At times,, December seemed like an Advent calendar counting down not to Christmas but to Jessica Yaniv Simpson’s annual New Year’s meltdown. Behind every door was another WTF incident or its related fallout. Fortunately, we have screenshots of everything before they were deleted.
Just as a note of how much he is losing control of the narrative, Jonny has started limiting most of his Twitter replies, something he always did on his Instagram account, which is now entirely locked down after the December 25 social media mocking. It begs the question of why someone who is so desperate for attention would limit his public interaction unless, of course, he is just too stupid to see how bad his posts are and what the responses will be. He may claim that it is only trolls, but in the past month we have been amazed at the number of people who have discovered us through other social media, especially YouTube.
Jon started December by lying about being elected to the Simon Fraser University’s Senate Committee on Continuing Studies and Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee. In reality, he was acclaimed, and when you look at the description of the responsibilities of each committee, you have to wonder how long he will be on them, considering his open racism. Others connected to the Board of Governors are now starting to consider that as well and have sent us comments and the procedure for removing committee members.
On December 2, Jonny started getting mad at all the comments stating that Rexy is not a service dog and that Jon is an animal abuser. He reacted by tweeting that MeowMixers were terrorists and transphobes and to ignore us. Too little, too late Jonny. Look at our numbers; look at our new followers, especially in the international media. Did you even break a hundred views that weren’t bots your mommy paid for on your old Twitter handle and your and “business” sites?
December 3 was a busy day online for Jonny. Not including all of his usual virtue SFU and anti-Trans Mountain Pipeline tweets, he also had time to continue sniping at Red Robin for what he termed service dog discrimination for not allowing his pet dog in to the restaurant. His whining went on to complain about supposed prominent accident locations, and frequency of food restocking in SFU vending machines. He also complained about the RCMP arresting one of his neighbours at 3:15 am, although that complaint had an air of relief that he was not the one being arrested this time. As for the so-called dangerous traffic location, Jonny probably had a near miss and is looking to blame someone else for his distracted driving AGAIN.
But the high point of his day was announcing that he has just “published” another research paper, presenting it not as a first year entry course assignment but as a research paper under the aegis of SFU’s Criminology Department. Interesting that he left the replies open, but as of January 1 NOT ONE PERSON has replied and the only person who “liked” it was an account he would later block for asking him a couple of reasonable questions he did not want to answer.
Then, showing his continuing ignorance of how Twitter works, he asked Elon Musk why accounts that he blocked can still tag him, harass him, and reply to his tweets. The tech whiz still hasn’t figured it out, after being on Twitter in one form of another for a decade.
JY’s Twitter Highlights for December 2022
Also on December 3, “The marketer in me gets giddy” at the prospect of an open subject assignment for the SFU Health and Counselling Services. Guess the subject Jonny chose. You probably didn’t have to think too hard or too long to say sexual violence and harassment at SFU, knowing his ongoing fascination and kink with sexual assault.
December 4, Jonny proudly tweeted that he was suing the person who “assaulted” his “service animal”, which he also considers to be an assault on himself, claiming that he was strangled (if so, he would be dead, and we would have broken out the good stuff) and was robbed.
He actually filed two lawsuits and the people he is suing just happen to be the seniors he is charged with assaulting. Despite him turning off the replies, social media had lots to say about his attempt to interfere with an upcoming criminal trail. A GoFundMe for the duo has been proposed. The rest of the day was spent sniping at TransLink and campaigning to be elected as a student senator. If you missed his LOL campaign bio, it really is worth a read.
He posted on December 6 that he had been “elected” as one of the undergraduate alternate students to the Senate Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee. Despite the phraseology in the Senate’s own emails that states “elected by acclamation”, which means there was no election. Since then, Jonny has been bragging about winning the election to the committees. The response to his announcement was as expected but Jonny was so angry, he started hiding tweets and threatened one account. If I was a student of colour at Simon Fraser University I would be very worried that a known violent, anti immigrant racist was on any committee which may make decisions affecting students of colour and foreign students.
December 7 saw Jonny’s usual whining about the Simon Fraser Student Society not restricting and securing their zoom meetings to students only. Jonny has been furious that MeowMix was sent documentation on his behaviour at these meetings. Jonny, we don’t attend and we don’t need to. You are so hated on campus that our inbox is flooded with stuff on you.
December 7 also saw the end of The CyberSpot1, a senior criminology class project which Jonny slithered into just as he forced his way into the environmental club. Jonny was always tweeting inane comments and suggestions at the group and tried to use it to get access to Carol Todd at a fund-raising event. We all know the sick obsession that Jonny as had with Amanda for years.
The results of Senate election for student representatives were released on December 8. Despite his fellow students being able to vote for 3 candidates, Jonny still lost, garnering only 39 votes – more than double what he got in last month’s Vice President election. Name recognition really seems to be working for him. Jonny’s concession statement was as gracious as ever (not) and showed once again he simply does not understand the roles and responsibilities of the office he was running for and that he has zero social skills.
Jonny also took a swipe at TransLink for not allowing his pet dog on by using a retweet of a famous, well respected and much-loved service dog and his human. The push back was ferocious, with most of social media telling him to get his dog tested and certified or STFU.
The following day, he made himself one of the most hated figures on Twitter, by exploiting Amanda Todd in another one of his course assignment, published on ResearchGate papers. The replies may have been turned off but it was screenshot and widely shared.
JY’s Sick Child Sex Abuse Material Defense
Trying for a hat trick of “publishing” badly written, poorly researched, and dissemblingly argued Simon Fraser Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies course assignments, Jonny next published Why do Radical Feminists See Male Violence as Cause and Effect of Male Dominance? Here we have Jonny at his finest trying to make a very small entry level course sound like a senior course. Remember that, despite only taking three 100 (introductory freshman) courses, he is claiming to be a 3rd year student about to enter grad school.
Jonny your four years at Kwantlen University over a decade ago do not count. Even if some of your courses at the University of Fraser Valley were accepted as transfer points in your acceptance as a mature student, you do not have enough courses or points to claim to legitimately be a 3rd year student. You are obviously counting the two-year course (which took you 4 years) at Kwantlen plus granting yourself a whole year at UFV. You really are an academic shyster.
Still unhappy with Elon Musk and Twitter, he asked when Twitter was going to prevent the embedding of known hate sites. We know that Jonny was referring to us. The numbers for our site have skyrocketed and he is feeling the heat. Two things FatBoy, we are not a hate site. Reporting and commenting on your malfeasance is not hate but documenting the truth. Secondly, stop giving us material by antagonizing everyone you and your mother meet and stop launching vexatious or fraudulent lawsuits.
Speaking of fraudulent law suits, Southwestern Flowtech and Environmental and their employee responded to Jonny’s accident lawsuit on December 9. This should be interesting because they have a real lawyer with a pretty good track record, while it looks like Jonny will be represented by Jessica S Simpson legal services.
Still smarting from his VP election loss, Jonny again claimed the election had been rigged when the Simon Fraser Students Society put up an ad for a election commissioner on December 13. There could be many reasons why SFSS is short one commissioner – term up, transferring to another university, etc. but Jonny had to accuse them of election interference again. Do the continuing sour grapes mean that despite his threats to sue, he did not?
Once more Pretendian Jonny commented on an event that the SFU Psychology Dept was putting on for indigenous students. Jonny if you were really indigenous you would not have to keep posting that you are. Self identification and posting does not make it so. You are really pissing off people and hurting not only the Indigenous community but also the Jewish community Your selfish actions are encouraging antisemitism.
Jonny spent part of December 14 standing on the sidewalk outside of Miriam’s condo screaming up at her condo. Remember that he is not allowed on the property by court order. It was reported that he tried calling her and she refused to answer, so he called for a wellness check. If the Yaniv’s were not so hated, they could do what people who have friends do – he could have called one of her neighbours and asked them to just knock on her door and see how she was doing. If there was a problem, then 911 could be called. Jonny was not arrested for breaching the court order but was just given a warning by the RCMP. Too bad because he has been witnessed breaking that court order several times.
As we all know Jonny loves posting Google bad reviews of businesses that piss him off or don’t treat him like he is a disabled transwoman activist with a service dog but rather than a fat man with badly applied makeup in a dress with an out of control pet. On December 15 he posted bad reviews, as well as threatening to file a lawsuit, about two of the charity shops of Fraser Health as part of his ongoing vendetta. People immediately began posting positive reviews pointing out that these were shops staffed by volunteers filled with donations. The Yaniv’s were exposed yet again.
Jonny spent the rest of the week defending himself and his papers until the night of December 18 when it seems that Jonny totally lost it, claiming that he had been sexually assault by an EMT and immediately launched a lawsuit. This has already been covered extensively on social media and by MeowMix. Our only comment was that Jonny must have gone directly home from the hospital, printed off the already prepared lawsuit and went to the courthouse to file it as soon as it opened. It really does look like a set up.
After sending the identical tweet announcing that he would be seeking the nomination of SFSS president to everyone who had responded to SFU’s president, Dr. Joy Johnson’s announcement that due to the storm that campus activities were being cancelled on December 20, he then spent much of the following week explaining and defending his lawsuit, or whining about his marks, complaining about salting sidewalks, and asking about mashed potatoes on campus. BTW Jon, if you were a real environmentalist rather than just a con man, you would know that there is a movement away from using salt in BC because its runoff has been linked to the declining salmon population.
JY’s Various SFU Nonsense
What was interesting about the December 20 Twitter storm was that once more Jonny showed that he really does not understand how a university works or what the role of a student president is. It really is not equivalent to that of a university president despite them both having president in their title. In addition, he casually slipped in that his Law School Admission Test was online proctored. No Jonny you did not and will not take LSAT’s. You don’t even qualify to take the LSAT’s. Nor can Miriam afford to pay the various fees involved for you.
Eventually some people got tired of being tagged and looked up who exactly SFUJessica was. That did not go well. As usual Jess lied and claimed that everything was photoshopped, even though some posted the BCHRT wax my balls coverage by various heritage media, such as the National Post and Global News.
Jonny ended December 20 with an extremely racist tweet (since deleted) and then defended the original tweet the following day. The original tweet was so racist and its defense was so tone deaf, you really have to wonder why Jonny has not yet been charged with hate speech. In the gallery, it’s the tweets about SFU cancelling an event led by Black students.
JY’s SFU Racism On Display
On December 23, he withdrew his nonsense sexual assault law suit against the two Langley RCMP constables, the Attorney General of Canada and the BC Ministry of Justice. It may just look bad to have two similar, fraudulent lawsuits before the courts or Jess does what he always does when there is push back. We imagine the thought of him being assessed the costs for this case caused him to drop it before he had to pay anything.
Continuing his vendetta against Fraser Health and anything connected with them, he doxed a health care worker while at the same time complaining about Information and Privacy concerns with the health authorities. It was obvious that by posting his claims (as yet to be verified or proven) he was obviously trying to get her fired. The pushback was huge.
The past couple of years Jonny complained to his catfish girlfriends that he was alone on Christmas. No one had given any presents or even sent him Christmas cards. This year, Jonny does not even have a catfish girlfriend and he can’t go to Miriam’s for Christmas dinner, but he did proudly post that he gave himself a new car, and then took a little road trip to Harrison Hot Springs.
Couple of things were quickly pointed out – one he did not buy a 60K car, he merely replaced his old lease with a new one, and two, was he yelling up at Miriam’s condo because she did not want to pay or co-sign the new lease for it? People also began pointing out that while Miriam’s arm had been in a cast for a few weeks – it would have been around the time a new lease would have been negotiated. The public story is that she slipped and fell and was suing the Township of Langley. Many question that and think she may have been pushed or assaulted by her frustrated son. There have been signs of elder abuse for years but no charges.
JY’s Posts About His New Car
On December 27, Jonny did one of the most stupid things that he has done to date. He responded and challenged LibsofTikTok. You know what is coming, especially after the very large number of responses to Libs exposing exactly who SFUJessica is and calling for Libs to post Jonny material. Our readership started to spike and just keeps growing.
Next, he reposted a post by The Woke: Exposed, an account dedicated to “spreading awareness on the harmfulness of Gender Ideology” with a totally inappropriate comment, once more showing his grooming and pedophilia. Did he not bother to look at what kind of account it was or just got excited when he saw the picture of the child. When The Woke was contacted by MeowMix with proof, they immediately published it with a warnings to all their followers about Jonny adding that he lives in Langley BC and should be in prison.
Jonny’s Certificate of Readiness in the Ted Cailis case was filed on December 28. It makes very interesting reading about his health and it undermines many of his other ongoing fraudulent lawsuits.
Certificate of Readiness
Jonny finished December with constant online calls for the EMT to be charged with sexual assault. These calls have started a movement to start a GoFundMe account so that the EMT can hire a lawyer and sue Jonny for slander. Jonny is feeling the pushback. All his replies (he has left the replies open, probably expecting other radical feminists who had been sexually assaulted to rally around him) have been critical and challenging his truthfulness. Jonny has not taken the lack of support well. If anything, there have been comments from several women about how cute the EMT is.
Paramedic Incident
Thus the stage was set for his annual New Year’s Eve meltdown and 2023 was one of best so far according to the reports we have started to received – from Jonny practising law without a license again to causing his Mother to have a melt down and to be removed from the premises by an ambulance and RCMP.
To our many readers, supporters, and contributors, may 2023 bring you and your families joy, health and prosperity.