchat account where she sells content. Coincidence that just the other day Yaniv was talking about underage girls that sell nudes via premium Snapchat? Funnily enough Yaniv has asked Madison to dinner twice via comments and she’s ignored him, and when she once reached out to ask her friends for some help he (seriously) offered her some tampons from his collection “in case she needs them”.

That’s it folks, it was a lot and as we know it has not slowed down at all. Thank you again for your patience and please sound off in the comments.

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