Jessica Yaniv Simpson Portrait Of A Narcissist

Jessica Yaniv Simpson

Jessica Yaniv – Portrait of a Narcissist

By John Smith

Jessica Yaniv Simpson

Recently I was asked, based on my experience and qualifications in mental health to answer a few questions about the serial litigant Johnathan Yaniv, I was then very kindly invited to write this article in which I want to cover a little of John’s behaviour. It’s common for people who come across Johnathan to be shocked that a person could say the things he says, or do the things he does. That’s because you must reframe your thinking to the style of narcissism Johnathan displays.

First off what is a narcissist? It’s usually defined as having a self-centred personality which goes beyond the norm, to the point of self-obsession and often comes at the expense of other people. Like everything it exists on a spectrum from your average selfish arsehole, to the extremes which include certain serial killers, and Johnathan Yaniv. A link I’ve made for a reason. I could sit and use terms such as sociopath – generalised words people use to describe someone like Johnathan, but I’m presenting my opinion based on behaviour I have observed, in addition to analysis of his leaked messages and online antics.

The classic telltale sign of a narcissist is in dealing with a person who cannot hold a normal conversation. Asking questions such as “How are you?” are almost always absent in conversations from narcissists, who chose instead to focus on themselves – beginning conversations by skipping such things tells you that the person you’re speaking to doesn’t care about you, or anything to do with you – Instead they care that you listen to them, agree with them and possibly do some favour for them. Johnathan never expresses an interest in anyone but himself, as can be seen from the extensive chat log leaks, he will start a conversation either in a sexualised way, or by complaining about something for attention or pity.

Here on MeowMix you’ll find plenty of chat logs with Johnathan, and he almost never asks the other person basic questions: How they are, what may be going on in their life, what their hopes or dreams are, if they’re having a bad day he shows no desire to help – He shows no interest, because he experiences no interest in those things, they don’t even cross his mind. The singular exception to this, will be when he pops up with a revoltingly horny message, in the hopes that he might get lucky and one day one of these girls will reciprocate. So occasionally when he think’s he’s close to catching one of his catfish, he’ll pop up and try his best ‘caring’ approach. This is the same sort of thing as a serial killer playing the charm to lure you in, and it requires the same type of mindset, to depersonalise someone – You’re not an individual to these people, you’re an object, you’re there for that person’s amusement and nothing more. But I invite you, dear reader – Pop onto any chat log, any leaked conversation and check how often Yaniv will begin a conversation like this. (All direct quotes taken from various MM chats)

I feel horrible, I haven’t slept in days.”

I just had a stroke. Fell unconscious in my bed. Waiting for the Paramedics. Pray for Me”

I had a seizure”

Babe I’m stressed out”

I won my case! Money!!! Now wait to see how much, but the judge said she will give me costs”

In these five examples, he speaks only of himself and his possible wins, (Quick tip John, it’s “Hi” not “I”) But it brings us to our next topic – The lies.

Johnathan is a pathological liar, not just to random people on the internet but in all walks of life, that’s that pathological bit – Ask him the same question on 5 different days he’ll give 5 different answers, and he won’t even realise he’s doing it most of the time. Occasionally pathological liars believe their own lies, I believe this is sometimes the case with Johnathan, as his life is going nowhere, he’s slowly spiralling down, he drinks more, he takes prescription medication that he doesn’t need. He buys tampons that he doesn’t need. So why does he do that?

Again, twisting your mind to understand Johnathan isn’t a fun experience, but thinking from his perspective these things make him special, they make him stand out. He’s not just some fat guy with no job, no future, no qualifications (of any worth) and no prospects. He bravely overcomes his imaginary disabilities, to be one of Canada’s top trans (but also somehow intersex and biologically female at the same time) lawyers, this is the lie, bordering on delusion he promotes. That he wants to be true.

I said I wanted to avoid the term sociopath, that’s because it’s an informal term that’s used to negatively describe someone with an antisocial personality disorder, not a recognised disorder in itself. I can’t think of better examples of antisocial personalities than his whacking news reporters with his cane. Or many of the other occasions he has assaulted someone. But because of the way he strides through the world, rules matter nothing to him. He will freely break the law, break his bail conditions and most disturbingly of all – age of consent laws mean nothing to him, he sees nothing wrong with anything he does.

To a person such as this power is important, it’s why he lies to try and desperately escape the “wax my balls” and “topless pool party” bloke reputation. It’s why he uses AI to try and sound intelligent and clued in on legal matters speaking publicly. It’s why he can’t even bare to see his own face unless it’s digitally altered. He uses narcissism, lying and creating his own rules, as well as his obsessions to create a sense that he is powerful. But when that illusion power is removed from him, he becomes a danger and this brings me to the final but most important element of Johnathan Yaniv – Empathy.

Empathy, the ability to feel emotion on another’s behalf, that unconditional function which allows you to feel the emotional or physical pain of another – is almost entirely absent in Johnathan Yaniv, whether his detachment from normal human emotion is environmental or down to some event is unknown, but it could be a mixture of both. Combined with the narcissism, pathological lying and what I would consider a personality disorder it makes him a danger, not just to humans.

It was recently revealed by JediBlonde that Johnathan Yaniv killed his cat, the how I think we’d prefer not to know. Most human being love their furry companions more than they love human beings in general, and with Johnathan as an example it’s easy to see why.)

Many people wonder why he could do such a heinous act – it’s because Yaniv cannot empathise with other living beings. He sees them as objects, tools that he can use or objects in his way. The objective of getting a cat was to try and reduce his loneliness, as well as the ‘cute cat pics’ (Of a terrified near drowned cat) he hoped would generate some attention. Quite naturally the cat scratched him (You do not give cats baths every week, idiot)

His cat became a problem. To someone who lacks empathy it’s nothing to simply murder an animal. Just like swatting an annoying fly. His neglected dog that he likes to call a service dog means about as much to Johnathan as his old wheelchair did, or one of those stupid alarms he wears around his neck. It’s simply a means to an end, slapping on vests and pretending it’s a service animal. Just another way of looking the part and playing on the sympathy and empathy of others, usually strangers or people who know they’d lose their job if they tried to challenge him.

It’s a common trait among serial killers, their early kills will be pets or stray cats. For them it offers a thrill of power, to a person who experiences very little emotion that is a powerful intoxicant and can be something they become addicted to, and their lack of empathy is replaced with a fascination thrill and violent fantasies. (How many threats has Johnathan made now?) Johnathan would experience that thrill from harming some people he perceives have wronged him, but he killed the cat because it became a problem to him and because he is detached from normal human emotions. Consider if you will, why a person who’s decided to abandon their pet would choose to kill it, rather than just shut it out and make it a stray, or take it to an animal shelter? But not just death by taking it to the vet and having it humanely euthanized, killing it himself and throwing it away like garbage. It paints an interesting picture of Yaniv’s empathy and potential for angry impulses and outbursts, of which we have all seen enough of.

Which is why I’d like to wrap this up with a word of caution to all readers but particularly to Donald Francis Smith and Kari Simpson, and anyone else who is targeted by Yaniv’s stalking. Which we have all noted is escalating in recent weeks/months. He saw in the new year alone in his condo, calling the police making up nonsensical threats about DFS while others were out celebrating. But as we can all clearly see he is escalating, we also know he has a fascination with weapons, as the net begins to close around him, like any cornered animal he will lash out – and we’re not just talking about twitter tantrums. He will fake more illnesses for sympathy wasting more resources, and there is a higher-than-normal possibility that he could attempt to physically harm DFS, Kari or anyone else in his path he sees as an enemy. There is no doubt in my mind that IF he got his hands on a gun, he would use it and we know he has spent time trying to seek weapons out. Recently he deliberately drove to try and find DFS, and it is not hard to see him taking it a step further the more his grift comes to an end. His mother too is in danger, as Johnathan has been known to use her as a punching bag.

Johnathan has very little going on in his life, he is a cold and calculating person, though not very bright, what few IQ points he does have he uses to form malicious and usually very transparent plans to ‘get back’ at the people he considers have wronged him. Thankfully he has very little imagination or originality, he cannot even make a sock account on twitter without giving away who he is, either by outright giving information only Johnathan would know or by acting as the single person on the planet who will pay compliments to himself. Though he’s claimed every medical condition under the sun, the stories he invents for attention are always the same, bomb threats, how many times have we heard him say that by now?

Johnathan Yaniv or “Jessica Serenity Simpson” is a danger to himself and to others. He will hurt himself for attention, but not fatally. He is a pathological narcissist, a pathological liar with a dangerous lack of empathy and a fascination with weapons, tampons and from time-to-time underage girls. He is a racist and a vexatious litigant and the worst of it is, he could have sorted all his problems himself, but his entitlement means he expects others to do these things for him. He understands right from wrong, if he didn’t he wouldn’t go to such pathetic efforts to hide his outbursts and he wouldn’t lie to people he claims to be his friends, but he has twisted his thinking the point that he can do awful things and justify them to himself.

The window of time in which Johnathan could have stopped, looked in the mirror and said “I want more than this. I want a better life” and decided to improve his life and not be a burden on everyone who’s unlucky enough to cross his path is over. At this point he is beyond redemption, and beyond help. Mainly because the way he sees it, he doesn’t need any help, there’s nothing wrong with him.

The rather large net is closing around Johnathan, just be wary he doesn’t strike one last big blow before it does.

12 Replies to “Jessica Yaniv Simpson Portrait Of A Narcissist”

  1. LadyLaw

    Both Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia are aware of his malignant narcissism. They have experience dealing with dangerous students. The question is why havent they expelled him? When he finally does physically (not just verbally. & online) attack a student or prof, their liability will be in the millions. Ar least the RCMP and the BC prosecution service are preparing charges which will probably be laid AFTER the election. They do not want any accusations of transphobia and political interference to taint their case. It is just a matter of time.

  2. MissIndie

    Thank you John Smith for this spot on analysis. We know Yaniv reads every article so I can only hope he sees this and takes it to the nearest Psychiatrist and begs for help before someone gets hurt or worse!

  3. Claude

    How do we know he can‘t get a shotgun? Are his criminal convictions a definite and permanent exclusion factor?

    I think part,of gun licence requirements are two character references, which for him would be a formidable obstacle.

    1. N/A

      His immediate family is useless thankfully, but that would not stop him from conning some woke jackass into illegally supplying him with a firearm so I would keep my eyes peeled around him.

  4. Trevor Dunen

    Hey Jonathon, did you get all that cunt?

    Hell Yeah 4
    Fuck This Comment 1
    1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

      Oh he did. He has been in a complete psycho bender ever since.

  5. Mickey

    That poor cat. The irony of him bathing a cat more frequently than he bathes himself is not lost on me. He is a monster that should not be allowed to live independently.

    1. Liam

      Is it true that this website was taken over by a Yaniv ally and is being used to track visitor IP addresses?

      1. Avatar photoMeow Mix Online

        No it isn’t true but the post claiming it on KF has had us pissing ourselves laughing.

  6. Ericgl1996

    This article proves my point that Yaniv has a lot in common with Incel beast Elliot Rodger. We cannot let incels ruin society further. They ruined Nickelodeon with child porn, they have ruined deviantART with child porn, and pretty soon they will take over the world. Yaniv is currently a patron saint for incel and manchildren.

  7. Claude

    Narcissus was that beautiful Greek demi god who fell in love with his mirror image. Oh the irony, our eunuch narcissist, looking at that photo, gosh that bloke is ugly. The grandma dress, the fat belly, the greasy hair, the lopsided eggface, plus the toxic personality to match. Add the stench from his unwashed everything and rotting mangina, and the eunuch is among the most repulsive creatures I have yet come across. And yet he is in love with himself and vain about it. It takes Dr. Freud or the professional author above to get that, its beyond me.

    1. John the failure. John the friendless. John the lonely.

      In this telling of the tale the mirror broke.

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