3-16-2021 Court Update: Jessica Yaniv Simpson Criminal Charges

jessica yaniv simpson court criminal charges

Jessica Yaniv Simpson is due in court today, March 16, 2021 in relation to his charges that stemmed from his incident with Chris Elston in October 2020. Yaniv is facing one charge for uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm and two counts of public mischief. He was charged December 30, 2020 and arrested on January 1, 2021. Today is his 3rd appearance in relation to these charges.

Yaniv’s Jan 7 hearing was adjourned until Feb 17 so Yaniv’s defense attorney could review the case particulars. The Feb 17 hearing was also adjourned when a legal student appeared on behalf of Yaniv’s attorney Andrew Coulthard and stated that Coulthard was in COVID isolation and unable to participate – in a virtual hearing.

jessica yaniv simpson court criminal charges

Today’s hearing is “FXD”, meaning to set a date, most likely for another hearing at which time he will enter a plea. I would expect it to be over in minutes and largely uneventful. MeowMix will update you as events unfold.

Update 1: 10:30 AM PST

An articling student appeared again on behalf of Andrew Coulthard. It’s clear Yaniv intends to plead not guilty and is requesting a trial. A hearing is scheduled for April 9, 2021 at 9:00 am, room 100 to confirm a tentative trial date of June 1, 2021, which should last two days. Yaniv did not appear in person or on video.

Cheryl Stanley has been assigned as crown prosecutor for the trial.

MeowMix court countdowns will be updated accordingly.

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