June 2022 will be remembered as the time when Jessica Yaniv Simpson’s official relationship with the British Columbia justice system changed forever.
Up until his sentencing on June 29, he had managed to avoid any real consequences for his actions by playing the disability card, claiming either questionable emotional conditions and/or medically- and self-diagnosed physical ailments in addition, to the standard transphobia card. He had managed to get conditional discharges for his two previous criminal code charges – illegal weapons possession and assaulting Rebel News reporter, Keean Bexte, but making death threats against Chris Elston AKA BillboardChris, was strike three. This resulted in a suspended sentence and 12 months probation – and a permanent criminal record.

Jonny started June off by posting a screed about British Columbia decriminalizing certain drugs on Facebook, trying to prove his legal chops after taking a couple community college introductory legal courses. Problem is that not only was the bulk of it plagiarized (as usual) but he didn’t even get the Act right. BC was proceeding under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, not the Canada Criminal Code. Jonny seems to have a fixation with the Criminal Code to the exclusion all other legislation. He even bought a hard copy of the Act, posting pictures of him reading it and dragging it into court.
That same day, Jonny posted the oddest picture of his dog sniffing his crotch while claiming that it had saved his life yet again (but didn’t provide any details). The picture started some suggestive threads about what it means to be Jonny’s “service dog” which we hope are not even close to being true. There are many ways to abuse a dog unfortunately.
June 2 saw Jonny gloating about being admitted to three local universities for an “Associate of Arts Degree in Psychology”. He should have said “conditionally accepted”. For those wondering, an associate arts degree in BC is usually two years for a diploma or one year for a certificate. The program requirements are very low – basically a pulse and a credit card.
In fact, one Twitter account created an EPBC account under the name of Jonny’s dog, Rexy Simpson, and was conditionally accepted at all the same universities. It is now obvious that Jonny is applying to as many post-secondary institutions as possible because he is living off his disability payments and student loans. Some have speculated that a criminal record may affect his eligibility for disability benefits.
Trying to get ahead of a potential investigation into Rexy attacking a child at JY’s strata, the Hawthorne, Jon posted a picture of the child’s father and the child with false accusations to the Langley CrimeWatch FB page. The push back was immediate and ferocious, with more people posting stories about Jonny’s so-called service dog. The post was pulled down within a couple of hours after people began sharing information and how to launch complaints to both the RCMP and provincial government.
Smarting from the day’s earlier Facebook debacle, Jonny then threw up an old poster about being supportive to trans children on both FB and Instagram. He was obviously trolling, looking for any kind of interaction, even with the comments turned off.
JY-Related Social Media and Other Images June 1-10, 2022
June 9, the RCMP filed criminal charges against Jonny from the February 2021 incident at Miriam’s condo. The charges, Section 301, publishing defamatory libel, stemmed from Jonny’s social media rampage which not only libelled the RCMP officers involved but also doxed one and his family. JY also accused an officer of sexually assaulting Miriam. Yes, you read that right.
These charges are quite rare and surprising to many in the legal community. You can be sure they have been vetted all the way up to highest levels and they must have irrefutable evidence. The fact that the defamed RCMP constable did not have to sue Jonny himself, but rather the Crown choose to lay criminal charges speaks volumes. We may yet see another guilty plea without a trial from Jonny, once he realizes how much trouble he is in. Regardless, JY can still be sued by the constable in civil court after the criminal trial is over.
The first appearance on this charge was scheduled for June 27, but Jonny was a no show. Speculation was that he did not have a lawyer or did not consider it worth his time, or was still smarting from his lawsuit against the RCMP in this matter being dismissed earlier this year. The court responded by rescheduling for July 25 – a date Jonny must arrive for or an warrant for his arrest will be granted.
Around June 11, Jonny decided that he has better take some proactive action against those that were complaining about his out-of-control pet dog and him claiming to have a service dog to get special treatment. By adding “service dog handler” to his social media bios, was he trying to intimidate and threaten people into shutting up? Did he actually get Rexy some training and go for the provincial certification tests?
Nope, that would taken too much effort. Instead, Jonny changed all his social media bios to read that he was a service dog handler. This is fraud, as service dog trainers and companions have to be licensed and certified. Jonny and his pet are neither.
By June 13, Jonny had worked himself up into a rage over how badly his life going and decided to take it out on an American reporter by threatening to sue her in a Canadian court and then doxing her. Jonny, didn’t you learn from all your intro law courses that Canadian courts have no jurisdiction in the US? The reporter, Katie Daviscourt refused to back down and suggested she was going to do more investigative reporting on Jonny in the future. Social media erupted in support of Katie and offered to help the reporter with her research in any way they could. Jonny deleted the threatening tweet soon afterwards and before Twitter could act on his doxing.
Looks like Jonny is still stalking Donald Francis Smith, not the other way around as he keeps claiming online and to whatever legal authorities still listen to him. On June 16, the day that Smith received 100 hours of community service for a contempt of court charge, Jonny posted parts of an “academic” paper he had written all about, you guessed it, Donald Smith. No grade was shown. Just a “pass” remark, which does raise the question about the level of intelligence and scholarship required for this course.
Observers noted that some of the references cited by JY were from The Dirty, which immediately raised questions about Jonny actually creating the posts and then quoting from the site. On an academic level, the use of The Dirty, an unverifiable and questionable reference source, should have immediately failed the paper. Guess when you take courses at a credit card college, you get what you pay for.
JY-Related Social Media and Other Images June 11-17, 2022
Around June 22, as if to prove the doubters wrong about him attending Simon Fraser University, he joined the SFU2022 New Undergrads Facebook page and the accompanying WhatsApp account. He has been quite active, being helpful, wanting to join other related Facebook groups, answering subject and course related questions. His bio is, of course, heavily edited. Based on the severe lack of interaction, we suspect word is already out about him and that it will not be very long before he is kicked out. It only took days at @goUFV before he was kicked off the student social media pages for inappropriate and threatening behaviour.
On June 23, Chris Elston posted that Jonny had pled guilty to uttering threats and that the crown was not pursuing the two additional charges of public mischief. He then invited everyone to attend the sentencing either in person or virtually. To divert attention from Elston’s announcement and his guilty plea, Jonny posted on Facebook that he had been accepted at Simon Fraser University starting on September 30, 2022.
Choosing that date cast doubt on his claim as it is a National Holiday in Canada, The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation also know as Orange Shirt Day. Jonny probably got the day wrong. Details, accuracy, and memory have never been his strong points which will be problematic if he thinks he will be a lawyer and admitted to the BC Bar.
JY-Related Social Media and Other Images June 18-23, 2022
The sentencing on June 29th made for enlightening viewing – from his “service dog” trying to hump his leg much to the amusement of the Sheriff to him picking his nose, much to the disgust of his attorney. No wonder he tries to have his cases held without the public present. So many eyes watching every little move and action. Even though the two criminal mischief charges had been dropped, the crown laid out the history of the dropped charges and Jonny’s outright lying to the RCMP was not lost on the judge.
Nor was his trying to introduce new “evidence.” His lawyer did not agree but the legal student pushed ahead before being cut off by the judge. The lies were so outrageous that Elston shouted that they were lies in court and was threatened with expulsion. Jonny’s casual relationship with the truth was obviously taken into account by the judge when he was preparing his sentencing summation.
Jonny’s previous go-to strategy of playing the victim and exaggerating the situation to the point of lying no longer works. The legal system (as also evidenced in the Strata criminal mischief charges from February) has learned. Too bad Jonny hasn’t.
The other thing Jonny hasn’t learned to stop doing is to make racist and misogynistic Twitter socks whenever he wants to divert attention or needs the emotional high to face a stressful situation. A racist account pretending to be Rebel News Online reporter Drea Humphrey appeared the morning of the sentencing hearing. He deliberately tagged in his most vociferous critics to draw attention to it.
Jonny does not like anyone or anything to do with Rebel News but has reserved a special animus for Drea because she is successful black woman. Jonny probably thought he could keep it up by claiming it was a parody. It didn’t last long and later that day he pulled down his own TrustedNerd twitter account but left up his Facebook and Instagram accounts.
JY-Related Social Media and Other Images June 24-29, 2022
It has now been five months, even with the May 2 variance, since Jonny has been banned from Miriam’s strata property. According to his statements to the court during his two criminal trails, he has been caring for her. Many wondered how. We checked. Unbelievably according to witness comments from the strata, both Miriam and Iliana are different people. They are behaving “normally.” No acting out. No threats. Just pleasant daily greetings as they go about their daily business. Based on the witness’ observations and comments, it looks like, in addition to bleeding Miriam financially, he was driving her and his aunt insane. I guess his absence didn’t make anyone’s heart grow fonder.
JY-Related Social Media and Other Images June 29-30 2022
Remember to check out the MeowTube gallery of over 5,000 pictures and videos related to JY, including screenshots from chats between JY and dozens of young teens, showing his attempts to groom them.