An Open Letter to Jessica

Dear Jessica,

In the last few weeks, you have spent a lot of time sending outrageous emails to software companies with extremely defamatory complaints. You have accused me of revenge porn, breaking court orders, injunctions and many more.

Revenge Porn? That suggests I had an intimate relationship with you. That is defamatory. Not even Donald would touch your rotting meat pocket, and I have a sense of smell. The only thing stopping me from suing is no one actually believes that anyone, even Guy the gorilla (and he is dead), would sleep with you.

As you have run to RCMP – You have claimed to 3 hosting companies you have court orders and a separate publication ban. In the emails, you claim to attach them, but they never arrive. Tonight you went complaining to RCMP when we asked you for them. You actually claimed that RCMP (named person) told you not to provide us with evidence of any court orders that would require us to take the site down. Why would a police officer advise someone with an alleged court order not to show the people it was about the actual order?

So again, Jessica, send us the valid court orders against us to, and I will take this site offline. – You already have our address. So it’s over to you. Do you have court orders against us, or are you breaking criminal law again?

7 Replies to “An Open Letter to Jessica”

  1. Frenchie

    tsst tsst john ….

    Such a waste of time .

  2. Jack yaniv

    Yaniv lies about everything, so it’s safe to assume he doesn’t have a court order. He’s a proven liar, we should just assume the opposite of what he’s saying. Yaniv is a failure at life and always will be, he smells like urine.

    Hell Yeah 10
  3. Vern Thurston

    Johnathan is contacting RCMP? What about all his derogatory comments about the RCMP? He still expects them to entertain his delusions. He is a Vexatious Litigant who threatens to ‘Sue’ people all the time while posing as a Lawyer. Fraud after Fraud and always a Scam for fictitious ‘Damages’. His latest Scam on the Great Afghan Kabob shows his modus operandi, threaten innocent people with a Complaint of discrimination against him and his Pretend Service Dog-poor abused Rexy a prop in his scams. He chooses a business that may be owned by Muslims because of his Racism. I know for a fact Great Afghan Restaurant is not intimidated by him. Why the RCMP tolerate his continued Scams is ridiculous. He is very Brazen and feels he is beyond Reproach. That will change. Good work Meow Mix.

    1. MrEd

      4 years now I’ve been following him. He may not be the global internet personality he once bragged of being, he is globally known. That said, thinking about the above comments….EVERYONE involved in ANY public service in his area knows him!!! Think of all the “Oh shit here he comes again” From court clerks to the Cops.
      Do they laugh about him or consider him a pest?
      Do they all wish something would be done & met with “not our job”? Everyone wanting to avoid dealing with him. Do the court clerks humor him every time he comes in to file his latest case then snicker & laugh as he leaves? We know they do & so does jonny.
      Is part of what makes jonny jonny is that he knows inside that everyone he meets & deals with is patronizing him & they actually loath him? He’s not wrong if he does feel that way.
      Charles Manson & others no matter how despicable had fan clubs, the best jonny can muster are sock accounts….that’s sad
      That’s the sad thing about this victimhood shit, in every class they are all perfectly socially adjusted individuals with excellent social skills & no behavioral problems at all. To suggest that any would in the slightest way be a bit maladjusted makes you a “phobe” of whatever victim status they claim.
      For years I’ve followed these wack jobs, Jonny may not have any claims to any kind of success in his pathetic life, he has had staying power, gotta give him credit for that.

  4. Jim Norton

    You’d think that for a site which clearly brings this slug all sorts of grief and aggravation (all of which is duly earned and justified) if he did have legitimate grounds to nuke MM he’d be all over it like a pig on stink (pun intended). That he can’t readily produce what he’s claimed to have speaks to how much of a lying piece of garbage he is.

    Hell Yeah 14
  5. Trevor Dunen

    First you must try and understand how Jonathons mind works. You see first he dreams up a delusion. let’s say he imagines he’s a nubile teen princess who is globally famous, once that delusion enters his mind within a nanosecond his poor injured brain then sends a signal back to his frontal cortex and he presto, in his head the delusion is real, the delusion also has associated side effects like excitement, glee and a heightened sense of euphoria for something that is actually not true. What has happened here is that in Jonathon’s very damaged tinay little brain, he has had the fantasy of taking Meowmix down with a court order and then suing them for millions in court for alleged slander. Jonathon is now at home, in the full belief that he has the actual court orders he needs for Meowmix. he will be at home now celebrating. the first thing he will do is drink a bottle orf stolen whiskey, he’ll smoke a few scoobs and then drop a couple of Xanax to take the edge of. he will sit and contemplate with elation, the fact that he has taken Meowmix down, the sad fact is that this is all imagined like a Walter Mitty that’s eaten three Hungry jJck’s Whopper meals every day for five years, just for breakfast, dinner and lunch is five Super Supreme Pizzas. Now as far as ringing the police goes to have the non-existent court orders obeyed., well it’s simple. When fat Jon says he knows all about the law, this again is another delusion cause by severe brain damage at birth, his head is so big that when he was in the vaginal canal it cut off his brains blood supply for 20 minutes. this is the result. he does not understand the lawful role of a Canadian Police Officer. he has not read the associated statutes and laws that give the police their power and authority. The reason he has not read them is that he could not possibly understand them, they are far too complex for his badly damaged brain cells so he just makes it up. He thinks the police’s role is to enforce civil court orders and to serve his every beck and whim because he’s a protected species so he reckons, the old trans shiled is not working to well lately eh fatso?? We’ve all seen him post things like, “Hey, they’ve just released the new proceptor software to track T-Cells in Cancer patients that have a positive reaction to ionic biomorphing when testing with fluorotechtronic amino acids that have been sterlised via an Atomic Absorption spectrometer. I made all that shit up so Jon cannot understand it, the same as he can’t understand even one of the scientific posts he puts up on Twitter, in fact none of us can, but hey it makes him look really intelligent (not). H’e’s so desperate to be recognised, and all he has to do to become famous is answer the one question I put to him in an earlier post, which is- Why is the men’s world record long jump at 8.95 metres but the women’s is 7.52 metres which is 19% Less. Then, if we got to the world record in the high jump, for the men it’s 2.45 metres but for the women it’s only 2.09 metres. I am totally puzzled, we all know from what the transgender movement has said, men have no advantage over women in sport. This is why Jon, you need to start a research project on this subject. I mean you could become an international celebrity if you can find the key, if you can just answer why these two world records have such a huge difference in them for men and women, it should be equal if the trans community is right, so we need to get to the bottom of this very important issue, Any theories Jon?

  6. @fasterpussy

    Your behaviour reminds me of my four year old has when she refuses to do something I’ve told her to do. It has absolutely zero impact on anyone at all or the world around you. At least she has some conviction though and a semi valid reason for doing what she does. She will one day be a productive member of society also because of the behaviour I am instilling in her. You, You however, have no impact on anyone or anything. You’re bland, unoriginal and ignorant and this is the summit of your achievements. Enjoy it. Life doesn’t get any better than this for you. You lie and you bluff and everyone knows it.

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