Today’s Surrey court docket included two scheduled hearings for Jessica Yaniv Simpson’s criminal charges.
First, an assault charge hearing at 9:00 am PST. This is Yaniv’s first appearance on this charge, which resulted from Yaniv’s unhinged attached on Keean Bexte in January.
Second, Yaniv has pled guilty to two illegal weapons charges and has a hearing at 9:30 am for a pre-sentencing report that includes results from his psychiatric evaluation. It is expected that this report will stay confidential.
Updates from our sources are below, reverse chronologically.

13:00 PST...Late update. During todays events, Miriam and Jonathan spotted a friend of MeowMix in the courthouse and approached a bailiff . They appeared to have been complaining. However, the bailiff was quite helpful in connecting several people, including our friends, to the video and audio feed from the courtroom, and was described as very friendly. Miriam, meanwhile, tried to give several people “death stares” to intimidate them (unsuccessfully).
10:20 PST...Observers had to watch the hearings via video feed due to COVID restrictions / social distancing.
10:10 PST…The Yaniv’s have left the courthouse.
10:08 PST…The hearing for the assault charge ended uneventfully. CSO updated to show a hearing is set for September 25, 2020 at 9:00 am.
9:56 PST….CSO updated. Weapon charge pre-sentencing date set for Sept 21, 2020 at 9:30 am.
9:50 PST...Judge accepted pre-sentencing psychiatric report and delayed sentencing until September. This was expected – the report is likely complex and long and will require some time for the judge to review.
9:00 PST...Waiting in line to get in the courthouse. Miriam and Jon are wearing matching floral dresses.