Jessica Yaniv Simpson Sept 25 Court Live Updates

Jessica Yaniv Simpson is in court today for a first hearing for their assault charges against Keean Bexte.

11:40 AM PST: MeowMix commentary:

He. Wore. Skinny Jeans. And pink. This is appropriate to wear to court? Creep. I also got a kick out of him trying to tell Kari Simpson to fuck off. Jonny will act like the RCMP were there for his protection but the reality is Jonny was very clearly being escorted off the property by RCMP for everyone else’s protection.

11:35 AM PST:


11:30 AM PST: Yaniv wants a trial and no longer has a lawyer. He whined to the judge about his car accident and troubles with expenses. The judge offered him two to three weeks to find a lawyer and Yaniv replied that he needed five. Crown consented.

Video coming. Yaniv was not happy that certain people were in attendance. Rebel brought bodyguards.

Next hearing is October 21, 2020 at 9:30 am.

10:15 AM PST: Yaniv is in the building without Miriam. Yaniv is decked out in a hot pink mask and coat, waiting for his turn in the courtroom. The judge is the same one he saw Monday. He’s still driving a rental car and he’s parked in the handicap space again. You’ve all seen how handicapped he is.

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