Is Jessica Yaniv Simpson Mentally Ill or evil?

Is Jessica Yaniv Simpson Really Mentally Ill, Or Is He Just Evil


UNIVERSITY OF Transterroism

August 02, 2024

Jessica Yaniv Simpson is a 37-year-old male born in British Columbia, Canada. He was known by classmates to have anger management and serious behavioural issues, which include defecating in class, and had a huge interest in getting into the girls’ toilets. It is from his secondary education that his sexual assault fetish was first seen. Due to his anti-social behaviour, He was never invited to join any teams. Jessica Yaniv Simpson attended Semiahmoo secondary, where he made his first false allegation of sexual assault.

Is Yaniv Simpson Really Mentally Ill?

Why would Jessica Yaniv Simpson, after committing multiple criminal weapons offences, go immediately to Subway and place an order after threatening so many people online and fully admitting that his weapons were illegal? Simpson was obsessed with weapons and had frequently claimed to be trying to obtain a gun. 

The criminal weapons charges isn’t the only time Yaniv Simpson has committed a crime. he has racked up charges, including assault x 2, uttering threats, lying to the police, false fire alarms and assault on senior citizens. It should be noted that Yaniv Simpson actually committed a violent assault on Keane Bexte whilst on trial for another crime. Unreported statements by the Vancouver PD state that, according to a witness, “Yaniv Simpson ‘may’ have shown his neo vagina whilst sexually harassing first responders.

Did Yaniv Simpson Make Threats and Did These Show He Was Mentally Ill?

Over the years, Yaniv Simpson made numerous threats. These threats were not “simplistic;” they were frightening and serious. However, no one at the RCMP initially took these threats seriously, as most were never investigated. Now that the RCMP and the wider law community are aware of Yaniv Simpson’s criminal behaviour, they are taking a more active interest in him.

Whilst in the female toilets one day, Yaniv Simpson made a video threatening people and spraying pepper spray on the facilities.  Cruz was also heavily purported to be racist. There is ample evidence to support this including social media posts describing an Asian man as a “turban fucker” or his continual harassment of Asian owned businesses.  Yaniv Simpson was also physically violent towards his aunt, Miriam Yaniv telling his mother to go “fuck herself” and wishing she was dead.

Yaniv Simpson – Obsession with Child Pornography

One interesting bit about the analysis of Yaniv Simpson’s behaviour patterns is that in addition to his obsession with sexual assault was his obsession with child pornography. In reviewing the documents and social media posts that Yaniv Simpson has made, there are a number of references to child porn.  We also see, based on the numerous false allegations, that Yaniv Simpson has a rape fetish.  It is said that users who view child pornography are said to be just one portion of a criminal and/or “antisocial lifestyle.”

Paedophilia is often equated to child molestation. An indicator of Pedophilic Disorder in the DSM-5 states that the individual would have to have “acted on” their sexual urges. However, this could also mean that they have “masturbated to pedophilic fantasies,” similar to the fantasies that Simpson had about Jessica Rumpell. Who can forget the “Elmo Tapes” or when he encouraged a young teenage girl to masturbate with her sister? 

Jessica Yaniv Simpson – Sexual Assault Fetish

Over the years Yaniv-Simpson has repeatedly made allegations of sexual assault against people, with everyone proving to be part of his porn-addled self. He accused Amy Hamm, A police officer, two boys from school, a bar owner and even an ambulance worker. none of these happened but does it show Yaniv as mentally ill or evil.

Yaniv Simpsons Personality

Yaniv-Simpson has claimed in court cases that he has autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder, and depression. Unlike Yaniv Simpson, several studies have shown that evil incels have less of a past with psychological and/or mental health concerns but do have depression, anti-social and narcissistic behaviours. On several occasions, Yaniv has been known to assault elderly people as well as other men.

Yaniv Simpson is also a well-known obsessive stalker, having been stalking citizen journalist Donald Francis Smith since the infamous “wax my balls” trials. Yaniv-Simpson is known to post on social media or make contact with legal authorities about Smith over 20 times a day, with frequent violent threats, impersonation of his deceased grandmother and, as seen elsewhere, Yanivs obsession with porn. At last count Yaniv had submitted dozens of affidavits against Smith and that is ONLY the ones not covered by a publication ban.

There is evidence that Yaniv Simpson is projecting his own personality onto Donald F Smith, with numerous videos of him shouting that Smith is an “autistic retard”


Individuals did notice Yaniv Simpsons odd and violent behaviour prior to the wax my balls case,  including his desire to punish Asian women. Yaniv Simpson has an addiction to pornography, even child pornography which is often seen in individuals with mental illness. There are a number of dead animals connected to Yaniv Simpson, and not just his own. “The FBI has identified cruelty to animals as a warning sign of more violence to come, and many school shooters and serial killers have a history of abusing animals.” There is unfortunately a known connection between animal killers and violent male incels, so why wasn’t his disturbing behaviour brought to light? There are many behaviours that were analyzed that was an immediate red flag that Jessica Yaniv Simpson should be watched as he was severely mentally ill. 

A huge thank you to Jessica Yaniv Simpson who wrote 90% of this article! Full original paper


Is Nikolas Cruz Mentally ill, Yaniv Simpson, J – 2022,

Do you know the connection between mass shooters and animal abuse? Voice For The Animals Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved August 2, 2022, from 

MSDHS Commission meetings. (n.d.). Retrieved August 2, 2022, from 

November meeting. (n.d.). Retrieved August 2, 2022, from 

Sussex Publishers. (n.d.). Understanding users of child pornography. Psychology Today. Retrieved August 2, 2022, from 

4 Replies to “Is Jessica Yaniv Simpson Mentally Ill or evil?”

  1. nnancy

    This was very focused and on point. I thought at one time this dangerous dickless degenerate was severely mentally ill so he can’t really help himself. But then I looked closer to chris chan, who is severely mentally ill lost in his make believe world of sonichu. Yaniv is not mentally ill or he would have fashioned some form of play world. The fact that Yaniv sues everyone he encounters is proof he has a grip on the world but he is just a cruel, low iq, mean fucker with an ugly soul and he’s making everyone feel pain because he stupidly cut his dick off and now he has persistent sexual frustration because he can’t coom. And to a pedo it’s all about the coom. We all know this violent POS is going to have a rage induced shitfit and it will target innocents going about their day. I can already hear the hand wringing and “lessons have been learned” bullshit propoganda from everyone that could have stepped in and stopped Yaniv but did nothing but sit with their thumbs jammed firmly up their asses, from the RCMP to SFU and UBC, the courts, his probation officer, hell, even the SPCA has chosen to do fuck all even with allegations that Simpson has been sexually assaulting a FUCKING DOG!

  2. N/A

    Yeah, he will not stop unless the government intervenes, which will require either PP wining and not being a globalist jackass, or the PPC wining the election.

    Yaniv might be struggling to get a gun license because he is a vexatious litigant who has multiple unresolved sex crime allegations, but I bet he will likely try to go for a black-market weapon eventually if the government keeps rejecting him, which will still be hard as the people selling guns to gangs will not want heat from selling weapons to a sexual predator.

    DFS is probably trying to legally get a gun to protect himself from regressive leftists and their grifters like Yaniv, though it will likely be hard as he is a known dissident right activist who has legal issues with the corrupt federal government that were exasperated by Yaniv, so he should probably just flee Canada and acquire a US gun license in a Republican controlled state.

    1. jaime

      The issue is most of the issues fall under the Province the Feds can’t do much.

  3. Watcher

    Does it have to be either\or?

    The guy obviously has had mental health problems for a large part of his life, probably inherited from or, reinforced by, Miriam.

    However, there’s an underlying stench of evil about him as well.
    The made up stories in an attempt to cause innocent people trouble, his disturbing interest in young children and his often cited, and always denied, racist traits.

    He’s essentially the archetypal person that will have a “we will learn lessons from this” comment added to their name in the future.

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