Happy New Year dear readers! All of us here at MeowMix hope you had a lovely Holiday season and wish to thank you for your continued support and understanding that our writers are volunteers and took time away to spend with family and loved ones.
Quietly, without any fanfare on January 2, 2025, Jonny Yaniv finally paid his strata $3,268.07 as ordered by the British Columbia Civil Resolution Tribunal on June 12, 2024. He didn’t want to pay it and even whined during the proceedings that he could not afford to pay it and wouldn’t. Yaniv even hilariously argued that enforcing the payment order would be a violation of his human rights. The tribunal member wrote about Yaniv that even if he could not pay when ordered to do so, an inability to pay does not relieve a person of their obligation to pay if they are ordered to do so. He was so ordered and had 30 days to pay it, didn’t and on July 24 his strata applied for a payment enforcement order which was granted.
Just as a quick reminder this was yet another of a series of complaints against his strata. This one was different from the others in that the tribunal member not only dismissed his complaints but assessed costs AND declared that Rexy was NOT a service dog but an aggressive one with a history of attacking dogs belonging to other residents and biting. Something that Jonny denied despite the security camera footage that was shown of Rexy doing just that at the Tribunal. Even after viewing the footage, he still denies that Rexy bit anyone.
The question everyone has been asking the past few days is why pay now and where did he get the money? I am sure it’s purely coincidental that the order was paid during the same week that student loans hit bank accounts. Granted he was being charged interest but the interest was just over 60 dollars (62.50) at the time of payment – the price of a meal at the Olive Garden. It may be that he had a mortgage renewal coming up or needed to increase his line of credit. Or, perhaps his strata was soon going to try to force a foreclosure. Either way he did pay the $3,205.57 for the dispute related expenses of the strata’s legal fees, 62.50 (half the strata’s BCCRT fees and $62.50 interest fees. And the Strata and unfortunate residents are still stuck with him.

My guess would be she’ll keep tapping Bank of Miriam until that has run dry. Wouldn’t want to waste her spending money from School Grants on her lost lawsuits!
Whatever happened with the Quaker Oat Company lawsuit? The CSO shows something on January 8th, 2025.
As he hasn’t had any luck with his legal cases and his only income is grifting as a student, the bank if Miriam must be pretty close to being empty by now.
It does make me laugh that he argued over legal fees and was told to pay half ($62.50) but then had to pay interest of $62.50.
Didn’t I read somewhere that he’s up for a new mortgage?
Wonder how that’s going to go if his income is less than his expenditure..?
I have heard on the forums that Yaniv is fraudulently ordering pizzas and trying to send them to his arch-nemesis Donald Smith, as well as to someone named Lisa Starr. Regarding Lisa Starr, she claims that Yaniv once spied on her daughters with a drone when they were sunbathing.
He is also harassing Naomi Chocyk while claiming to be a student at two different univesites. You should probably make an article about that.
Apparently poop breath Yaniv has been making sock accounts to harass his enemies and be a creep and gets off scot free. He is fraudulently ordering pizzas and trying to send them to his arch-nemesis Donald Smith, as well as to someone named Lisa Starr, who claims that Yaniv once masturbated to her daughters with a drone. Jonny Dong Gone has been harassing another student named Naomi Chocyk while claiming to be a student at both BCU and SFU, where in reality he is not doing work and spends his time watching CP and preschool shows.
Please do not delete my comment. This is very important and not bullshit.
The entire Jonny scene is now rather boring, with long spells of nothingness punctuated with an occasional outburst. Nothing can being this sewer rat down, likely nothing ever will. Even if Miriam kicks off Jon probably has forced her to carry a $1M insurance policy naming him as the beneficiary.
The Trans madness has protected multiple sexual predators from justice in Canada aside from Yaniv such as child grooming sister rapist Jerry “Lilly Orchard” Peet, who has not been arrested despite the fact said sister is woke too.
On an related note I have Unfortunately confirmed that CD’s daughter is now a legal adult which means that all he can due now is sue the government to terminate the outstanding court orders, wipe his illegitimate criminal record, and get much needed reparations, because at this point it’s safe to say his daughter has likely not deradicalized which has likely led to a complete falling out due to all deradicalization attempts failing.
Fuck this shithole country, I hope Trump annexes it.
Just to state the obvious, it’s clear to everyone now that woke child groomers can easily get away with sexually harassing children in Canada as long as the evidence requires subpoenas to verify; Woke troons have effectively reached the level of police protection that the Islamic rape gangs have in Britain.
Jonathan Gill Yaniv, Keffals, and Jerry Peet are sadly all examples of this issue